The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The San Kingdom of the Three Kingdoms No. 2934

The temple came to a cold icy. The curtain is moving, it seems that there is a spring breeze, there is a two swords between the swords, and penetrate the forehead of Taiguan.

"Waste on the launch of the goddess, hidden, the sky is absolutely impossible to have someone to come here. If you are not your dismal, how can the enemy can find here?"

"This kind of idiots. Why do you use it !?"


B has

The shadow behind the curtain gradually stood up. In the temple, a strong .. A blood marks appeared before the god official. The throat grid is sanctified, but it is broken. Before he died, I was only afraid that I didn't believe it in my hands of the dead loyalty.

God is one and two shots, kills too fascinating officials, the West Road and the light is shot, and the ice-cold snow of the peerless gods is far away from a certain position in the temple passage. Applause.

"Tangyou Village, Tibetan Tibet, I also dare to claim to be on God?"

A deep voice is like a spring thunder in the temple, and there is a destructive force that is extremely overbearing. Ten beast slaves on the ground were fried as a powder, which seems to have a full vast and magnificent search. However, the sound wave suddenly passed to that curtain, and it was like a slime to enter the sea.

Liu Wei walked out of his eyes in the dark, and Jin Zizantang flashed the second eye and kill the owner of the god. After the curtain, it was a long life. ,

The owner of the Search Palace is not intelligent. And it is too infinite with the childhood, and the qualifications of the martial arts are also extremely high. Two years ago. All martial arts did not have a good word, and he was in the highest realm.

He is smart and all over the world. More proficient in Buddhism, Confucianism. Even the students of each house. It is even more god to be geographical, and he is not a good day. Later, the main purpose of the establishment of the gougus is also to collect the second batch of elites first, and the Central Plains martial arts will once again occupy the five miles of the country. Finally, it is of course by him, the whole land of the gods.

Unfortunately, God has lost more than a hundred years ago, Shenzhou Wulin masters are invincible for a while, and they have lost the fifty-piece handy. The mountains finally worked seriously, and even the Search God is suffering. God can only sneak into the ground in the god, ready to hibernate. Seeking flowers:

He is hidden for more than two hundred years. God is not in the rivers and lakes, and the old enemy is more dead. His old enemy is more than half of the death, and now the rivers and lakes Liu Hao have completed his century. Become a group of Shenzhou.

"You mean you know the origin of the hostel !?"

I heard Liu Wei seems to be an old friend who intersects the number of people who said his identity. Even the gods can't settle, and the mood of the mood in the middle of the year. This dusty has never been a second person to know how Liu Hao knows.

Do he is a enchanting?

Be uncomfortable. on

"Hey, not only know your origin, even your proud of you can learn, the migration, the soul, the gods, the ear, the ears, today put down the customs. I only hope that I am disappointed.

Liu Wei's hands shoulders and the mouth of the fish, there is a discontinuous micro-curve: "If you choose to be a service. It can not only let you have a way of life, but you have a chair of the real fairy." strength. However, it is the land of the land of the martial arts. He figured the world. "It's good to find it!"

I said to the gods above the five people, Liu Wei's recruitment, but almost humiliate, it could not stand it.

Without more, the Condart of the Taoist Taoist Horizontal Games crashed into a powder, and the west of the world was once again shot.

When he shot, it was a bicycle of stone.

The palace has fallen into the darkness of the red auto-heavens to break the void to Liu Wu head. , The bang

The majestic Emperor's real circulation has formed a no-blanking hood, just with the blood red, the hide, hit a goddess, and the gas is like a ghost cry. Ten white jade column. .

Chapter 129!

This stone broke the sky, and the pounds of the pounds were all sneaked.

It's just that the testistic shot has been shaken, it is difficult to imagine that these two people fully shot, what is the speech.

The longevity unsatisfactory god will move into the feet, the millennium Xuan Bing Bed is ringing, and it has become inherently inch, broken into countless ice cubes.

God stood in the ice pile and also murrected: "How can there be such a skill !?"

Fang Ben's second palm Liu Wei showed the skills of the show than any master he had seen. It is the old monster for hundreds of years. Not too!

