The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 2922 of the Three Kingdoms

He recognized the unparalleled sword, whisper: "An unfolded owner has passed, but the Sword of the Holy Spirit is willing to survive the Sword. Due to the emperor, I don't know if the sage is, but the driving is to say, the Jian greedy reaction has come to the time closer, and I don't dare to say it anymore. His ahead has flowed. To the unparalleled city, the unparalleled sword has become the sword myth in the rivers and lakes.

Is this expensive Ziyi people, it is that the legend of the legend of the ! !

Liu Wei praised: "Not bad. Taking the swordlands. It is a technology living when the boy is almost spit out of a bite of old blood! It feels that there is a feeling of extremely internal injuries.

Under the trend, someone can dare to fight the sights of the Han Han Huang's honest, and the answer is naturally it is not possible.

Then, the in front of him is like a fake package.

Sword greed suspected that he didn't look at the yellow calendar. He was just to hit the transportation. It would be a good sword whether you can get a peerless sword. I didn't expect to hit Liu Wei in the worship of the sword!

Biller, solitary swords were defeated in Liu Wei, and even Taiming Jiangshan gave Liu Yu sat down, with him, how to support the sword

"Since I am so old, I will go to the government, I will never smell the things of the sword. Although the Jianjin is idling but also knows that it is still a life. That is everything.


Liu Wei died, secretly smiled, said, "I have a proposal. Mr. Jian greed can listen to the Wei" Sword greed only wants to run the road but the feet just raised. It was called by Liu Wei and smiled and said: "What is the command of driving?" He knew that Liu Wei was refurbished. It was unwilling to reveal that the identity would be that the emperor game is emperor, and it is not unveiled. Liu Wei suddenly said, "I only heard that Mr. Love Jian Yu. Now there is a Shen Bing Building, and count countless five thousand people's soldiers countless but lack of a guardian. Who is it?"

When I got the singer, the sword was shining, and I didn't move my leg. Liu Wei smiled: "How is the gentleman??

The sword is thinking, Liu Yizui is the nine-five supreme, the god soldiers in the four seas, the palace, the rivers and lakes are not more than if they can hold five swords, that is really dreaming.

What's more, when Liu Hao is also engaged in the big, it is a royal to serve the quiet place, let him hiking the swords are two full beauty! The sword is greedy and fast.: "Sight is willing to do not dare to please!"

Chapter 110, the sacral sword! Sword magime!

The heart is quite wonderful to Liu Wei. Because the exercises of the swords are not to be outstanding in his heart. Everything is going to deep. As everyone knows that the Jianjin is just he is interesting, and it is three days after the late day of the peerless sword. Liu Wu is still hosted in the worship of the sword. If you are free, you will be happy with the sword gregares.

This day. The two people in the pavilion and the unpackage, and the sword greed whispered: "His Majesty is a few followers."

Liu Wei smiled, "Jingshen and the waves of the wolf. I will not know. But stay in this time, still have it." The Liu Rong also mentioned this time, but at this time, the waves and the general heart It is not a climate Liu Wei to kill them. Needless to do it. "His Majesty is deeply appreciated. Suddenly, I feel emotion. Ask:" Your expensive is the supreme, you have to send Tai Military, and you can't send it. Why do you have a lot of money?

Liu Hao's two people symbolizes the Tai Han court, and the martial arts group is coming to jade and unlike national machine. "After taking this, this worship is not only for the peerless good sword, it is necessary to see a whisper. Liu Wei smiled slightly, swords greedy eyesight. The heart knows that Liu Wei is not willing to say that there is a very respect between the conversion words. I won't feel boring in it, and the three days of turn has passed, and this worship of the swords and mountains.

It turned out that between these three days, there was a wave of swordsman who came from the distance and lived in the town under the worship of the sword. Today, I caught up the mountain today, and the whole villa was squeezed. Proud in the high platform, the people under the wait and see are crowded, and the heart is proud of the mouth. "It's so much so much"

Liu Wei came to see a fragment of thincillate in the mouth. ,

It turned out that this worship of the swordsman, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, ,

This litigation passed the world and two, the first is to set the greed of greed, and the three kinds of swordsmids let the peerless sword open.

