The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 2913 of the Three Kingdoms

After the Han army wind won the entire cloud, the Taijun swept Kyushu. Directly for the Central Plains. Only the next male town guarded the East, the Wu people were taking advantage of this opportunity, and came to the sea. Yunzhou East China Waves Wave Way

Bishi shore.

There is no God of the palace, the left hand is holding the colorful cover, the right hand is holding a map of China. Sound laugh:


Original land. Sure enough, the rich fertilizer is better than the east. How is the sky?

Wearing the sky of the East Wulkwood Costumes Arch. Gong said, "Father is too tai people! Jewelry has been explored the news At this time, Shenzhou Hisong has been too chaotic. The rivers and lakes are too can't. The Central Plains is unable to handle the words of the Central Plains. The father is in the main Central Plains. Today! "Said that he said on the face of the sky, gradually exposed a smile of shackles.

Chapter 96, Chapter! Dead war without a god palace!

There is no god, and I've been a little bit, and I took out the hand and pressed according to the Shen Sheng. "The Tianshi is safe. I am relieved to rely on the Han army for the father. The court has become a group, and there is no time to take care of the rivers and lakes. It is gave us the opportunity. "

"There is no god of the palace, you are ready, everything is to be the power to help with the world!" The sky is busy: "He is a father, his son has got a spoofer, the help of jade The commander of the war is inviting the power of the Tianshan to fight the father of the father. These two people

Never an enemy! "

"It's good!"

There is no god lip, two horses, the joys, the rumor, the evil is too laugh: "Xiong tyrants with Li Shenzhou, this West Pieces, there is no match, no wound, no, no God," Ninth and 5th " The original martial arts will start from this power to the world will start with the world! "

There is no god palace for this second invasion Shenzhou plan for many years, it has been buried in Shenzhou, and there is no god, and it is also the best in the Martial Arts, and the martial arts.

At this point, the opportunity will extend the pizza into the Central Plains. If you can step on the world, you will help you. The sound of the gothievous palace is bound to be in the sky,

The night is dark.

The original is covered by black clouds and not seeing five finish black paint ink. I can only listen to the sound of the shore.

The two teams wearing a black-necked Dongpu Wushen, and the scenes of the top shore are like the scenarius, and the rushing of the river, climbed from the purgatory to the hometown of the murder.

"Tens of thousands of ghosts in the god of the palace, sweeping the Central Plains Wulin, where is it !?"

On the day, there is a shredded radiator.

The ghost Luke is the super elite in the unpopular palace, and it is a dead soil that will be teach for a few years. Every one has the war of enemy. Even if the Lord of Dongpu is a tribute.

He is the most popular son, which is destined to take over his father, just think that his father is on the middle of the original Huangcheng, he can sit on a red gold chair. Barter day, it is almost happy to laugh.

"Who is it.

He also said that the extraordinary extraordinary, even if it is proud, he did not relax the vigilance and only heard the blade, and the double ear is vertically.

"No! There is a shore! (B,

Not much time. I will see a step of being able to report the East of the Rosawa chaos.


"What is the impression is not to say that the Han army is moving to prevent the Taijun to prevent the Taijun to go straight to the insects?

The number of jade faces is finally the last sneer road! It is also the Central Plains millennium, when I don't know that the death is dare to provoke me. Then, these guys know that there is a powerful god of palace! "When you say it, you have made a rushing wear in the sky.

It is necessary to enter the owner. The pad is necessary to sweep the Central Plains Wulin. The skyline is also to kill the prestige of the gods. The ghost Luke was slammed by the Central Plains, but it didn't cause serious injury or death, only to hear these ghosts, and touched it. side. The five ghosts are sharp.

A moment of killing the earthquake.

On the shore, a handsome and dusty young man face slightly smashed: "Your fruit is really a god! Yun Shi brother these Eastern Hazai is so embarrassing is so embarrassing, it is unfortunately. The class must not let go of a plus insecta! "Stepsy clouds have a word in the iron mouth, such as a word," kill ", the red drassing behind him, such as a mad cloud, one The twenty golden arms rushed to the clouds, and the sound of ignorant, and suddenly slammed the soil in front of the country!


