The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpaid Supreme Chapter 2936 of the Three Kingdoms

This old monster for thousands of years is only waiting for the right time. Quickly mix the rain.

"The animal slaves of the goddess will not stay. In addition, search for the devil's drop. After this person, after the news of the Tianmen, Liu Wei horses will send the search for the Life. I rushed to Huangcheng and presided over the overall situation. "I will not be able to expect it!" Li Sheng Zhou smashed his fist, and the dragon of the jade seismic, Liu Hao's figure gradually disappeared in the sky, there is no one. I know that I am in the Xinzhou hidden Pangai, a Pangsu organization, a Pang, who is touched by martial arts, actually in the silent and omnivior, and flying in the day of the Royal City, Liu Wei. The return is not alarmed by too many people, and he has called Liu Rong in the palace.

"The lower minister is incompetent, only brought back the small dragon to win the gold knife, the blue and the main and others, and the main robbery of Tianmen will be punished!" Liu fell into the jade. The face is awkward.

Liu Wei will conquer the essence of the escape. The result is a loss, and the sexy of Liu Rong is naturally a self-blame.

"Yu [] is born. It is also expected to expect that the total management does not have to blame."

Liu Wei smiled.

He dispatched the dynasty force of the Dynasty to the Hailuogou, the godhouse was also in order to attach the tumor, and the jade of the lurking in the dark.

The emperor is the old monster who lives for thousands of years. The heavens of the sky are even on the god.

This is responsible for seeing the power of the blue and Zong people. Too many is the help of the world, and there is a lot of death in the action. It is also going to go to the essay, but it is not in Liu Wei.

"The sword soul of the sword of the defeat is the heavy middle!" Liu Wei took the shank of Liu Rong, and the Shenshan Jinzizhui flashed.

On the surface, this is a sword soul of the sword of the defeat of the Sword of the Shi Shiji, the singer.

This is the sword of the first defeat of the fierce world.

Xiaolong won the golden knife and saw the sword of the defeat, issued a panic sword, Liu Wei, can feel the Sword of the Sword, want to escape the sword of the defeat.


After the sorrow of Jin Ren crossed, Xiao Dragon won the gold knife to break into two tributes, and the descent black dew is struggling to have the sword of the defeat.

After the sword of the original dead, after the swing of this group, it seems to have spirituality. Be more fierce.

Chapter 132, Emperor!

This is the murderer murderous murderous murderous murderous murder that is the defeated sword who is the lost sword of the murderer who is killed and killed.

The ugly ugly is also the murderousness of the sword of the defeat. I'm going out. Since the iron mad slaughter died in Liu Hao. Iron [I have already sent a service king Liu Yu Tie Shen also becoming a total tube for the Zuo Han dynasty casting the soldiers.

Nowadays, the Governor of Tie Shen, Phayan Villa - group swordsman and the US Co-Certificate of the Ministry of Cancels.

I heard that the Holy Call saw that Zirconia placed down the hand. From will come out. I quickly arrived at the palace. "Your Majesty is a construction drawing in the jade robbery?"

Iron my eyes flashing with enthusiasm. He is not forgotten that Liu Wei will pay attention to the drawings of the ginger version of the robbery.

The drawings in the ginger version of the robbery must only greeten the head after defeating the emperor, and smiled, "Qing saw this sword?,"

"What weapon can be called?"

Failure to get the perfect version of the jade robbery, Tie Shen, I was disappointed, but I saw the sword of the defeat. And the light is over there, the whole person seems to make a mud carving wood plastic.

The enemies of the defeat of the defeat, the shock of the shock, just look at it, and called the iron gods such as the ice.

Cold Wang has flowed down from his forehead. Tie Shen Jade returned to God to deep sucking mouth. He was able to say: "Your Majesty, the murderer. It is not allowed to have jade. If the lower minister does not look hard, this will have a sword with swords. It is only the final opening of the future. "

Ten sin spent the triethy generation of generations of people's heart and suffering, the sword of the death of the victims, and the sword of the defeat is also the final temper to really come.

