The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 357 of the Three Kingdoms

Cao Shaoqin is now shaped from the shadow, and reports on Liu Yu.

"Yuan Shao Miller? Bring it!"

Liu Wei waved.

Inside the account, Guo Jia, Liu Bowen, Xu Wei and other military divisions are in the column, Zhao Yun, Yang Renxing, Qin Qi and other generals, also divided.

The Yuan Shao's pro-military messenger, the first step ahead, Hug Hou said: "Hou Hou, alliances have orders, please , Zhao Zilong Zhao Zhao General, speed to the middle army account, discuss military!"

Can Zhao Yun still take care of him?

Liu Hao pulled an excuse to smile: "Oh, it is really unfortunate, the daughter killed Huaxion yesterday, the cold is infected, and it is preparing to go to the account. I have a battle today, also dissevigant Tired, there is no energy to discuss the military situation with this first brother! "

Liu Wei, naturally there is his own purpose and intended, it is impossible to act in accordance with Yuan Shao's order.

Anyway, it is estimated that only 283 is between the princes, and the business is blowing with each other, talking about any constructive advice.


As a result, the princes who have received the reply to Liu Wei really are big fell.

Zhao Yun said such a peerless military commander, it will have too much force, dyed the cold, can't come out ...

More more, Liu Yulong is fine tigers, and the majestic is pertiance, and it will be tired of it ...

Yuan Shaoang immediately became anger, dark road: Hey! Liu Wei, this guy is really unlike, there is no big concept!

He didn't know that his overall situation and Liu Wei's overall situation were completely inconsistent.

He looked at this tiger battle in front of him, Liu Wei could see more!

It is the so-called way, not seek, this is the truth.

"Yuan straight, today's war, all parties, what is the statistics on the following people?"

After Yuan Shao, Liu Yucai asked.

Xu Wei stood up, his face was dignified, said: "The main public, today's battle, the two sides of the injured, the already unexpected ..."

"When the army of our army chased Lu Bu, the head at least 10,000, the three troops added together, and the total of more than 800 people were killed, and more than 540 people were wounded!"

"Yes, it can be said that it is great! That told Huang Zhong, with the Ministry of Military Medicine to take advantage of it!"

Liu Zhen nodded, Lu Bu's hand, can be a fine soldier, he is still very satisfied with this battle.

The military department, which has Huizhong, has a military doctor, and the injured soldiers can still be properly handled.

Donned, Liu Wei lifted his hand and said that Xu Wei continued to say.

"However, the princes of the princes, you can lose weight!"

Xu Wei is denweulmed: "Today, this battle, the western cool army iron ride, the battle is more than 20,000 people! And the trump army is caught, and the battle is finally, it is estimated that only one hundred people are not only!"

"The princes of the princes, at least 40,000 people, the party is too guarded, and die in the chaos!"

Liu Wei heard, pour a breath!

"So miserable !?"

Liu Bowen, Zhao Yun and others, already psychologically prepared, and the face still exposed a shocking look.

Sure enough, a battle is white!

"The way of trap, it is ... there is no life!"

Liu Wei was shocked.

In the West Lianjun, Lu Bu was still alive, he was passionate about fighting, and it was a wolf king.

And Gao Shun, Zhang Liao, these two are good at the army of the department, and it is really difficult to deal with it.

Liu Bowen frowned and sighed: "The main public, so, I will win the tiger, the soldiers, the soldiers, I don't know how many people are going to die!"

"Yeah, it is estimated that the total casualties will be more than 200,000!"

Everyone is also awkward.

The Ximan Legion still has twenty four thousand troops, and the princes are also at least 1780,000.

War is 20,000 young, what is the concept! ?

A person of the sea, chemical into a corpse.

Liu Wei believes that war is a ruthless meat grinder. Since I launched a war, it is destined to bleed!

Now the flow of blood, there is nothing, it is a blood that must be flow in the unified course!

When I went to the five hustle, it was called human hell!

At that time, the Han people were slaughtered, dignity is not as good than pigs!

Han girl, was looted, it was light, it was light, which was charged with military food, slaughtered cooking, that is not a small number!

"Those beasts ..."

Liu Hao deep sucking, recovered his thoughts, asked: "Yuan straight, let all department, can not be loose, by way, will send people to the princes! This Zhang Liao is a small will, if he is in the case, I am Not unexpected! "

Also discussed the essential military maintenance, the civil and military ministers have disappeared.

Leave only Liu Wei alone in the account.

Liu Wei asked: "System, my current worship balance, how much?"

He thought of a thing, today, today, there will be a slower speed, otherwise it can be died directly to death.

I have to find a way, get some gods, give Zhao Yun them.


"The current worship balance of the host is 8735! It is detected that the homes are strong, and the random lottery can be upgraded!"

Liu Wei's eyes were bright, and I quickly asked: "I would like to upgrade this random lottery, what is more content?"

"Upgrade to diamond random draw, the host can choose to consume 1000 worship, specify the horses within the range, and each extracted item will not be lower than the diamond level!"

"Heaven! This wave is upgraded, the wall is not lost!"

Liu Wei is in his heart, and you can do it.

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