The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 2840 of the Three Kingdoms

"I am not dreaming?"

"The gods are in the gods on the truth in the truth, and they are expected to board the iron throne. Is it now a shot now?"

Shooting is summer.

Instead, it is a tap of suction.

The coalition soldiers have emerged in the heart of a panic, and there has never been seen that this powerful enemy is God or a person! Zhao Yun's fighting experience, slowly lifting the left hand after a shot, and slowly lifted his left hand, and did the gesture of the two cavalry. The three armies won the handsome, the rustic will inevitly fall with the enemy's fear chaos, you can hide the cavalry. You can fight the enemy. "Bai Ma Yi is unparalleled from the world!" Taihan cavalry is like a rainmaker, the fish, the fish of Vistlo Dow night

When the first morning in the East, the first morning of the Junlin City, the Junli people who hampleged a night can finally put down the heart. Because the ear of the ear is gradually calm, Junlin City recovers the calm of the past is just the town of the town, and it is a fire red Dragon flag.

The three five royal Lin Tie Wei Army divided the monarch to die, and Han Xin nodded after heard this news.

He quickly walked to the princess of the Dynasty Liu Ying. The knee kneeling and slamming the trick: "Chen Yao is not too expensive to have a full of Jun Lincheng."

Last night, this thrilling Break Town's Career Liu Mo took the Phoenix airfriend, attacking the stone attack, Lincheng Han Xin, fear Liu Ying has a half injury.

Liu Meng took the head of Zhu Fengbian's head Zhu Feng Bird for the first time, all the real nine loss has consumed too many spiritual power too much, and it seems to be sluggish. Only let it feel slightly with his head to show friends. Liu Cui said bluntly. "I have nothing to spend, Han Shuai has worked, must be completely cleaned up to the father before the parents |"

"Chen, obey!"

Han Xin smashed his fist. When Liu Wei was off. Junlin City has been completely among the mastery of the Taihan Dynasty.

Han Xinyi Dynasty Wang Dynasty Qi Shi and several tens of thousands of aristocrats composed of Vistlo Panel have launched a shocking battle. Tittak, Tittak, including the war, is a good military power of the world. It is destined to have a trendy of the wind in Vistlo.

But the uniform coalition soldiers look like a lot. Compared to the jade talents, there is a significant gap between the war.

Beginning with the fair of the two armies. The blood of the battle is over.

In the five tigers, Zhao Yun, a shot of Zhao Yun, killing the most brave Laubera, and the cavalry after the Bundebweed of the Dai Bai, was crushed by white Macons. Shi Yu Wan's riding Yue's full of war and death, there is no life, and the old master. The North Racing of the Northern Knight Stunt, and several sons who have lost his suffocating, and the disorder is disappeared from the disorder.

Taiwan Nice was losed, led the army to retreat.

The joy of the joy of the joy of the joy of the elderly aristocratic army defeated the mountain. The second is more. Stable update, seeking books, a lot of friends, enjoying a lot of friends, review, etc.

A Freu reminds you. Three things in reading

The second nine hundred and ninety-nine chapters of the world! Liu Wei is sitting on the iron throne!

? "Holy Emperor Wu Shou, Your Majesty is five years old"

"Wan Lian Wan Shou, Wan Shou, Wanner"

The distinguished Kowloon did not pass the Royal Road slowly, drove into the Junlin City, and the Emperor Yuzhu is in the city. Square to welcome the holy driving.

The west side of the road, standing with the Taihan battling tiger, and the rumor, the madness of the mountain calls.

When the people of Junlun City vigorously gave gallbladder and went out.

They found out that they did not imagine the killing and chaos of the insects.

Yulin Tie Wei's blood flows full of Junlin City, but the mysterious strong troops that broke through the Junlun City did not put the torch of the hand dripping the blood, the Aboriginal Dynasty army is strict, and the iron shot is broken. after that. There is no implied in the autumn, but it is completely clear from the power. Everything shows this definitely a teacher.

Welcome Liu Yicheng is full of flowers and cheers.

Black hair, black pupil.

This is the symbol of the oldest aristocrat. This distinguished emperor on the Tiandi truck is in the world between the world, and the people are squatting.

