The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 418 of the Three Kingdoms

Liu Wei was slightly awkward.

When you move in the Jinyiwei, it is also a grade character.

However, at this time, he is garnail of other princes, and some wet.

"When you move, do you want to do things?"

Liu Wei moved in his heart, asked: "What is going on!?"

He will take the feet of the door and retract it back and move into the interior.

At the time of the time, this is only five or ten, said: "The Lord, this is Sun Jian's office armor, the end will take the sheep, secretly exchanged!"

Donned, moved to the way: "The treasure of the main bureau, you must be this thing!"

He took out a wooden box from his arms, and the treasure was in the top of Liu Wei, and smiled and smiled: "Lord, you will see!"

"How did you get this thing !?"

Liu Wei hid an excitement in his heart, took the shoulders moved during shoot, and he was excited, his face was red.

"Hey! Lord, I touched a prolettery under Sun Jian, mixed into the crowd, taking advantage of the null of the people of Funishing ... I have touched this thing directly, dedicated to the main public!"

Move a smile: "Lord! It's not a boast of Haikou. In this way, there is really no baby who can't move, there is this, despite the command ..."


"Drums! Money is empty, very powerful!"

Liu Wei is a pleasure in his heart, and it has a hundred praises.

He took this square wooden box.


"Congratulations to the host, detect the emperor's treasure!"

In the wooden box, it seems that there is a spiritual abortion, passed out.

Liu Wei can't wait to open the wooden box, and I saw there a quad from it.

Wrapped with Cinnam Blocked, the outer gold lock was locked, and the emperor of the Liu Hao was ingenu, the palm of the palm was like a knife, and the golden lock was broken!

Finally revealing the things inside!

The square is four inch, and the jade is formed, the color is clear, the top of the five dragons, the work is fine, and the work is lifelike.

The lack of beauty is the tight corner, the gold is set, the golden light is shining, and it is dazzling.

Liu Wei moves in his heart, only see this Fang Qian, there are eight characters of : "Emphasis on the sky, eternal Yongchang."

"The host won the emperor's heirliticity, the national jade, the extra reward worship value is 1000 points!"

"Sure enough, it is ..."

Symbolizing the powerful jade, finally arrived!

"Yuan Shu, Sun Jian ... You also want to get jade, or wash and sleep!"

Liu Yuxin is very cool.

[New day, from the flowers, the evaluation ticket begins! .

The 368th chapter is suppressed, the sky is the world!

On the side of Liu Wei, Xu Wei and Liu Bowen have a courage to study, and the gods are vibrated.

Two people worshiped in front of Liu Wei, the mouth is called: "The main public is so able to help the people, the talent is gather, and it has gone to the government, it is really a lot of arrival !?"

"The Lord Hongfu Qi Tian, ​​the apparel of the jade, will be a big event!"

"Time to move, this time you can have a great effort ... After the time of the best, you will have a copy!"

Liu Wei received the jade, and he had a few words to move.

The chicken is a desperate person, and it will not be used by him.

But in key moments, it is often playing magical utility!

For example!

Late at night.

Liu Bowen and Xu Wei and others, they scattered after watching this jade odd.

In the account, only Liu Wei is left.

He still loves the handle of it | Play this Fang Qiyu!

In the midst, there seems to have a mystery of the naked eye, and I don't know how to turn it on the jade!

"Wait ... I always feel ... this is a little wrong with this bureau, where is it wrong !?"

Liu Wei search for the origin of the Guan Guoyu in the mind!

Get peaceful, get the world!

The most famous is to say, and I don't know where this is from, in short, this Fang Qiyu, in people's heart, it is a symbol of the Queen!

If there is no jade, even if the emperor is called, it is also a name unfair!


"Congratulations to the host, with the emperor, inspiring the hidden effect of Heshi, the sacred mission successfully advanced!"

Listening to this sound of the system, Liu Hao spirit is oscillated!

The Supreme God Task opened since the collapse of the Huangling, and now, it has finally made progress again!

"Hidden effect, what is it !?"

Liu Wei got a closer mind, gradually calmed down, and feel the mystery of this Fang Qian, quietly, quietly feeling this Fang Yushu ...

Only half of the ring, Liu Wei is in his heart!


After a loss, Liu Wei's consciousness, suddenly a inexplicable vibration!

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