The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 57 of the Three Kingdoms

And the atmosphere of the Eastern Han Dynasty, values ​​to people's instruments, very valued.

Zhou Yu is very confident on his appearance. Now I have seen Liu Wei, but I have a feeling of sigh.

"Long Wen Zhou Chang is the world's talents, now see it, it is not ordinary people."

Liu Wei greeted two people before, and he was eager to welcome two people.

In this way, half is the subconscious of the ancients to receive guests, half of Liu Wei is intentionally.

If you want to go to the chaos, you must learn more about Cao Cao's heart, you don't call me people, and you will have a few hands with Liu Bei.

Thoughtful is really touched, holding a ritual: "Zhou Mou, He De, what is the Taishou adult out, this is awesome ~"

His eyes have a good feeling, Liu Hao really heard the system prompt worship value increased by 60 points.

"This is a dog Zhou Yu, Xiaohua Gong, please pay more attention to the attention."

Most of the people on Liu Hao is a person who is not high, Zhou Jia is a family, and the brothers and their father have served as a senior official in the Great Han court.

It is also not necessary to come to Liu Wei.

Mainly, the attitude of He is, the position of the group, is too subtle, and it is a person who can rely on Liu Hao.

Zhou Zhi can see this, come to personally visit, really, Zhou Yu's old, the eyes are very drilled.

"Hey, Hui Ying Kangji will succeed."

Survey, force 48, intelligence 81, political 78, and cost rate 62.

I don't know how many times failed, the system was touched by Liu Wei, and finally came successful tips.

Zhou Yu, force 73, intelligence 93, political 90, and the throttle 95.

Technical 1, Director, when Zhou Yu ratio is more than 10,000 people, there is a power ratio plus 1, force plus 1, intelligence plus 1, and some of the martial arts will have a soldiers to fight the soldiers.

At the time of 100,000 people, the army is added 2, the force plus 2, the intelligence plus 2, and some of the martial arts will be 2.

Stunt 2. Fire! ? ?

Gave it.

There is only one word to describe the shock of Liu Yuxin.

This supervisor skills have been destined to Zhou Yu is a born man.

No wonder, the battle of Chibi in history, Zhou Yu can win Cao Cao in which the general trend is!

Liu Hao took a breath and calmed the mood.

The attribute description given by the system is the current attribute.

Ten years of Zhou Yu, already changed this, waiting for him to grow to the top of the / peak, then?

Is the Romance of the Three Kingdoms not intentionally in Zhou Yu!

Zhou Yucan, obviously a super slap!

"The tiger has no dog, Zhou Gong is famous Luoyang, Wenwu Shuangquan, Liu Moujing has been."

Liu Wei as a ritual.

Tangle is too guarded, actually seeing the boy who is not guided by Zhou Yu, and also intersecting the section.

This is very surprised.

And Zhou Yu's eyes, there is also a slice of glitchers, saying: "Yu Yu is not named, and Liu is really too much."

Just rely on the big man in Zhou, buried the brilliant record of Cao Cao's hundreds of thousands of troops, and it is not too much!

Of course, I won't say exports, Liu Yin smiled: "Listening to the Ming Yin Zhi, Zhou Ling Yin Zhi Gong, there is a resend, and will leave Luoyang in a certain day, go to Yichuan, I originally wanted to go to Zhou Changshi Visiting the public, did not think that the Zhou people came over, the public is so big, why not go to Sichuan with the official, come out of a career? "

Liu Wei is looking forward to watching Zhou Yu.

There is no need to hide the enchanting enchanting of intelligence.

Liu Wei direct single knife straight, and directly demonstrated his own recruitment.

Sincerity is full.


Zhou Yu is quite touched, and I will not speak.

His old man is shocked: "Hey, Liu Dan people don't know, some old wives have been ill, and the old man is concerned, this is determined to resign to the official position, return to the river to visit relatives."

"Adult, sorry."

Zhou Yu also apologized.


Liu Yuxin turned, very polite, took a thousand years old ginseng in recent gifts, and stuffed to Zhou Yu's hand, sigh:

"Hey, all the filial piety is the first, it seems that I can't keep the public."

Ma eggs, even now, I have to brush the good feelings of Zhou Yu first ...


"Congratulations to the host, Zhou Yu is greatly improved to the host!"

"Congratulations to the host, the worship value increases by 300."

"I heard that Liu Taishimah is a material, not only seven steps into poetry, but also created a surprise show?"

A series of a series of perforns, and there is a return.

Zhou Yu's talked tattoo had a lot of proximity, and he was also full of respect for Liu Hao's eyes.

The gods of the gods, Liu Yutang did not let this forced this, smiring: "The public is the people who like to like the people, come, we discuss discussions ..."

Two people have directly opened their profits and talk very much.

Zhou Yu's heart, big shock, heart secret: "My Talent Talent, I have been outstanding, I didn't expect to have Liu Wei in the world, and I am in the Le Dao, I also stabilized me!?"? "

Good feelings rose.

When I didn't do anything, Liu Wei felt almost the same fire, I took a cloth from my arms and sent it to Zhou Yu's hands.

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