"One night to break the city Yu Lin Tie Wei's full army, Dominant. The prisoner of the prostitute, the" Several son of the Beisei Stark, Liu Wei, clearly, the military machine is sent up, the corner of the mouth, the mouth is a discovery , "Oh, when I am in the time, I missed many wonderful warfare, and the results were prominent to be written into the history of the monk, and became the legend of the Visto continent.

And Liu Wei will also become a worm-invincible Shengming monarchy, and the gods of the worm. Sweeping the entire land. Establish a new order.

But all this is in the eyes of Liu Wei.

According to the original drama settlement is the two functions of the most strong Temtelo mainland, he is sitting on the iron throne, after the battlefield, the fallen indulgence is finally died in hunting, and killing it by a wild boar. mountain

"It can be seen. The world should be that the Dragon of the Tagana family of the King Magic's family is in the world's war. The wind of the world. The war is not worth mentioning. This war has been destined from the beginning. ending.

The Taihan Dynasty fought the generals of the five dragons, and each at least the truth of Wu Dao Taizong. In the battlefield, he stops from 50,000 people!

Creation J

Cold saying cold

Such a fierce will. It is simply that the Avistlottan Branch of the United States is, and the God of God can only look up. Can't stop!


Next. Sweeping the Shoutong National, but it is the time period. "Mailing Han Xin continued to pursue the indigenous aircraft and the Taglian Dynasty, the old minister, and Liu Wei received a slight movement of the military newspaper." The system is ready to change the map of the Vistlo Taiwanese. "

The system's prompt sound is ringing: Hey!

"Redemption of the Vistlo Taiwan public version of the map spirit to consume the worship value. Redemption hidden version of the map needs to pay attention, please make a hot choices |"

Tip: I Open Version of the Westlo Taiwa map roughly marked the distribution of Military shaped force. The hidden version of Vistlo map will clearly mark the current world hidden resource point, including the characteristics of Vistro's city, the troops and the forces detailed information!] See this price. Liu Wei took a shocked almost doubt that he was wrong. Look at the hidden version of the exchange price is a hundred fifth level, which is one hundred times of public version!

"This is also too special!" "Please know the world's current world, it is extremely precious hidden resource, its value cannot be estimated!"

"Is this a legendary penny?"

Liu Wei remembers the hidden resources of the right to travel. It is too long to spend a long time (AIFF) in the heart, there is a sense of strangeness. This is a good thing to go to the meeting. Too many thousand picking the most expensive girls instead of going to the street hair salon.

After the worship is emptied, Liu Wei is a system prompt in the sea. "The detailed map of the Vistlo Palace will be sent to the host in half a day."

Liu Wei also didn't have an urgent side to say: "Where is Poy?"

"The princess of Kaiji, the princess of Zhu Fengbi, chased the indigenous army." The little Guizi on the side of the station hurriedly said.

Liu Wei nodded. Shen Wei: "In this case, let's take a look at the iron throne."

Junlin City, Iron Throne.

The dragon "Black Death" Belier, Belid Rated the sword who was discarded when the enemy surrendered, and spent five soils for nine days to complete this throne.

There are many spikes that are more embarrassing than the red gold chair of the Taihan Dynasty, the iron throne of the iron throne.

But this location symbolizes the power of Vistlo Palace to high. Liu Wei stretched out the throne in front of him, and the steel blade of the cold throne seems to feel the terrorist atmosphere. "Does any find the descendants of Tagley family?"

"The war of the tamper, the worm, Tie Wei fell to the knock, killing the mad king from the inside, broke the Junlin City Taiwanneste sent the hand to assassinate the Tagliian family small Guizi:" According to the Lower minister City of Tagyan, Tagyan. None of them are spared. "

what! ?

Liu Wei frowned quietly. He did not expect Lanniste to do so fast! The war of the tamper is just the net to collect Tawen, it has been in the grass, and there is no longer after the root is not left. .

However, Taglian's family is a long-term dragon female Dannie, will be the key to hatching dragons. If she is also dead, the plot is completely changed ~

On the occasion of the sink, Jin Yiwei, who came to the two waist, the spring knife, was refined,

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