The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 2915 of the Three Kingdoms

There is no god of angry, the gods are angry, shout: "Don't kill you today, this vow is not a person," I don't wait for him. "There is a black shadow, and the evil king is suddenly cracked. The way to open the hundred feet can be stepped to the scene, all the churchy cyan gatherings. Every imaginary shadow seems to be agglomerated into an entity. Or fist or palm or finger, each trick, each trick, the trick, the trick, it seems that there is a hundred stone Xuan's ridiculous emergency kills no sense of people, but the response speed is slow, and there are many faces. The pair of pairs of pairs of arms have a steady air, and a blank gold is moving.

The golden stream has turned into a romant, which has formed a suffocating cover, which is like Too high.

Chapter 99 Chapter Dongpu Emperor! White Lu Meng!

Boom! Mountain!


The gas is like the Ray and evil king, all of which have fallen above the golden gas mask, and there is a countless impression on the wall of the shackles of the golden body. There is no gods that are in the bottom of the ground.

This is not bad. In fact, it is to fight the enemy to attack the body, and you can fight against the attack.

Shi Zhi Xuan is unpognracted with magic L] It is difficult for a time to win, but the two people have restroomed, and they will fight with the masters of the gothievous palace.

In the southeast direction, there is a bright fireworks on the sea. ,

Bai Fengyi Volume Cloising made a gesture to hide the brocade gaze in the dark, the long knife came out, and the murder was vacated.


Qi Jigua pulled the bronze beast-faceted with the face, and took out the long I of the waist: "I have been repeatedly affected by the holy emperor, such as the east of the thief dabricant, the sea, this is the case. ? "" Kill!, Kill! Kill! "

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" People Wang 4 Tai Han

This army belonging to Ji Jiguo, the day and night training everyone is clear and collectively called the Jiajiajun!

Qi Jiguang hiking rim hikes high call: "Your Majesty, Sao Wen, Wu Xiong, Today, Today, the thief will kill the Shenzhou half-step!"

"Dongpu thief dares to enter Shenzhou half a steps must kill"

On the sea, the waves gradually.

Seawater reflects and Mi Z reflects a flexible light festival.

There are countless Dongpu Battle, the tens of thousands of ghosts, and the ghosts, from the sea level, and stand all the Dongpu Wushen, these Dongpu Wuli is not God. The ghost Luo Luo, a ghost, a different body shape, but also wearing a unified light U. The fierceness is tyrannious.

For the first one wearing a distinguished yellow robe, the hands are looking at the hands and look at the magnificent sea. I nodded and laughed: "Shenzhou great rivers and mountains are really bigger than Dongpu."

"Your Majesty. Bible

Former Queens, the feat of Qi Zhenzhou. One company, Jiangshan Mountain



Fly cold

The old man, called the old man, the old man

After that, standing with the cloud, the body is very short, but it is a treasure to the East Quanshu, which looks extraordinary.


Lao Guanhuang is too laughing of the mountain. "There is no god, the pioneer, the ghost Luke first killed a hit, all of the Dongpu Wudao strong. With the main Central Plains. Too careless It's better to say the land of an island. "

"Central Plains Wulin has long nothing to have a big figure."

"The Central Plains words are that the Turiosi dog is generally unbearable." "I heard that the worm's mother has a long piece of fine skin tender meat than the female beauty of the supporting woman, and try to taste this group of Dongpu Wu Dao. In the sea, I didn't hide my own nature. The obscenities on the boat continued.

At this time, there is a vomiting boat in the distance to swear on the sea. Z, the ghosts of the gods, and the boats are squatting, saying that: "Jade emperor is not After arrogant, there was no seal, I was attacked by the Central Plains Han army, the murderer Luo Luo Luo Luo Luo Luo Luo Luo Luo Luoqi came to ask for help, please send Yuechi aid! "" "" "" " ? "The old days of the emperor suddenly solidified. The face is almost asking, and I asked: "How many enemies have been seen?"

"About thousands of people squatting with the Han army banner, I would like to be the army of Yunzhou station. Among them, there is a somewhere of Tsing Yiwen martial arts and powerful palace, and I can't live." Listen to the neoquinum to explore the emergency newspaper ship The pawa has no sound of Dongpu, and the eyes of each other, and the eyes are coming out of the plan preparation of the eyes of the eyes. There is no God is also the first power of Dongpu. Originally, it was taking advantage of the Central Plains, there is no god of the gods, and the old emperor can take the East Trojan to take the East, the army, the land of Jiuzhou, did not expect that there was no good fortune, just not there. It is the prostitute too defeated "the guitary mountain"

Old no emperor's survival: "The army of the army will be aid that there is no god palace. The Han army in Yunzhou is only a few thousand people, not the climate, this battle is unreslved!" "Comply with"

Dongpu Samurai is going to live.

How many Shanghai face has suddenly sounded a sharp angle.

Dongpu Battle Ship Endyu reveals its The river is surrounded.

The sail, but the sound of the fish, but the sudden arrival is far away.

On the top of a white boat, I looked at the Dongpu War Sail, Ling, Lang Loud, and the rivers and lakes had embarrassing Kyushu Dongpu, and there was a sophisticated slippery. "" How do we prepare for General Lu Meng "

"Today, the Harmony of the Harmony is supplemented by the main watermaster of the Qian Sheng Jiajun of Ji Jiguang. Waiting to the shore to have a Huanglong war boat immediately fired at the sea. The Dongpu war boat is so tail. I want to call the Tongyu thief burial. ! "

Lu Meng worn white shirts and light through the white yarn shocking. Kill the shore is like thunder.

There is no god, and the golden body is dead against the evil King Shi Xuan. After connecting, it was a heavy injury, and it was a non-light injury. How is the master he is holding the gothievous palace, how is the windy two opponents? The wind is in combination, the palm of the legs, the more the battle, the more you have a tens of thousands of ghosts. - Sheng master, even even the two hearts and abdomen disciples of Jade God also in this battle

Take his illness, you must live.

Too Ji Jiguang took the opportunity to defeat the family of the family, and kill the blood of the iron, the number of five ghosts without the gods. A killing blood is full of rivers.

There is no goddess, the hand of the king, the hand of the king, led the disabled of the gods, waiting for the Emperor Emperor Emperor.

Chapter 100, Wulin Myth, no name!

Aston shore rolls up thousands of snow. The night sky is suddenly blooming in the fireworks.

White Lu Mont traded: "Who dares to cross the knife to immediately, the arrogance is now today. Huanglong battleship is ready to attack!"

"Not, obey!"

The Huanglong Water Sapphire will hit the fist. ,

The Huanglong Battle of Huanglong Wan Shi, which is too high, the Wanlong Board, hits the East River.

The invincible Wang Dynasty Zeng Zeng, finally showed the fierce branches of the fierce branches in front of the world. Under the wild, the east of the east, the waves on the sea, the boats are rapid to the shore.

The military people have grown their own waistly swordsters, and they are excited and excited. Old Emperor had already rewarded the first to attack the Woshock to the Yunzhou will be sealed into general. Enjoy no glory. "Everything, Shenzhou is empty to achieve too much, just in front of you!"

Seeing that the coast is getting clearer and clearer, Dongpu Tianshi, the high ton sound, is called the spirit of Dongpu Wudao. Excited scream.

They are mostly the number of martial arts of Dongpu, and the old emperor won the old emperor. Nature is also the land of Shenzhou.

Suddenly, some people call: "You see, there is a personal place !?" Everyone suddenly saw it.

There is a person in the sea, and it is coming to walk around the five row of water columns.

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