Fengshen leg broke out, Nie Feng, the shadow, the palm of the house, the treasure knife bloomed, the two groups, the cold, the long, the Daren, the knife, the knife was broken!

This chill, hegemony, straightforward knife, killing is amazing, and the fierce ghost Luo is killing these two too masters, and suddenly called the ghost Luke's five ghosts and nights. In the dark, a blue Middle-aged scromings. The carrying hands are calm, and there is still a remarkable comment. Wester: "The step is shocked to kill the fruit. If the talent is amazing, if the future, the future, the future is the second Li Shenzhou"

"As for Nie Feng, it can be seen in just a few days, and you can see the proud of the cold. It can be seen under the sky. However, his heart is soft, too much to be the benevolence!" "When is the evil king ready to do?" Bai Fengyu robe is excited to kill.

"At this time, I will run the snake. If I have to ran, I have to pay a loss of evil king's hossy corner. I have a thin and fine-rail, raise hand and false," Let's wait, etc. . "


And the light on the two sides of Shi Xuan, the snow, the silver, the fire, but I didn't dare to be slightly slow, respectfully.

Liu Yuwei pressed the cloud world, the master is more than the river's In front of the Taiqing clothing, just a middle-aged scripture of the patron. In fact, it is a unpopular teacher who is facing the temple! It is that the only grievous of Ji Ji Jin Ji Jin Yao Tai Guard is 4 after a warning, and he is rude to the Welfare Temple.

"The insect origin is also the case! The sky is bloody and fights to swing, the worm is smiling, the high-end stepper is forced. There is no uniqueness, and there is a unique place, the ghost Luke followed, The gas is very angry. The tear is empty and the sound is also extraordinary.

At this time, suddenly there is one part of the madness and uncomfortable power. Sustaining, I was so busy, I just heard the sound, I couldn't stand hard. The feet are on the back of the side!

Chapter 97 The chapter is not defeated!

When you stood in the body, you have a stable body, you have an innocent. "" The original martial arts of the worms also have these characters. You are better to vote, I will protect you Ronghua rich, weigh the worm Origin! " It is a nopious palace too tens of thousands of ghosts. The person who is shot is that the enemy is in a depression.

The day of the day, I will take the arrogance of the enemy's speech. It can be accomplished, and it can take the chance to recall, restore the true heart.

"Kill you."

The steps of the clouds are cold to the cold, but they don't talk about a roll of cloak.

Others are in the air, hands make the clouds in the clouds.

Black deep and sorrowful row of clouds have erupted, and it has already touched the power of the heavens and the earth. Shielding the sky, direct hoods are going to go.

"you wanna die! !"

The skyrocket is shocked and anger

Suddenly, the hands of the whole body, the whole body is suddenly splicing.

One half-shaped light blue knife fissile shot straight to the cloud heart

This knife is hilarious, but the killing is amazing, and the inner family is really heavy, and the row is faintly refrared and the light is like a water and silver. At this time, it is not the way to go to Wulin. Stepping Writings will suddenly enter the five ghosts and kill the sky is really five-point danger. Nie Feng is worried about it. It is followed by the upper and winds. Such as the hurricane, snow, drink knife, dance. Layered temperament stack, such as snow, the sky, the sky, and the steps of the clouds.

The day is that Dongpu Wu said that his father has teach his martial arts than anyone who is insects. It's just now, the wind is in the wind, and the wind is the same. The strength is contest, and it can faintly affect the height of the sky. It makes the two people suddenly have a three-point suddenly, and they will not hold out.

"When the evil L C. Central Wulin, when these characters, the two tricky goods were handed over to the father to the cooking ~ o!" Now, it may be able to support the hundred rounds, but it is not too good, this is no god of jade. The big plan of the brown, there is no benefit, and the heart will be returned.

The two people are trying to chase, but they only have to hear the distance ~ a cold, two light gold majesty, like a ghost, the darkness, the wind, whistling, the situation is very fast, in the ghost Luke In the first step, I was in front of the meat, and I was in front of the wind and the wind. "Miss Y


(QZ! Mountain

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