The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 2896 of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 72. This sword is complement! Ghosts and gods are shocked!

Liu Wei, Tao Tong, now today, it will be the sacred spirit. From the head to the end, I took a detailed descent. Such a fairy is perfect to be extremely beautiful, and the common people have understood that a star is also a life-fired, and it is a difficult chant.

"Yes, teacher."

Tian Yan did nodded, and the secret of the mortuary of Music in Liu Wei was in Liu Wei. Full of respectless advice.

The two people in Ghost Valley quietly looked at Liu Wei and danced in the sword and danced in the field. She only watched Liu Wei from the sword. Twenty-two twenty two repeatedly, the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred Come to the heart.

"The swords of your Majesty are still constantly climbing. Do he wants to repeat the swords l?"

"Taking the Sword of the Sword of the Sword"! "In the eyes of Feng Nie and Weizhuang shocked, there was a horrible sword to spread between the heavens and the earth.

Virgin can no longer be calm. That is definitely there should be a terrorist sword law in the king.

Silent Sword Shenglian defeated jade master, the sword is rising to the peak, Z is can't control, burning all the spermaties, can you make it in the holy emperor to reproduce the world!

Everyone is full of condensation. Seeing that the swords on Liu Wei is like anger, the aesthetic is very popular, unlimited overlap.

The sword in the flat, aroused the flying sand, Liu Wei, sent a dragon sleeve to fly a step. Listening to the jade order. I saw that his eyebrows Zoded Zhu purple jujube nuclear Taiple imprints became more and more, the two golden lights from Liu Wei's day, the horror sword between the Jiuyi, the horror, the horror, the horror swords between Wang Yutu, were traged the same Time broke out.



It's better to be more than the bright swords of the day.

Air is solidified in this moment, countless tree, dust, sand. They are all concentrated in the air. Even the spacing ~ flying bird bird is held in the air.

In the horrible Wuxian Jianji, the second earth is three, and it is allocated to the peaks in front of the eyes of the gods, and the sword is bombed by the sword!

The mountain collapse of the collapse of the hills, the boulder, fried the flying stone dust into the air.

After the sound of the earth, everything was returned to the silence and only the simmer of the sky, showing the horror of this sword.


The second sword can be cracked in the peak, and the sword can destroy the city. ,

The scorpion of the Sword of the Sword is already the ultimate of the sword, and the ultra-god llog.

"And look at the Z eye, you can wear the swords of the Sword of the Sword of the Sword, the swords of the Sihuang San, so the sorrow, the understanding of your Majesty is really a lot of money!"

The two people in the mouth of the Wei Nie have remained admiration, no other.

Such enchanting talents are only afraid that they are old swords, and they are better. call!,

Liu Wei slowly fell on the ground, and there was a bit of swords and hearts in his mouth. Insulating the Sword of the Sword Twenty-three swords, the ghosts are all shocked.

The old sword holy exhausted the whole body of the whole body, she barely, she was able to take the sword. After the old sword, the old sword is also oil.

Liu Wei's intention of the heavenly martial arts. It is naturally better than the Shan Sheng Sheng Bo, there is also a kind of smashing king's full body, the embarrassment of the Yuanshen shock. "This sword has a slightly thightening social sword, once, standing The trend is only far from being perfect. It seems that there seems to have a very left flawless sword, and he will not give him some room for himself. "

Liu Wei shook his head and swayed. The Yuan god is exhausted, the whole body, the whole body, the world, the born sword is in the next period of time. Your own actions will be restricted.

Such a short coagle is the most deadly flaw.

Among the Fengyun plots, the old sword holy makes it a sword of the squad. Twenty-three, which can be easily easy to rigorously. The clouds were thrown into the sword. Yuan Shen is dead.

"Taking the jealousy sword can be used as a killer. Before do not have a good time, try to use it as much as possible"

Gai Nie and Weizhuang and others greeted the protection of Liu Wei asked: "There is nothing too much."

"Oh, it's okay."

