The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 2892 of the Three Kingdoms

All artificial hearts on the field have born ambitious shudi.

The twenty-third sword of this Holy Spirit is known as the sword light of the Witch. There are countless real drafts, and the sky is broken. It is the first in front of the first litigation.

The swordsman of the witch, the endless sword, the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred

The sword gas was forced to the wind blowing Liu Wei, the emperor, the emperor flying, a handle, a handle, the Sanli Jiangshan, the emperor, the emperor finally sparse.

Social holy sword

This is the ultimate sword that surpasses the emperor, the emperor's sword is out of the Jiangshan community, which is evacuated, and it is suspended after Liu Wei. An old Tiantian faint appeared suddenly in Liu Yutou.

Jiangshan Society Lushanchuan Shen Yue Qing was shocked by the ancient beast. The community, these two characters over 10,000! The word is the land. This word represents grain food. Liu Wei held the dynasty. Xiong Town, the angel, the people of the people, the people of the people, and the merits of the music, beyond the ancient saints.

The idiotycardous monk of the Sword Sword is dead, the sword is twenty-three swords. Also broke through the immorincinal body of the human, as if there is really a cactus to be killed by this shocking sword. However, the sword gas is ignorant to Liu Wei's forehead. It is also stabbed again.

The emperor's community's heavy driving, the Tiantian suppressed 10,000 people, even if the extraordinary sword twenty-three should be suppressed.

"Sword twenty-three worship is still not the ultimate sword. U" Liu Wei right hand double finger gently pinned the Jianfeng, Shen Sheng: "I heard that I am on the ground, there are six No, no, my sword, twenty-three swords, the only sword

, Mountain,

"Six eloquent me?"

At this time, the two people have gone to confront. The old sword holy sword is exhausted, it is already strong.

When he heard the soul of this number of people. The old face has an extremely complex look that heritain: "Regret, no longer see this sword, forcibly burning the whole body, the whole body, the whole body, the spirit of the whole body L is expected to make out The old sword of the Sword of the Sword of the Sword, not only the body, not only the body, not only the body, not only the gods.

In this case, even if it is an immortality, it is difficult to save him.

Seeing a generation of swordsman, you will be separated, Liu Yizhen sighs: "Waiting for the Ding Shenzhou, it must explore the secret peace of mind of the sword world after the situation." "Good. The people will die. I nodded to gradually bleak and broken into Lisu light, and disappeared in the void.

There is two silence in the unparalleled city.

Everyone did not speak, it is like a rare silent after the war. Q, Judan may not be the strongest swordacker in the world, but he is intimate in the sword. It is Liu Wei appreciated if it is Liu Wei.

"An Xinjun, your reincarnation, said that there is a chance to enter the layer. Liu Wei, Liu Wei, the unparalleled city, the old sword, the saint, reach out, the old man closed the double eye mouth, but there is a discovery of the lower micro-curvature.)

Solar two gas, life and death.

The old Judan may die but after this, his next generation will be born.

The new Judan will carry the fate of the old sword. Continue to chase there is no such side. I second more. Stable update, seeking books, a lot of friends, enjoying a lot of friends, review, etc.

A Freu reminds you. Three things in reading

Chapter 67, Liu Wei's terrorist strength! Shi's world!

• The secrets involved in the revision reincarnation, even Liu Wei is just a semi-solving.

It is just that there is an intuitive old sword in the middle of the immunity to implicate with him.

"Your Majesty Jutong Tong Chen and glare fans,

I admired five-body investment! "

Liu fell in the wind. Head and respect.

After seeing the day of the day, Liu Rong, who knows that Liu Wei's martial arts has arrived in the realm of the heavens. If someone is able to drive Wang Baba's unreasonable Li Shengzhou, only Liu Wei is only Liu Wei.

"The Emperor of the Emperor is invincible, long lives"

"The Emperor Shenwu is invincible for 10,000 years old"

Taking Xiao Feng as the first guard, covering Nie et al. Thousands of people worshiped, and they were in place. The nephew of the eyes is a respect for the heart. And the heat of the oil is born.

Nanlin Sword is also a big hand, and only personally experienced this unparalleled one-war, it can realize the kind of shudder in the deep soul.

The Jian Dao is so good.

After the purchase of the sword, Liu Wei is the new myth's true invincible swords.

Today, there is no double city, this battle is strong, causing the imagination of heaven and earth, but also the Taihang people onlookers.

The Baidao Wulin Tunhan saw the unlike sword holy sword swords, the night, in this miracle. All people are silent.

From the hope of hope, everyone is completely destroyed, everyone is shocked to the scalp! The paradise falls in hell, this desperate feeling cannot be expressed in any speech. A sword can open a sword to destroy the city. A sword can choose to kill the gods.

The scorpion of the Sword is definitely the strongest sword pad of the rivers and lakes. Can kill anyone of the world.

however. Even such swords can not hurt Liu Wei half a question and who is Liu Wei opponent!?

"The bodies of the old swordsman convergefully buried"

Liu Wei's sprinkled sword into the swing. "So, unfortunately, it is unfortunately, it is unfortunately, the emperor will not revenue the nine swords of the sword. Death.

Now, he should have returned, and the transition of re-repairs the sword sword, the soul, "It is not that you will do."


Liu has a nod to the wind, and the swordsman who is so amazing in the Sword Sword is definitely worthy of respect.

After the Sword of Sword, the two people and Nie Dawang were officially appeared in front of the rivers and lakes. heart


"The court has a chaos in the court for a long time, the holy emperor is undergiving, and the power to help the power to help the rivers and lakes, the rivers and lakes, and the Ding Shenzhou Liu has the wind to capture the prisoners of prisoners. Call .i .i

The so-called. When the time workers are the people of Junjie, they are not chasing the big business, famous young history. Is there a hanging? I want to be tired [send a family to be implicated? "There is no double city to break the eyes before Ding Ding, the last battle of Ding Ding, there is no need to hide the nine helps back to the mountains." With the high power of only the nine-five! " "

"It turned out that the original power is the top of the Han dynasty" "Tuli is swept away from the rivers and lakes. Ding Ding Shenzhou. It is an unprecedented Gate Heroes."

"Do you want to surrender the Dynasty

The insect martial arts a few of the Too many. The Taiming has a brilliant history. However, with the development of martial arts forces, the imperial court is weak for the control of the rivers and lakes.

A paternal door can be said to be a part of the earth emperor.

Everyone gathered with a whisper discussion on Liu Wei, and the squid was unhappy.

In the case of the eye of the dynasty, I found that the dancer and Nie Ren Wang "Nanlin Sword and the North Hall of the madman!" "These two knife swords in the rivers and lakes, actually actually aggressive Great Han Sheng Huangchang! "" The big man of the Dynasty ". Heaven is not violating!"

After recognizing the broken hands and the Nie Ren Wang, there were people who have been moved by someone to think about it.

After all, no one can let the family life. More and more white masters choose to kneel.

It is already full of places on the field.

After all, the martial arts, Nanlin Junjun, and the north drinking mad knife, the new dynasty, everyone, the new dynasty, the new dynasty, the new dynasty, also, the time is

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