The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 538 of the Three Kingdoms

Zhangzhou Wenwu, playing championship, a voice.


Liu Wei is priest, left looks, but did not find the figure of Dongjun Taishou Cao Cao, asked: "From Xuzhou, I personally hang, I still need Mende to the Auxiliary Army General ... Meng De, where is it?"

Servants, contract, 299359586290 ...

Cao Cao, of course, is not in Liu Wei's thorn.

He, among his own military camp.

In the bill, the flavor bears burned!

Cao Cao is sitting on the top of the main position, even if it is unspeakressed, but there is also a kind of person who is uncomfortable!

"Jinling emperor, there is a child secret letter, see if there is any idea?"

He has no expression, watching your own proceedings, the dedication of the Jinling, and pass it to the hand.

Cheng Yuxi, drama, Chen Gong and others, are all his heart and abdomen.

Xia Houyuan, Xia Houzhen, Cao Ren, Cao Hong, etc.

"What! What is Meng De launches a soldier, and he hits the thorns of the thorn !?"

"This ... this is too crazy!"

"Killing Zhangzhou thorn history Liu Wei, Meng De can replace it, this buy sell ... cost-effective!"

Everyone talked, some people discolored, and some people were in love.

After all, there is still no conclusion.

At this time, Cao Cao's chief admission Cheng Hao suddenly broke out.

He got out of the bodies, brushed the sleeves, worshiped to the ground, arched: "Congratulations to Mende, you can enjoy it!"

[Baozi go out to drink, take time wrong, hurry to go home code words! Dedication? .

The 464th chapter is Ning called me to lose the world, you can't bear me!

"Zhong De (Cheng Wei's expression), don't have to be more ceremony, first talk, you mean this meaning ..."

I heard Cheng Yuxi, and Cao Cao's eyes were awkward.

Cao Cao's other civil and military people have stopped talking, and they have turned their eyes, and they will set their eyes!

See what he has?


Cheng Yuli got up, surrounded by a circle, smiled: "I thought that Zhangzhou thorn history Liu Wei, but can it be the opponent of a big general?"

"How could it be !?" Xia Hou Zuoyu frowned.

"The general, this is the Souvele called, Liu Wei, the soldiers, Xuzhou, very likely to be insulting it!" Cao Ren said.

"Yeah, Ximai Dong Zhuo, is defeated by the general army, Liu Wei is tens of thousands, how can I become a big thing?" Cao Hong also published his own opinion.

For Cheng Yuxi, Cao Cao accounts underwriting, answering the surprises.

Liu Wei, give Liu Wei to send vegetables.

Never be a opponent of Liu Wei!

"All the generals, we think that ... Liu Yichang is insisted to be the leader is a pioneer, and the soldiers attack Xuzhou ... ..."

Cheng Yuxi's hands and false, indicating that everyone is quiet, then said: "The main public, the sky is the wish, how do you mean?"

Cao Cao, there is only two options.

First, follow Liu Wei, a road to go to black, fight Liu Wei.

Second, listening to the dedication of the emperor, launching a soldier, killing Liu Wei, showing Liu Yu, and also giving himself an opportunity!

Cao Cao didn't see mysteriously, and it was clear: "I am the first name of Cao Shen, the generation of Zhongliang, Han Fu Han, now this Liu Wei, I don't know how to make a chaotic, and I can be with him. ? "

This way, Cao Cao shows his attitude!

It is a thousand gangs!

This acting skill, this foot!

Absolute strength, spike, a watch, ...

"To hurry from Liu Wei, take it off!"

This is the potential meaning of Cao Cao's speech!

"Mende! Liu Wei, I have encountered a big grace!"

Chen Gong's face changed, advised.

"The gamus (the expression of Chen Palace), there is a dedication of the day, there is no need to persuade, since ancient times, it is difficult to two! Now this Liu Wei, dare to go with the generals Liu Yu, it is definitely the dead road, I am Can accompany him! "

Cao Cao was embarrassing and wrinkling, and she said.

Don't die with him, then turn the blade, give Liu Wei's heart, let's come on a knife!


The face of Chen Gong face is ugly. I want to say anything, but I have never said it!

Because the military division is once again opened!

"The analysis of the situation on the situation is in place!"

Cheng Yuxi continued to analyze: "Although Liu Wei is the emperor's embarrassment, it is suspicious, and is a greedy power. This time does not kill Liu Wei. He has developed, and he will conflict with him sooner or later. Can you have soft! "

"The military division is analyzed, it is very reasonable!"

"However, I always feel very angry."

"Yeah! Liu Wei, is also good!"

For this matter, in the hands of the civil war, divided into two pieces, noisy into a group!

On the side, it is a loyalty!

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