The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 2926 of the Three Kingdoms

Search the hometown to reproduce the world.

After several days, Sichuan's hidden place in Sichuan. Liu Wei finally found the purpose of this trip.

In the face of this copper, the squid is the six secrets of the three princes. It is not a number of strange words of the squad! There is no trip to the evil spirits, and the cold is called Liu Wei.

Such a deep anger. It's hard to imagine that these six worsom have no horror on the twenty-three.

Three hundred years ago, Wulin had appeared an unknown black special book. Legend has it that anyone who does not belong to the world is not only cultivated, and it must be the strongest sword of nine days.

Such a wonderful book naturally causes the sensation of martial arts, countless martial arts people pay their life in order to the evil book, but even if the person who is finally got, it is not as good as death!

Chapter 116, Kendo to the high realm! Sen defense!

Every two of the "Six Secrets" is as good as the worm, the curse, does not hesitate to dig and bite the tongue. Finally, it is a hands that he uses his sword! And each strong is biting his own Before the tongue root, I said a word "six eliminates without me, concentric" "six secrets" name, from this.

The last term of this evil book appeared in the world was a "Six Western Secret Book", which was in the foreigner. Sleeping into the evil.

However, this this recorded the evil book of the gods killed the Buddha. In the end, I was found by Liu Wei in accordance with the jade crying.

The so-called six extinction is the first generation of Judan. The strongest scholastic school of Huangfu Jian "Six Dragonfly Twenty-three".

The solitary sword is the life of Huangfu Jian. It is only "a five seventh" to have a solitary sword, the Siqian fantasy has not broken through the sword. It is difficult to say that it is not as good as the sword.

In the beginning, the Jian Jian Huangqianjian has been created in the year of the 16th year. "There is no double sword to defeat the world.

After that, he realized that the twenty-three invincible death of the Tesley Jedi was loneliness to go to Dongpu, and finally on the swords. After the purchase, Huang Fujian lost all. In the life of the dead, Zhongshan has passed through the six reincarnation, and finally realized the six level realm of the twenty-three.

Just because he is already exhausted at the time. It is impossible to make this strongest sword twenty-three realm, I hope to be able to be able to keep back in the continuous reincarnation, and I have the strongest swords of the swords of their future. Three

Six-to-six secrets spread to the order, and there were so many strong people, but there were no two people to truly crack the sword.

The fate says that Xuanzhi is also a mysterious, even Liu Wei does not know what explains. But in front of this record, the second destruction of the essence of Huangfu Jianjie Jingdao is worthy of the peak of the world of swords. Liu Wei found a two orphan summoned unicorn and Zhenlong guardian to abandon all distractions. It has entered the closed door. The wind is in the wind. The sword is opened by Tajian.

However, the sword is divided into the Sword Magic Sword and the realm of the flying fairy. There is no name inherited the Taijian teacher, but it can be called the sword. The second fairy realm can be the sword. This is almost the legendary resort in the legend. This pulse is inherited, and it has already been disconnected.

"If Ye Lis City does not die, he has hope that he has hopes to go to Khaf Fei Xianjian sword [Liu Wei to see the six witch no sword twenty-three, the heart suddenly vibrate him suddenly felt, Wu Tian Ji Jingjun two years three Six-to-six secrets, perhaps let him touch the magicism, there is

The Holy Spirit Cambrian is full of holy breath, Witch Yu Jiwu, twenty-three, such as the gods, the sword, like the gods, the world presses everything. Multi-enemy can't move can only lead the neck to the shape of the god value, but the sixth secrets are turned from the pole.

Liu Yan without my sword twenty-three, it is to go to six, Liuwang, no, I am, kill the Buddha to the unpredictable

During the twenty-three consumption of the sword. With Liu Wei's strong martial arts, it is still difficult to return to the yuan. It is no wonder that the two generations of swords are talented. In the end, they all died in the sword. Because this sword is not a sword method in the world.