"I will give you the sword of the defeat. I hope that you can let it come out soon." Liu Wei handed the sword of the defeat and took the shoulder of the iron god. Small smile. "Chen Diro is not hoped!" Iron god was excited to tremble, and his hands respectfully took the sword of the defeat.

As long as you can let the sword of the defeat. He will have the legend of the Qing Dynasty, and it can also achieve the legend of Tieren.

(Old milling, mascai, is there. New gold

The sword of the defeat is just a matter of time, and Liu Wei put a heart. Shen Sheng; "Next, it is preparing to fight against Tianmen, -p

The emperor who swallowed the phoenix blood claimed that the longevity did not die. In fact, the life of life was still limited, his body organ function would still slowly fading equivalent to entering the old age.

039; BOY

Emperor released only the day of the Slay Long layout, the day of the sea, the Dragon, and the limit of the dragon and the death of the phoenix, and the promotion of the higher life level Liu Yun double and the insects were full of blinking, and finally full For all, we will do everything that is clear.

"If the machine changed today, it will look at what the sky can be turned over in March!" Tianmen is actually within a huge iceberg in the north.

Here is the old nest for the Emperor to operate for thousands of years. The secret to the very beautiful is no second person. ,

Blue and Zong Holy Lord were shocked by the vastness of Tianmen when he came to the day.

"Easy there is something like this to rush to the palace, it is simply awake!"

Xuexin Men asked: "This day is an ultra-custom power and mysterious to extremely blue, and how can the Lord of the Lords, the desert martial arts, how will it be on the main relationship with Tianmen (BB)?"

In recent years, the highest realm of Blue Moon, the highest realm, the highest realm, the highest realm of the Snow Headman. But there is no news of a half-day door.

Blue and Zong Holy Lord he replied: "Twenty years ago, when the teacher, when the teacher, when the divority of the division, he was lost to a mysterious person. He is the owner of the door. One has no God's god! "

"In the past, the main pity in his hand in his hand is the quality of the teacher. It will be a teacher who has been in the teacher. It is unwilling to bury the rivers and lakes, and it has set this 39th year. "

The snow-hearted man nodded and his heart was self-sufficient.

Blue and Zongwen said that the heroous side is highly proud of the past, but the Taiwan has never degenerated, but it is the main reason for this Yumen]. It's getting awesome.

This exceeds that the power of all the dust has transcended the martial arts. It can be called the magic!

Blue Moon said to the people who are governed by the front of the people. "Please tell you the main old old age of Tianmen to thank the life-saving. In front of the road is a Tingman Wonderful woman looks a year Hua's blindfold in purple black The Loxer is too rushing to the Moon, but he doesn't dare to have a little because he feels the escaping of the Lord of Heaven's Lord from this woman.

Ice Ling woman turned around her face to cover two mysterious ice masks, could not open the mouth, the opening of the sky: "Tianmen is divided into three boundaries of the heaven, the name is the void Tianjie, the people, the people who do not move the blue moon Stay in the case of not moving. "Yes.

Snow heart men wrote that he was shocked again.

The Lord of Heaven actually dare to name this Tianmen headquarters in three years, it can be seen that it is not small, and it is like a nine days, driving the two worlds.

Where they are located. It is not a world.

Snow Putu did this only discovered that the gorgeous did not move. Although there are countless ice, it is a martial arts master, and it is lifelike. "Five [in the middle of the master, you are best not to do things or kill innocent."

"Blue Moon Saint-Lord, the talents who have been rescued by the emperor are eligible to enter the void Tianjie." Leave a warning meaningful eyes, the mask of Ice, the mask, the woman led the blue moon The Holy Lord is going forward. Leave a snow-hearted man and the blue and the disciples face each other.

Chapter 133 Dongpu Vibrate! Emperor Tu Long!

The Blue Moon, which is also very embarrassed to follow the cold and elevation, seeing countless ice revoles, and it is not blamed.

I finally walked to the void Tianjie. Lite aura. It is more than ten times that is in the human boundaries, but it is different from the people.

The ordinary people are practiced in such a place. No matter how inexperienced qualification is. It can also draw the valerian of the heaven and earth. Warming, six, naturally, it is half-time

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