The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 338 of the Three Kingdoms

Liu Bei was stopped outside by Jinyiwei. He didn't get into the inside, and he looked at it in his foot ...

"You are sneaky, is it in the stealing | Glute my military secret !?"

A Jinyiwei flashed from the shadow, cold his face.

He can't wait for your identity of Liu Bei, in Liu Hao's army, only Liu Wei's identity is supreme, and the rest is Liu Yuxi's civil and military group.

Others, who dares to make this?! That is to steal | peekeeper, directly!

Liu Beijun, said: "Misunderstanding, misunderstanding! I am with your Zhao Zilong, but I have a friend, and I have been taking this brother. It is said that I said that I said that the same clan brothers came to see him ..."

Between the words, Liu Bei took out a string of five money from his own sleeves and wanted to send to Jinyiwei.

But I didn't expect that this Jinyiwei's cloak on a volume, , ::

"First, I will hold this rape again !?"

It's going to barely, in this surroundings, I don't know where to come out, and I have went out countless black people.

These people, wearing a unified uniform, the light-fitment law is very good, instantly, Liu Bao is surrounded by the circle ...

Everyone is staring in Liu Bei ...

"Dare to move my big brother !?"

Zhang Fei, slammed out.

Liu Bei's heart, I saw my own three brothers, I went to the Jinyiwei!

This tall black man of the leopard head is angry, and it is also a generous.

The Jinyiwei, who blocked in Liu Bei, took Zhang Fei, which is a fierce punch, and the whole person is flying out by Zhang Fei's terrible boxing.

Double foot lost, dragged out two deep imprints!

"Garbage, come again!"

Zhang Fei vomited a mouthful of spit, leopard.

Liu Bei is suffering from gas, he also followed, but only Zhang Fei is hot, it is not like Liu Bei.


This time, Zhang Fei is igniting the emotions of the Jinyiwei 's angry.

"Mid, dare to come to die !?"

Cao Shaoqin is blurting, and the cloak is wrapped up!

The thief first smashed the king!

He is going to launch the body and will take Liu Bei, but only see this flying, and he has been sharply felt that the crisis is said: "Big Brother, let it open!"

Then, the biggest step out, and the block is in front of Liu Bei!


Between the electric firing, Cao Shaoqin and Zhang Fei, it is already a punch!

Zhang Fei swayed, Cao Shaoqin was a shock, and the trap was stunned, and finally fell on the ground, and retired a few steps!

"The big file, isn't it?"

Jinyiwei, have been shocked, asked before.

"Nothing, speed send people to know the main public! This black, the means!"

Cao Shaoqin's eyes are cold, the heart is shocked: this leopard head is the rough black big man, when it is a good martial art!

"What is it !?"

The movement outside is, I have surprised the Caiwei and Xu Wei and others who are in progress.

"Amount, in the next Liu Bei, the merit is the Xuede, but after Zhongshan Jing Wang, now live in Pingyuan County ... Tonight, it is mainly seen that Zhao Yun will, and the old, I also hope that you will be reported. "

Liu Bei has a eye to Zhang Fei, indicating that he does not rash.

Cao Shaoqin pressed the low voice, and said to Qin Qiong, etc.: "General Qin," Being Celebrate! The main bureau is not 330, this Liu Bei, I am afraid that I am a gangster ... "

After all, Qin Qi was born, this frown: "Liu Xuande is, you will stay outside, my master will come to see you naturally."

"You have a yellow face, dare to ask me that the big brother is drinking outside !?"

Zhang Fei is drunk, step by step, stepping on the front, the moment is shocking!

"Grass, do things!?"

Xiwei has been to endure him for a long time, and a few new words from Liu Hao have been going out.

"How do you stay?"

Zhang Fei is a hot child, a little.

However, the Ciwi body shape is similar to him, and it seems that even more majestic than Zhang Fei, how can he be afraid of him?


Ciwi Xiwei's body is in front of the front side, widened, said: "You this boor, dare to make a second before the middle army, is it too long?"

At this time, Liu Bao is shining | shaking, cold sweat!

In Liu Wei's military camp, is this not looking for death?

But now he wants to drink Zhang Fei, but it is too late!

[Bunzi to teach the mobile phone in the codeword! Very exciting! Ask for a big way to point a ticket, reward support! .

Chapter 324 Chapter Code Fight Zhang Fei, Guan Gong War Qin Qiong! [5]

"Come! Come! Come! Hey will you afraid?"

Xiwei and Zhang Fei, the body is very majestic, like two hills, suddenly hit together.

These two people are purely powerful, this suddenly, hard-eracial anal, too violent!

Qi | broke, the sound, even put a deep pit on the ground, dust!

"This, is so powerful, Yuede is not getting cheap !?"

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