Iron Heart Island.

This is a small island located outside the East Sea.

The island is cold and empty without outsiders. Order is calm, the tide waves are turbulence. Two fallen boulders are playing on the shore. ,

These two children. It is also a talented, and it is better to catch the sea fish on the light from time to time. Iron Heart Island is constantly laughing. Not far away, a little girl is getting awkward, "" Huai Huai, the master, call you "

"Got it."

I responded to the empty, and suddenly I felt that the sea seems to have a cool and smoked fish, suddenly looked up just saw the far-sighted warship. The shaped dragon squatting is moving towards the iron island, it is the same, which is the dragon wave. This is shocked and stunned with the neighborhood.

The whole core island has been alarmed. It is already full of people on the shore. "Who did the next iron gate owner dare to ask?"

One of the deep people must be sent, and the sound is shouting.

The two wearing a white shuffle of the Huanglong Battle of the Huanglong Battle will be happy with the colors. Tianma! "

The main face of the iron gate is too changed.

He hidden from overseas, it couldn't think of this Central Plains. The emperor didn't know his existence! ?

Not only know it. It is aware of his proud of his privilege.

The second flying strainer of Huanglong Battles is ready to go, tens of thousands of drapes, the big man, the big man, the Tiejia, who holds the big guns, and the Lord, the Lemon, the Lemon is going to fight zirconium heart island. . It is the situation than people strong

The iron mad smoked iron green double and the light flashes, and finally hold the boxing: "Respect. ."

Zhongzhou Huangcheng. Iron and blood red dragon waves fluttering.

Lu Xun came out of the city, ten rites, standing next to the road.

On the side of him! There are hundreds of five Tiger, and wear the iron armor. Holding Chang Ge has become a steel milling barrier arranging in the generals of all directions.

The people of Huangcheng 10,000 people are like a tide. Soldering the wide officially squeezed water.

Because, today, it is a day of congratulations to the Emperor.

The iron madman is standing in the crowd, and there is a kind of shock. They are outside the world, I don't know the situation of martial arts.

But now this Taohan Han Emperor will make millions of people who are in this way like this is like a day in the day!

Chapter 117 Pig Emperor and Knife!

Two narrow hills: It seems like the dive rollover on the wilderness of the forest is full of breath.

"Here is the death of the evil and death", "a fence is full of evil!"

"The legend of the legend will inevitably become the evil spirits, but in the end, it can't be the world, and there is a wonderful"

The heart is in the heart of watching, there is not far from the mountains, and it is sigh.

When he is still there, he has received a lot of intelligence of the wormwood martial arts.

Tong Guofeng today has listed the twelve people and things selected by the two surprises in the martial arts, and finally arranged this in the eleventh one in the past.

Since this point, according to Liu Wei, according to Liu Hao, I finally found the Zhengcian Road, I can't find the evil spirits. I thought about it in front of it - a Tianshi's creation was suddenly jumped in my heart, but I asked in Town, " Evil king. The two is evil, life and death are not from people, the legend is in the evil road, the evil magic will be careful. "

Shi Zhixuan has not spoken and waited for a smile, he said: "His Majesty is going to the Pingjiang Lake. Sweeping Kyushu. There is a righteousness in the district, and you can turn the jade!? This will be evil. "

Overhanging multi-mother patriarchally asked the best competitors as their most competitors, the hostility is very heavy.

Shi Zhixuan did not look back, but behind, it seems to have a pair of eyes in the eyes, just smiled. "Go to the mountain. Someone has come to the road." Years walk into the group of mountains The insects were turned back in a few times, and they were suddenly suddenly turned out in front of them, and they saw the second too empty. "The first evil emperor's second knife, the third pig!"

Shi Zhi Xuan Qingyi was floating, and he said: "Shi Mou will come to the holy emperor of the Emperor to see the wonderful death."

This is the rivers and lakes in Bai Mountain.

The rules of unwritten are.

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