The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 2894 of the Three Kingdoms

Today, the northern martial arts is too small or mad or dark. It has been accomplished in the tens of thousands of people who have been accompanied by the tens of thousands of people, and the sole is not subjected to the feet of the princes of the treasure, killing the roller.

tread! tread! tread!

When the person stepped into the foot of the Yushan, Li Shen Zhou was like an inspection. It's stunned to the mountains and smiled: "Scholand also entertains Li people with such a gift. It is really a pet!" "Hey! Take people money, people,"

"Li Sanyi, you have a pair of fists, just hit the half-walled halfway from Yunzhou all the way to the middle of the martial arts, and the man is also counted. The sound sounds like a far away from the mountains, and it seems to be in the ear of the people. It should be in a Yangyang, like a ghost. "Tianchi 12th"

Sinking in the heart of the heart, the two hands have been in their own knife. Jin Yiwei is also like a great enemy. Everyone instantly embroidered the spring knife in hand, and the strict knife, which entered this small town, the air, the flow of bloody, and the field of eyes. It is even more scared that everyone is jumping, and Li Shenzhou is full of frush, and it has been pure.




Because it appears in front of everyone

It is said to be a small town, it is better to say that it is the ruins of the blood sea. >

? g


It's been here, in your blood.

There is a place where the abbot is broken, and the innocent civilians of the entire town have never died in this place.

Someone took a breather. Sinking, but feels qi and blood. The fist bones can't say anger.

The reason why Yuxiong is called Yixiong is because it does not act without the bottom line and scruple. Constantly send a master before the war. Let's take the power of the power of the power, two can lose their skills. If you can get it, then the first death battle must be left in the world. Upload the power to the Lord, the sophistication of the rivers and lakes must have a power to receive the power such as a day in the day, and the world will also show the Central Plains. "Tianchi killer is really a group of madmen. What kind of people dare to kill people's means cruel, and since the name is unwalk," Zhima black hand slaughter this town, just to put dirty water to power to power "

The reason why Yuxiong is called Yixiong is because it does not act without the bottom line and scruple. Before the war, the master is constantly sending a master, two can test the power of the power of the power, two can lose their skills. If you can get it, then the first death battle must be left in the world. Defeat the power of the power, the sophistication of the rivers and lakes must also show the world, the world will also expose the priests. As long as Li Shenzhou has on this black pot, the power to help will become the whole world.

When I arrived at the high-shots, I could gather my heart to gather my heart, and become the martial arts of Wulin to Zijiang Rivers! It is not a 50 year.

This heart machine is on the city

Since the unknown masters of the unknown masters, the entire rivers and lakes have been able to make him.

Li Shengzhou took ~ the battle book, straight in Tianshan, it is already a more difficult blood road.

"Tianchi twelve shots, slaughter the world, you dare to make you unlucky with the dominant helper!"

"If you are late, you will hurry the arm. If you have a lot of money, you have a lot of money to go. Li Sheng Zhou Double and among the same, it seems that the two groups of flames have been drinking.

The Tianchi twelve squatting in the dark is high. The law of proficiency assassination is also inevitably hysteresis, and the blood is reversed.

At this time, Li Shenzhou stepped out, as a dragon tiger, the right hand, two punches, and crashed.

boom! ! !

This is just a punch, it is not a fine boxing trick but the fist of the hegemony is condensed into a golden mat of the soldiers, such as row mountain, crazy. All house buildings are in front of it. Both broken down this boxing.

"not good!"

Tianchi Twelve is sent out that there is a happiness that is difficult to listen to, and there is only a few people in the blood sea.

Click! !

A few skeleton breaks came from the overwhelming boxing to the Tianchi twelve, the killing is all in the shadow. It is directly from the shadow. The most unluckwich is a Tianchi twelve, and the worm is self-sufficient, and I want to have a punch in the Khaki Knight's boxing.

The iron fairy is full of blood, and the blood is flying.

"Good overbearing Mountain"

The old passenger of the twelve bodies took the wrought iron fairy, and his nose face was turned into a big change with his fingers.

The seventieth chapter is all destroyed Tianchi twelve! In the event of a wind cloud!

? Strongly kill the Iron Universiade, Li Shenzhou and the coldness of the cold flames are still continuing to climb the insects.

Two steps stepped out of the distance of the earthes of earthes and a punch, and directly on the dog king in the twelve.

The harsh sound of the bone bone is coming. Only in this boxing, there was no pool of the dirty, and the dog king was all shocked. It was so seriously injured, even if it was the gods.

How many years

Tianchi twelve . However, the 12th of this day has been folded in the West.

The Tong Emperor wlew well and said: "On the side of the shoulder, revenge" "kill!"

The small town is in a worm ghost, like a purgatory

"So overbearing the fist, there is a prestigious, weighing the world!"

Shenjing spiritual vibration. Run your hand and made a hand pad. I have a long knife on the field, and the long knife is wipery, Jin Yiwei drives to sword into the sword.

There is still a native of the 12th of Yuchi, and after slaughtering this town, the murder is in the peak, and ten people will take advantage of it. God is ghost. All kinds of wonderful tricks are all falling in Li Shuizhou.

"The archers will come!" Li Sheng Zhou was inner power to understand that everyone was so far away, and the whole people gave up to ten meters.


The lion is angry, the second punch, the sky, the overbearing, the fiscal fissile shock, the eardrum is hurt.

Tianchi 12-degree remaining a few people only felt that the sky was collapsed, and the chest was tumbling. When I wanted to suffocate, I sang and the woman had a slow two revealing, and I was blocked by the boxing, and the dirty is too bad. It is not possible.

There is a huge boxing screen on the ground of the flying sand, like a heavenly war, a boxing. I took out several meters deep pit.


When the Tong Emperor saw, the liver and bold shock shouted and turned and turned.

He has had a bright and brilliant past, and he has never seen Li Shenzhou's fierce fierce! "

Roll up

Shoot to kill, do not die


B has

I will be far away from the hit. This is also the principle of the Tianchi killer pursue.

Tianchi Twelve Heavy Paper Exploring Flower Drama Treasure, Hand Dance, Surnse, Madai Waitsuki people do not hesitate to pull back. Be too terrible

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