The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 2863 of the Three Kingdoms

In the Qiankun Temple, the eyes of the monkete, like the sword, and falling on the body of Kerun, he has a terrible feeling of the ice on the ice. "This temple is all strong!"

Kreon is sensitive, and the instant has been a terrible reality.

What is the kind of jade will have so many strong?

Liu Wei came to the Tiandi Dynasty to sweep the clocks of the white jade step, and the gods were redwitch.

Blonde, white skin.

This is a typical Westerner's appearance of the characteristics of Kriene, the body, but in the face, there is still a look of fear.

Let him pay attention to the bodies of this group of people with a strong Taichi.

The sacred race, the spirit of God!

The army team who is bathed in the sacred race will be toughly enhanced! . In the face of strong attack, it is not easy to punch, and the rustic is exempt, and all the soldiers will be warmed by the war when the rustic is sluggish.


This army is aqueous ring. The perfect interpretation is what is a small strong

It is no wonder that the gods lead the attack power, the Snow Wolf ride has spent a lot of twists and downs. "Put my god will forgive your rude big man's king!" Kreth was shocked to restore the calm, and the face is like a flat bath. "It seems that you have the servant of God. Drops to the Xiongnu The people are slavers. If you say it? "The stupid Xiongnu is just a chess piece u"

"The mortal is so strong that I can't resist the God of the Holy See who has killed the Holy See in the Oriental layout, which will be regarded as evil and strong too much. I will be sacrificed by the Holy Temple!"

It took a series of embarrassing Chinese from Kriene. His two eyeballs are like blazing.

"The Holy Temple is also eyeing the land of the Desert in the Western Diva."

Liu Wei glanced at the system task panel to show the sacred ruling of the Holy See, and there were two options with the mission mission of the soldiers.

, Release Kreon, completing the follow-up mission of the Holy Temple to upgrade the Holy See prestige to friendship. ,

Continue to imprison Kri, the sacred Holy See will be regarded as the death of the Tai Han Dynasty to the death of Liu Wei, and the heart is determined. Gradually showed a smile and said: "God's anger. It is not the mortal can bear. If the Emperor of the Taihang is released, I can do a few words in front of the Holy See."

"The western sacred Holy Temple has nine, which is staring on the landlord of the Western Region.

Anyway, the debt is not compressed, even the faithful servant of the ancient gods will be kill. Where is it afraid of a Western Holy See? If you want to pass the joint Liu Yu's mouth, you can't help but happen. " He was arbitrarily putting his hand, saying, "dragged down the first scene. Waiting for the trouble of the Western Region to go to your hometown Western world, see how the sacred Holy See rulings." ! "

Cao Shaoqin twin eyebrows were shackled. Put out of this Western Holy See in the western region.

I have long seen this dead barbarian uncomfortable, but I dare to defend the Hordi Wei Wei in the Qiankun Temple. Qian Wei is not over! L

Soon, Cleion's screams came far away, but there was no calm in the Qiankun Temple because of this small episode.


"You Ai Qing."

I heard the deep voice of Liu Weiwei. Internally, the monkete is lifted, and it is looked at the Dynasty Supreme on the Dragon Chair in the Red Mold, and listened quietly.

"I got the military machine secretary of Qin Times, the ancient country of the Western Regions will have the first thing of the ancient artifact, the god of the world, the attention is too concerned, and I will go to a trip to see if Liu Wei speaks.

"Black Devil!" That is that the god of the ancient War God is only to come to the legend. "This is the dragon cast killed magic." It is full of unsightly dangerous, and you really want to fight danger. "


The temple suddenly turned.

The Tahan Qunzi has opened the scorpion. ,

The old minister Zhang Zhaowu stands out, holding a panel, worshiping the jade white jade stepper " .. . The gods of the robe controlled the first part of the Western Region, the first, stable and updated, seeking a lot of friends, and the invoice evaluation tickets, etc.

A Freu reminds you. Three things in reading

Chapter 30 When the legend is a reality! The gossip of the moon and Dongjun!

"" Waiting for the White Robe War God Tsi Control to the Western Region Situation will be in the spirit of the devil, and you can protect the lower bounds. " "" Laozi Agreement L

"The old ministers also attached to the central government of the Town, and the world."

Zhang Zhao stood out, some of the old people in the temple took out the temple.

They know that Liu Hao has powerful power. However, it is a legendary power of the legend, with an extremely horrible force. Naturally, I can't sit on Liu Wei personally involved.

"Your Majesty, the god of the gods, no borders, cover the ancient times the three emperors, even if the ancient war god is especially resurrected, how can it be? At the end, he will be willing to take the horse to the army

The new Jin Dynasty, the new Jin Dynasty, the fascinating, Han Xin, who is in the world, is out, and it is necessary to hold the fan. Suddenly attracted a sound of good response.

Thermal middle-aged green is excited. They are all good battles, I am afraid that there is no war. No place to get merits. At the time of the temple, the monkete is divided into two factions. First, Han Xin is waiting for the young generals, strongly supports Liu Wu Yuyu pro-patrol land, the ancient country, the poor god, the other is Zhang Zhao, Zhang Tengjiang East two and the main conservatives, more than the above The old man is much more. This western part is based in the Qiankun Temple, and Liu Yu frowns to raise his hand with blankness. ,

"I don't have to say more." Liu Wei is calm. "" Loun ancient state is closed in the ancient secrets, and there is no mistake of the ancient Tianship. After three days, I will go to Loulan. "

country. "

The Holy Crossing Danger is unblocked.

"Chen et al., Is it going to the soup, don't speak!"

Han Xin and other rods will worship, and they are in place. Gong said. Zhang Zhao and other stubborn old people worried Liu Yanyan danger, but no longer discourage, and fell into the words,

"Since so, please bring the generals of the five dragons on the Tiger in Kowloon to protect Zhou, etc., you must pray for peace in the day and night."

After I broke it, the Ma Jian Qi Qi Qian has quit Qiankun.

The Tai family is still talking about the ancient rules of the landland.

[The war artifact "

It took a relative to the invincible attack of Wu'an Jun. Honens are universal! . "


"This direction

"The phase industry is the artifact left in the ancient times. Never wait a leisure."


"I don't know if you can't succeed in suppressing the soldiers."

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