In addition to him, there is such a stunning person in addition to him?

"kill him"

Feel the god of life threats. I also care about it, I have a small mystery, and I am so low, and the animal slaves of the temple have received the order. It seems that it is mad, and it is like Liu Wei.

Then God wants to use the world, naturally, in various means, there is a variety of homes to have a lot of foreign mighty. Finally, the defeat is performed. These people are not willing to sleep in the bottom of God. It was used by the hidden means to make a semi-emerald state.

These beast slaves have lost rationality only to God's absolute loyalty and fanaticism, just waiting for God's blood to mad these animal slaves in the temple. The insects are like the orcs. It is necessary to kill the world from the bottom of the ground.

Liu Wei was in the trend of the trend to raise his hand and pressed it in front.


Searched a knife sound outside the godhouse. The unclear Jinyi Wei is pulling the knife, and the dynasties of the dynasties of the dynasties to the earth, and the mullet is in the instant. There are thousands of orcs.

"Search the god of the palace, the animal slamming the shoulders, the animal slammed the beast, and the animal slammed the beast is blocked, and it is stunned:" Your life is more than two hundred years. The number of people who know the number of days, still effectively search for the tens of thousands of animal slaves of the gods, can say that they have a heartbievance of the gods. Nowadays, the Temple Too Joint Jinyiwei is strictly accounted for strictness. Damage When Zhongshan is too late, heartache is like a knife. The anger of God has made jasularity. The curtain that is blocked in front of God is broken into a powder.

"In the past two hundred years, he has never been able to see my true noodles and I can't think that I am not in the rivers and lakes.


God finally slowed up, revealing the male L

He hides the face in the shadow. This is even more deep than the wrinkles of the centenarians. Just like the number of jade axes left behind his face.

"Do you think you can live in front of the anger!?"

Both people are like god. I haven't hit together in the final killer god.

This force. The majestic pounds are unimaginable. . The temple broke out in the worm, and the pigs were unable to slap the palace of the gods in the palace. There are countless ice sculptures, the beautiful column white jade ground, and the fierce animal slave army, in the power of the two stunned overbearing, fragmented into a powder dissipated in the world.

"Jin Yiwei listening! First to quit the search of the hometown will be killed!" The vast and magnificent Search Game Palace Temple has begun to vibrate, it seems to be collapsed in the next moment.

Jin Yiwei and retreats, and set up a battle while stranding the beast slave army and started to retreat toward the entrance of the Gougong. The two people collide with the enemy have a deeper understanding of the cultivation of the enemy. In the terrestrial realm, the number of roads that kill people in the invisibility of the gods can be used to mourn the number of spiritual power in the invisible. It is similar to Liu Wei.

"This is the second kind of Capricorn flashlight, and it really has endless, and you will be able to try the Yuanji Capricorn, you will also try to try.

Liu Wei's mouth. Gradually, one - wipe the ice curve.

Map is incomplete, but the end killing tricks in the world. I don't know how many African arrogance of the anti-Party is dead.

In fact. This is actually achieved by human traction.

The wind is invisible, but when the wind is gathered together, it can be the strongest and most invincible power in the world!, Tianji Capricorn VS Yuanzhi Capricorn!

It is almost a neighboring Jiudi hit two. This magnificent gate has finally burst into two people's thoughts of power, and the collapse is thoroughly collapsed into two ruins. A earthquake smoke rolling occurs, covering the sky.

Fortunately, Jin Yiwei has been retired in advance, and it is not too bad. Number Jin Jiewei is a knife alert. Syno a search god palace from the escaping from the GTD channel. The beast slave fierce sporn war is strong, but in the face of the dynasty killing machine Jin Yiwei, it is directly buried by the goddess. The second half of the brocade is in the brocade knife, there is a small half of the defecation, the wolf, the horrible

Liu Wei and God stand in the ruins. Like the two gods, Liu Wei has a self-confidence that is all in the confidence. And God has some hearts. After two hundred years of the gods, the Shanyou Temple of the Hall of the Palace is full of Yurong.

Liu Wei's strong has been super flat, and the emperor is in the human emperor. Going to now.

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