The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 641 of the Three Kingdoms

"Oh! Some of the 30,000 soldiers, the starry night strike Jinling, even the heaven, the Holy driving, all give the main public!"

Liang Gang said, anyway, don't cost any strength ...

Listening to the public, the lucky lifted hand, the lifted hand, put it, then said: "General, all said good! No matter how, always freely follow Liu Wei, what else is there? The policy, even though all want! "

"The main public, the number of people in our army is already the absolute rolling of the generals, and why is it for more than one?"

Yuan Shujun general Sun Ce finally said.

He spoke, Yuan Shujun's remaining, no one dare to say half of words!

The spirit of Xiaofang's Wu Yong is gradually revealing.

"Well ..." Sun Ce will have the courage of overlord, but everything must be careful, Liu Wei, use the soldiers, the city is too deep ... "

Yang Hong asked.

A group of people, discussions.

During the Chamber of Commend, I said that half-rang, I have not discussed it.

"News ~~~"

At this time, a spark outside the door, I have been going in, and I'm:

"The main public, I came to Jinling's angel, saying that I sent a to the main public!"

Yuan Yu frowned and waved: "What Jinling is ? Belt it!"

"Huainan Yuan Shu, after the Sis 3rd, the court, the court, awarded the animal husbandry of Henan, but his people did not think about the country, but in turn, the inclination, disability and disability ..."

After listening to the Wen Hong Wan Wars, I finished reading, Yuan Shu's face, it is already black, I can drop the ink ...

All the people in the hall, and there are also low heads. No one dares to come out to die in this time ...

"Oh, I am evil! I Yuan's IV three public, what respectful, then Liu Wei, actually dare to be so humiliated in me, do not kill Liu Wei, my heart is also!"

Yuan Shu, slamming the sword, squatting down the front of the table, said to teeth: "Liu Zixuan, I really thought that my sword did not noton!?"

"What is the angel of the communication, come, give me a kill him!"

Yuan Shu face, slammed, slammed, smashed on the table in front of the table ...

The commander said: "Lord, that makers ... Leave a text, go straight, say to go to the vassal of the town ... He has a light power, we can't stop him ... "

"It's over! Liu Wei, too embarrassing, too poisonous ... I have to pass the world, my reputation of Yuan Shu, is thoroughly being confused by him ... Who else will come to me !?"

Yuan Hao hated the teeth, but there was no way.

Shan Jinshang Dao Guo: "Lord! For now, it has been completely tearned, only determined that the generals who are still in the river can determine the southeast hegemony in the future. Who is it!"

"Good! Just in accordance with Mr. Jin!"

Yuan Shu also sent it, it is decided to fully work with Liu Wei.

Just, he has no advice, there is no suggestion.

Outside the door, I ran in a look, a sense of anticipatus, "said the main public, big events, Liu Wei Jun Ji Zhao Yun, lost last night, and he attacked Mutong County!"

Yuan Shu's nose is angry.


Liu Wei, Laozi is here to discuss how to use the soldiers, you don't have the mother! ?

Everyone's scared mouth | Batu is big, the eyes are rolling, but there is no coming, and the door is another spoofer, and the development is reported:

"Lord! Big things are not good! Liu Yujun stationed in Zhang Liao, and finally criticized, he hit two hundred miles overnight.

"Qijiang County urgent news! Liu Yizhen, the water army, has sold the lake, strong soldiers, directly threatening Shu County!"

"Wow, I am too angry!"

Yuan Shu is white, one looks, wow, spit a big blood!

[First sent! Last night, my sister was very beautiful, but ... wiped tears, don't be afraid, at least buns also have a dream! The old iron sent a little flower, evaluation, monthly ticket support for the lonely old man! If you can, let's open it! Even if the wind is big, the buns will still be stable and updated! .

The 548th chapter Liu Wei used the soldiers like God, straight to the river!

This is what it is! ?

I didn't just decided to send troops to attack Liu Wei ... How to instantly have turned over, and I will pretend to be a leader! ?

The civil and military people under Yuan Shu, are also the status of a face ...

During the Chamber of Deputies, the same silence!

Liu Wei, this name, like a mountain, heavy pressure | in their ~ heart!

No one thought, Yuan Shu pointed to the military, crazy violet, the troops on the card, there is absolute advantage, Liu Wei dares to take the initiative! ?

This is still in the fore nest, the soldiers are divided into three roads, from the three main directions, launched a Thunder attack to the Yuan Shujun!

"This Liu Hao's courage is too big ... Today, the county will be out !?"

Yuan Shu cold sweat, pale, hands, shaking ...

The Shan Jin still wiped a sharp sweat, forced to force and calm down, said: "The main public, the urgency, it is to figure out the three-way army that Liu Wei is sent out, how much is the specific force distribution, who is the Lord, who is I have a good response ... "

"The military said it is good!"

Yuan Shu Chicken nodded, suddenly realized.

Jinshang continued: "You don't have to be afraid, Liu Hao is originally soldier, this is also divided into three ways to attack, it is the way of self-defense!"

This spaglet in the hall, gathers the three-way intelligence, the opening is a road: "The main public, this is all the way, it is the main one will be the main army, saying that the army is 50,000, the little identification, in fact, his hand probably 20,000 step riding , Take Guan Yu as a pioneer, silver lion light cavalry is dominated! "

After a sudden, he continued: "The second road is the long-gamble god Zhao Yun is the front drive, and there are more than 20,000 miles before and after, and there are more than 20,000 people. When the small faint sees the violent embrace, then the general is the general army. Liu Wei is here! "

Yang Hong whispered: "The Lord, Yu Wen Chengdu is near Tung County, Zhao Yun must go with him ..."

I heard the name of Yu Wen Chengdu, Yuan Shu Yue Cang smoked ...

Ji Ling, Zhang Xun and other generals, no people dare to speak.

Under the tiger, Yu Wen Chengdu defeated Wen Hou Lu Bu, which is a battle!

The night attack, even the arms raised the madness of the knee, the same is true, no one dares to look up!

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