The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 2852 of the Three Kingdoms

"Very good"



Liu Yuzhuang's point of gold saver. . I said, "I heard the Dragon Stone Island, there is a dragon crystal, can there be" "Your Majesty, I have the Longjing Mine in this Longshine Mine, which is now controlled."

Claw spider Ricis quickly said.

"Immediately command the Ministry of Works to instantly exploit the dragon crystalline mine to create a weapon!"

"Let the emperor of the martial arts. After the three-day three days, the Dynasty army Huaiyang went to the Ningjing to guard the desperate Great Wall Liu Wei did not drag the slot water. After a few orders, the military camp, the military camp, began to enter a tense preparation state. People are very I realized that a different atmosphere seems to be a surprise jade war.

This time, Liu Hao, started to pay attention to the gain of free federation.

Open Luo Sheng] Conducting the exact transfer consumption of millions of worships but this time is not imaginary.

Liu Hao strongly captured three dragon eggs in Pandos Governor

When the Dragon Nest does not have a dragon, the three dragon values ​​of the world cannot be estimated!

The progress of the hidden task has also been updated, turned into a Danieli hatching dragon. The attribute ability must be kept to be enhanced. Liu Wei thought of the spectacular scene of the dragon to fly and flew into the spitmine.

Danieli is too purple, and I can't stare at the three dragon eggs in front of it. It seems that the singularity of the fight is also a strange feeling.

As the last Zhenlong blood of Tagyan's family. In the storm, the insects were born. The princess of Royal Dragon Stone Island. She is destined to become the mother of the dragon

The strong too life in these three dragon eggs is her child. You have to take back in the next moment!

unfortunately. Still no movement.

Daniel was disappointed. She already knows that the Dynasty is facing a battle of the end of the world, and the atmosphere of all people enter the war is about to be the big man.

If you can get the help of strong Taulong, you will be very happy? Daniel is thinking about it, thinking that you can do a meager force for Liu Wei, let Liu Wei see a humble self-thinking thinking Too tired, I have entered a dream.


Daniel saw that he was in a volcanic lava and burned everything. But you can't hurt her. Suddenly frustrated flame

It came to a shocking dragon! It seems to be that countless dragons in the dragon nest are crazy. The whole Congshan lava is shocked. The magma boil Danieli is afraid that they are extreme but still encouragement.

She wants to see what is the truly dragon.

At this time, the 4 giant dragon roaring is getting closer and closer, and the black shadow is flooded, and finally parked in the heads of Daniel.

The dragon body is like a mountain in the light of the public, reflects the deep metal quality, the boy, the two lanterns on the dragon's dragon is too small, and the eyes are exuding evil red.

The dragon opened the abyss beans and spurted the red flames.

Danieli faces. The petite body tremble.

! Kar! Click!

She cracks from the three dragon eggs in front of her. The first is more. There is also a chapter in the evening, seeking a lot of books to subscribe, more thanks, ask for a monthly ticket, evaluation ticket, etc.

A Freu reminds you. Three things in reading

The sixteenth chapter of the giant magic of the desperate death battle!

? Northland ice cold land.

Five miles floating.

There is a shackle in the Taihang. The majestic desperate governor of Escape is like unsatisfactory plugs.

Since the dawn era, in order to resist the ghost. The Tagli An Dynasty put into a lot of human and financial resources. This talented, this is the cold wind of the Ning Xiang, the cold wind riders, the mountain Trump, the row, hunting. Wearing black A-warrs standing in the hands of the ice and snow, the hands of the Snow, the blade of the waist is nervous, and the deceased is no longer secret in the army in the army.

As the nights of the Night People, as a side offline for the Yeungho, naturally shoulder the arduous tasks of the death of the North China defense. The scene of the scene in the field is the dead soil that has been swearing, but it is about to face the horrible monsters in the world.

That's horror monster sweeping the entire Vistlo Taiwanese

"Pick up the spirit. Don't follow the mother, I have seen the monster and I can't mention the knife !!"

Naddhak, wroth, standing above the desperate garden, and the light is like a knife, falling outside the Great Wall.

"The latest news of the father L, the old ghost has swept the wild tribe of 100,000, the wild tribe is converted into the corpthrics. Its insects may have the existence of the giant family."

The eldest son of the Starke family Robertthake and the light coagulation have fallen with the shoulder wild people living in the plug, and there are dozens of size, which is still a few tribes.

Only wild is difficult to tam

Fight with the dynasty.

Since the number of Steck, Stark has stationed in the Northern King, naturally clear the depth of them.

The giant family is high, and the BRIC can open the mountain to destroy the city, but in recent years, the giant family has passed the broken generation. The gradually extracted, and there are very few people who have mentioned the giant, "No matter how the holy army is stationed in the Northern King, this is the glory of the Starke family ~!"

Naddtak, said: "There is a Tak family who will never put any enemies," Naddttak once in the iron throne, the Tak family, the Tak family The most important letter is natural, it is also loyal to our lives.

"Dead battle. Death!"

"On the death battle. Dead Wars L"

The main business of the North Ayoko is still in danger. The commander of the Song Ningren Legion people visited the front line of supervision. The members of the Commissioner of the army were hundreds of people. All boiling. Say,

On on top

At night, the night is getting up, but in a short term

The fire of the Great Wall puts the rustic that burns, the long dragon guards, the rustic of the Night People's Legion has reached the peak LQ.

The number five law began to loud the sound.

Glacier snow is moving. Night, gradually deep industry

In the dark night, a strong too and evil existed is riding a dead horse filled with death.

The knight is majestic on the knight on the neighborhood. Wearing ancient black bacon seems to be with the dark night in order to be in one side, like a blush, like two o'clock, lit up in the night.

Behind this Knights followed a group of dead corpses that is full of dead. Among them, there is also a giant giant, ice wolf, horses elk, more straightforward giants! All everything only one thing, they have completely go to life, become a ghost. Under the lead of the Ghost Knight, the corpse is getting a corpse to enter the south.

The vitality of the five ghosts

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