The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 2867 of the Three Kingdoms

However, he should be a crushing bureau, which is the bureau of the RC, and he is finally disrupted by the Han army. He finally understood how the Teminaire Thai army was defeated. It is definitely he has seen the most fierce and terrible army.

"The damn landlord is a group of idiot insurance, and the old to go to the public duty station, the cold sweat, whisper," Good, there is a soldier, go to kill the eye

Before these enemies. "


The majestic bronze giant has burst a low scream of the wild beast. It's just like a scriptan to stepping on Huangsha. There is a huge four-pit soldiers who are in a huge four-pit soldiers. I sent a happier.

l; the striker Taixue Coolfier, the soldier is dead, if the leader is straightforward, the demon will go to the results, the thunder's madness is bombarded.

Too Xueyi wolf made a painful roaring, the cavalry on the back of the wolf, three stood straight to the gesture of the knife, and even the reaction did not come and fate. It seems to be broken. Rolling it on the ground. ,

The bone break is absolutely.

After the death of the Devil's death, the rainbow cage is too small red and the fierce murderous killing is full of tyrannical destruction, and there is no stalls again toward the Han army. The wolf cavalry launched a charge. The enemy is a hundred and fifth division! The soldiers are like the powerful war, the war, the robot, the horror power of the hills. Too snow, the wolf, the cavalry is the ** people, how to stop this pound power?

There is no ride to gently. "Hahaha!"

In the eyes of the public shift, there was a fierce snorkeling that the murderous and exciting light is called: "The mortals of the district. Dare to stop the god of the gods, kill them all!"

The military demon god eyes red enhancing the runaway mode.


At this time, killing the god from the empty hand. Qi and blood, the bloody knife of a long trumpet rice.

This knife l was crying for the mourning of 100 people. It is said that it is a knife that kills the peak, and it will pass it directly to the blackblasts of the blackbrocks in front of it.

After absorbing the blood of the crowd, the horrible knife is still going to go to the demon of the gods.

Hey! Mountain

A deafening golden iron is suddenly sounded, and the knee of the soldiers is the joint hub of this bronze giant.

However, the blazing knife is only drawn on the demon God of the world, but did not let the demon action of the soldiers.

"Wu'an Jun, no use! The god of the soldiers is the immortal of the ancient times, the real knife gun does not enter the water, no one can destroy the soldiers!" The madness of the public entrance class was distorted.

He recognized that wearing five beasts, which was the empire, he would not know why, why didn't know why it takes to Taihang, but since it is an enemy, there is no old feelings.

Moreover, the soldiers are not he can fully control.

Only kill all enemies in front of all the enemies, the soldiers will be stopped.

"Killing the soldiers can kill you"

White is affected by the anti-shock of the knife, the violent rush is a sharp, and the figure is like the electric flash.

Almost at the same time, the martial arts, the king, also waved the hands of the double god soldiers.

The public duty station hides in the soldiers' s body, the worm, I thought I was safe, I wanted to get my own horror of two people's fight, "The gas is immediately looked too!"

The martial arts of the public shift, the fundamental reaction is not as good, but the soldiers demonstrate the horizontal arm of the squadron with the magic body. The murderous and murderous killing of the gods and the double hook blade will have won the . The army of the soldiers is firmly held in your hands. White knife eyebrows.

He clearly felt that the palm of the palm of the ancient guard broke the -like cracks. Yan Wei and the two people have been continuously shot, and the fierce offensive continues to fall on the Bing of the Devil, which seems to have to hit this respect for this ancient artifact!

Everyone saw almost stayed.

The knife is very angry and the millennium is like a strong god. These three extraordinary strengths are intertwined. Pounds and vulnerability.

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Feilu reminds you: three things to study

Chapter 35 Who can I fight this respect of the ancient devil? Liu Wei is coming!

? "Military, this this

Is it possible to win in a Tai Wing West? "

The battlefield will be shocked to talk to the army. With the white and in the army. Mongolia never doubts their war. But the eyes of the military demon demonstrate outside the people.

The two dynasties will be able to break the talents in the mountains and the mountains, but they are still in this ancient bronze giant, but there is no half of the reacted in the sea.

Operations of the brass giant biphole seems like the wheels burned in the flaming sun. Eat a brilliant light.

The military demon is like a huge giant giant. The terrible power of the movement of the hill in the sea will not only resolve the two dynasties. Han Fei's look has been unprecedented. He has followed the battlefield. Missing admires "Destroy Thailand Blackbed Terminal Deacular Easy. It is difficult to destroy this prostitute."

Etiente Raymore Rui Rui Rui, killing the landlord of the landlord, and the two armies of the black charter can still occupy the leadership of the definite battlefield.

Over time, it must be all destroyed to the darkness of the Diabai on the top of the five miles. But destroying the army.

too difficult.

This is, but even the ancient Yellow Emperor has not done.

The Devil's Devils once again played the power of shocking the world. The vast power of horror and overbearing, hitting a deep pit in the desert. Huangsha suddenly raised the sky that formed a cloudy day.

"This is, I am afraid that even two generals will not support Han Fei worried, frowning." Unfortunately, the holy emperor is not doing the person, listening to the fun. "White and Qi Dynasty have the invincible room, but after all, it is still a flesh, and how long is a long time to be stagnant.

And the pong magistan is unknown to the tired war machine, if the situation is deadlocked, the lasting battle must or this monster occupies the wind

Why, the two people who have experienced the experience of the fight against the battle, I know this.

More and more fierce offensive falls on the ancient army's devil, then the pounds are like the river tide to roll up Huangsha.

The battle between the two sides was treated with white heat. The west soldiers did not dare to intervene this superficial battle, and the two sides retired to hundreds of meters away silently watching this shocking battle. The public duty station hanging from the eyes.


At the moment, the earth's dead soil has lost the earth. Only the soldiers will kill two Tai Han, and the ability to turn the tide to escape the birthday.

But his control of the god of the gods is extremely limited, and it can only be used to communicate this terrible monster.

Kill kill and kill the mountain

The sound of the two land witraits is like a dragon. The white kicks out of the hegemony of the hegemony of itself. ,

! Mountain!

The soldiers of the army, the hands of the hands, the killing of the red dragon-shaped killing, the murderer, the mood, the body, the slut, the slut, the slot, the slope, the deep groove, a deep groove. Then the mourning of the martial arts killing offensive is in the head and neck of the soldiers. It is to have a hand-blade devil as a cranial! Rumble !!!

The ground slammed the two deep pit soldiers to the gods to the deep flour, and the eyes were blocked.

The soldiers were sarded in the depths of the ground by this hit. Buried by Huangsha disappeared in the sand sea

Everyone is shocked.

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