Liu Wei put his hand. His face is still a little pale but the human fairy, the emperor, the emperor, has been resumed over 60% of skill at this time. It is also nothing. It is also a good thing for the Holy Spirit Sword Method.

At this time, there is a white shadow on the road in the distance, and it is a white phoenix. Bai Feng was shocked by the collapse of the mountain, and the peaks of the collapse were not stopped. The knee and kneel, hugged the truth, "Your Majesty. Liu Shu is all in the world, and Nie Feng and the thrown cloud have been controlled, the rivers and lakes, the buddha, the kids I said that there is a secret to the secret to tell you to underestimate

At this time, the two people in the mountains have not been too much, and there is naturally not the peak force of the martial arts myth. It is also expected by the Dynasty Master's Bao Shi.

This is called Liu Wei to feel unexpected. This person claims that there is a non-unspeakable business of the rivers and lakes, and the world will help the Lord to the argument of the Dud Bodhisattva.

"The gold scale is the pool in the pool, the wind!"

After the (a good), the two people were all after the two people, and they had achieved a hegery, Liu Wei received the unparalleled sword, she received the covenant, and the radio returned. Just arrived in the unparalleled city, I saw Nie Renwang and the two people who were squatting and squatting the snow and the fire sword. "What is the two?"

Liu Wei is curious, and it is true that the emperor of the joyful cloud is really strong. Suddenly empty. There is a five-shaped giant hand in the air, and two people will support it. "My Nie Feng is ignorant to the world will be embarrassed to fight the sky, and they have been bundled. Old Go, please ask, forgive him. Nie people Wangton's first:" Old Go. " Willing to use life, change the wind. "

Chapter 74 Chapter His life is never what I can see!

It can make this rude old man will be willing to sacrifice, and the father's love is unselfishly, and the face is ashamed: "The dog is five righteousness. If it is not enough. Plus the old thing."

I broke the wavy two-five jealousy, the whereabouts of Nie Feng, which also made Nanlin Sword feel that there is no light on his face.

"This is just a little thing." Let's get together. "

Liu Wei smiled: "Now the power of power will go to Tianshan death war to the Taihan soldiers to destroy and pull it into Shenzhou. Shenzhou is so late for all the world will count all Nie Feng and broken waves are made. Can be made use."

It is not that Liu Hao's self-proud of the wind in his eyes, it is really only the same as the postgraduate mountain martial arts. To Jade Sangwu Road, there is no horses, but also can't catch up with the wind, but in the Great Han Dynasty, Zhongshan, the ancient Yun, he is just a small fish, can you pick up what is the wind?

With the status of Liu Wei, it is more than such a small number of small people. "Old to thank yourself, you will be the god of grace. It is finally tone. Liu Wei took out the double city. When he did not let the city mainfate, he waited for the arrival of the Mud Bodhisattva while handling the military machine.

Compared to the potential stocks, it is more paying attention to the mud buddha of the sky. Not much time, Jin Yiwei helped a middle-aged monk in the cloak of the black robe.

On the side of the mud, while moving the mystery, the gathering and the darkness of the mysterious phase, there is only a purple gold pillar in the mainfather in the main house, rushing. Like Zhenlong straight to nine days.

I only looked at the mud Bodhisattva and trembled, and the light did not dare to look again. The more close to the city of the city, the more shocking feelings, the more strong walking, the heart of the heart can't help but hit the heart of the knees: "This is the dragon, far from the world. The Ming Dynasty in the city is also strong. I don't know how many times. I only see it for my life | "

"Han emperor

Why is it? His life is no longer in this kind of situation, it is no longer the mountain I can see. "

Mud Bodhisattva Truncatal Machine Insids, there are countless people to serve as a guest, but at this time, it is low as the head. After the temple, he quickly squad and bowed his five-body investment. Because, it is necessary to have a condemnation and a life.


Liu Wei gave him a feeling of heaven is particularly terrible. "

Mud Bodhisattva 12 Political Industry! Stunt, Test: Mud Sa Sa Zeng Gongqi. The daisies of the Japanese book can be tested to the Tiandi.

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