To the second and (AICG) is to design the hand of the group. Remove the sword!

It is also the bitterness of the swordsman. ,

In the same year, the sword magic was in proud of the beauty, but he couldn't help. Small



Flying cold.

These years hidden rivers and lakes. In fact, it is the heart of the Sword Industry. - It has also received the proud disciple. Log proud of the arrogance, but he has to borrow his means. Today, the bureau is settled, because the heroes of the committee, killing the swordsman, can be used for the revenge, and it is a good count. "Fast, proud people have come to come." The people suddenly appeared in the championship, all of them were looking at the beautiful women who came behind this bus.

The pace of proud people quickly walked to the stage to sit on the seat. Her back is straight straight straight back to the long crust over two, slightly tilted to the left. The chest dress is full of body. It is also a beautiful woman who is also a beautiful woman. "In that year, Yan Ying is the first beauty of the Central Plains. This proud man actually has this colorful image."

Liu Hao, Wang Wang, the East, the warship, the boat, once seen Yan Yingyuan. It is a young woman, and it is very unpopular.

At this time, the proud people have already made 30. Beautiful appearance is only slightly over color. It is no wonder that the group is the top and more letting the swordsman killed his wife.

The proud people said: "Hey, today, the sword is born. God sword is straight. Who can get the Shenjian to recognize that the sword is paid, and there is no two words."

"Shen Jian's recognition? Who is it!" There are too many groups in the Taiwan group, but some people see the worship of the sword hills. There are only proud and proud people. Laughing: "Arousers. Your orphans are hard to serve the public, it is better to marry my sword door, fixed to protect you.

Everyone is so laughing.

This sophisticated monarchy is a mid-aged hill to wear gourmes. Before you have a smile against everyone.

Since the power to help the thunder. Wash the entire rivers and lakes over the world will cover Shaolin, Wudang Fengshan can't come out. The rest of the Taimen sect is either suits or the rivers and lakes in the spermous industry.

The Sword Sword Sword is also very prevailing in the martial arts. Humph! ,

At this time, there was a slap in the screen, and a sword was shot from the screen that across the scorpion.

Blood splashing this person's eyes and suddenly died.

"Tibetan head dare to hurt swords [] people. Give Laozi!"

The sword door is taken, the vertical sword plunders, straight to the high platform! The sword is like a wind roll, and the golden iron, the screen is broken. After the scene, you will be exposed by the people who kill people. It is true.

This old man is wearing a rough face of a black robes, and he is still not moving. No sword. The hands of the swordsman, to refer to the sword, the sword, the ghosts.

The sword sword law is not good to have three tricks in front of this black robe. Three tricks, he fell into the ground.

"In the old fierce sword, you can't die. You can't die." The old man in the black dress is like a thorn of the night.

"The sword gas into the body of the sword. It is not as good as death!"

"It's very spicy to poisonous means!" Seeing the mainstay of the sword, but did not die, he couldn't live on the ground, and the group of homologs.

Have a sense of exciting people, "The sacral swords are the scholar of the swordsman. This black robe is a sword magic L sword magic can be with the sword. There is also a big name under the eyes of Wulin. The town farm has no two people dare to move.

Chapter 111, Tsing Yi You!

"This devil. It is a rare love."

The sword demon is proud of the people who look at the banners, and they must use the spicy means to kill: Liu Wei's sword greed, "What is the sword of the sword?"

Jianjin Road,

"This person enters the magic

Because of emotion. Affectionate. Kill your wife. It can therefore be famous, but too much is too much, I am afraid that his death is today. "

Liu Wei got a little bit of his opinion in his heart.

At this time, the worship of the swimming hills faintly hidden, the voice of Jian Ming was passed on the mother and the eyes, and the face was slightly changed to the people, and they went straight to the mountain sword. This is the mega of the Shenjian. A group of groups in the field stunned. Keep up with the hill swords of the worship of the sword. The feet of the fast "six-two soil" have not stopped, and I feel that the swordsmanship faces and is the swordsman of the sword! There are several people to react slightly slowly.

"Who dares to go in the first half?"

The sword demon is really for this proud man, and the force is transported to the excellence before the sword. Too much, the world will go to the momentous moment.

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