The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 410 of the Three Kingdoms

At this time, Deyang Jin Temple has been trapped into a pool of death, and it is dead by Yu Wen Chengdu.

I don't know the news of Dong Zhuo defeated.

However, smartry Li Ru, but it has been faintly feeling: Who is in front of Deyang Palace?

This can be the world's first fierce!

Yu Wen Chengdu!

This level of this level, does not participate in the front battlefield, can react from the side, Liu Hao has greatly win for this battle!

In other words, Dong Zhuo's life is worrying!

On the square in front of the palace, Liu Wei is in the shackles of Caiwei, Xu Wei, Zhao Yun and other generals.

"Chengdu, hard you!"

Under the steps in front of the palace door, Liu Wei said with a laugh. what

"The end will not complete the master corner, willing to gain a penalty!"

Yu Wencheng heard Liu Wei's voice, hurriedly folded with a knee, holding boxing.

"What is it?! Please come up soon!"

Liu Wei helped his high Yu Wen Chengdu, and smiled: "Can keep the palace door, do not let people inside, it is already a big job!"

There is Yu Wen Chengdu to keep the gate of the Denyang Temple, which can be called Mo Mo!

Not to mention that Yu Wen Chengdu has hundreds of tigers and elite, this Li Ru wants to hit the emperor to kill, basically dreaming.

"The main public, this Li Ru, put the entire Deyang Jin Temple, all the fire oil, if it is an action, I am afraid that he wants to hurry!"

Yu Wen Cheng has thought of depressing, squatting, squatting on the square on the square.


Chase is flying!

Donned, Yu Wen Chengdu also said: "Right, Lord, Li Ru is still shouting, I want to see you! I am afraid it is a fraud ..."

"The main public, Li Ru is already alive, and the heart is desperate!"

Jia Yu is handwearing in the sleeve, and the mouth is hovering means a deep smashing, said: "The main public, there is a saying, I don't know if I am not talking about."

Liu Wei smiled and said: "Wenhe Mr., but there is nothing."

In his heart, it is also quite expected to say what is amazing.

Jia Wei smashed the sound, said: "The Lord, according to the observation, the one among the Deyang Jinhai ... I am afraid that I am not really the emperor."

Yu Wen Chengdu listened, said: "Wenhe Sir, do you joking? At the end, I saw this dragon chair in this dragon chair, and everyone squatted, how could it be ..."

It is what he is good at.

But when you encounter a song, Yu Wen Chengdu is clearly turned.

This seems to be unparalleled, and the Cai Wei is also like Xu Wei, and the head shakes and the sharp drum. He is said: "Wenhe Mr. is really joking ..."

In the face of everyone's question, Jia Wei is just a mysterious smile and does not think about it.

The language is not amazing, die not!

Liu Wei was shocked on the spot.

After receiving the task tips of the system, he realized this!

Jia Yu, this enchanting, how do you know that the fake emperor?

Then, Liu Wei is more shocking, happening!

I saw that the counsel gathered gathered a sleeve and laughed: ......

[Everyone, about Li Ru, did not receive it? Remember the book review area! Online refresh, etc., urgent! .

Chapter 361, Jia Yu, Killing Li Ru!

Jia Hao smiled: "The Lord, since Dong Zhuo entered Beijing, there was a period of time, and the emperor did not expose, let alone held the court ..."

"Direct to a certain day, the court is finally held, and he looked at the Temple in Deyang. He looked at it ... this day, I didn't know the court etiquette !? At that time, the day was ruined, this day, the car is founded. And really emperor, may have died in the chaos! "

Great, my Jia Wenhe!

Liu Wei smiled and said: "Sure enough, it is a national moisture!"

This is the core confidential secret of the Xiyu Legion, but is covered from a detail!

The scorpion peeling will shake Dong Zhuo Heaven's Plan.

"This ... is it true?"

Yu Wen Chengdu is also suspicious, and it is said that "The Lord, the Lord, Try to Wen and Mr., anyway, the fake emperor, let's kill it, it is finished, what?"

"Ha ha!"

Jia Hao smiled: "Yu Wen will be unparalleled, this temple has hundreds of fluttering bear, naturally, like Turkey Tou, but no matter what this emperor is true, it is not forced to force today, otherwise, will give the Lord's reputation in the future Bring a bad impact ... "

Jia Wei, already put himself in the main position of Liu Yu, considering very thoughtful.

"Not bad!"

Liu Wei heard, it is also a nod, but it is quite expected to give Jia Hao: "Wenhe, Li Ru and Dong Zhuo with the floating, bad chaos, is already a sin! Do you have anything, you can don't hurt ' Under the premise of Tianzi ', take Li Confucianism? "

For this Li Ru, Liu Wei also thought of the possibility of recruitment.

After all, this person helped Dong Zhuo out so much toxic, more supplemented by Dong Zhuo from the west to Luoyang, could count a talent ...

However, now Liu Hao wants to attract his words and will not pay.

Because Li Ru with Dong Zhuo, these two people are almost even, the notorious!

Liu Wei already has Guo Jia, Jia Wei, Liu Bowen, and , etc.

Li Ru is a person similar to Zhang Liang, which is only a second-class talent.

"Since this ..."

In Jia Zhen, the wise light flashed, it seems that Liu Wei's heart is, "the main public, no Yu Wen will suddenly take an adventure, only this three-inch non-rotor tongue, plus one Dong Zhuo's head, foot! "

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