The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 668 of the Three Kingdoms


"Tianzi looks at the gas, successful use, congratulations to host the Ji Ling!"

Ji Ling - Wuli 91, Intelligence 74, Politics 61, Positive Rate 87.

Technique: : The Ji Ling after life and death, for the martial arts, more upper floors, bravely known as the sea!

When Ji Ling is fighting, the force +2, which is +2!

Note: Due to Commission, Yuan Sheng Zhong is 100 full value, the possibility of hosting the host is very small!

"Good one will be, follow Yuan Shu, it is a white blind ... If you can use it ..."

There is no doubt that in the face of such , Liu Hao is already a heart!

However, I heard the last sentence, Liu Hao's heart was cold half!

"This Nima! What happened to this world! Even Yuan Shu can have such a boldness !?"

Liu Hao is unhappy!

Rotary, my heart, I asked: "The system, no! How can I show the loyalty of the Ji Ling? When the weather does not seem to have this function !?"

"The host is looking at the dragon, and the energetic dragon is swallowed, and the Emperor Sheng Di Di is accumulating to the fourth floor.

What the hell! ?

Liu Wei is also shocked!

The Holy Devili emperor is in invisible, naturally running.

In other words, he is in a moment of practice, even if he sleeps, it is also practicing!

But he didn't think of it, there was an invisible, actually broke through the fourth layer!

"Take it, what is more about the original holy ..."

In Liu Wei, Zijin Shengmang, the more and more deep and deep: "Tianzi Wang Meys (Emperor): You can view others attributes, and insight into other dismisions, the martial arts will be loyal to its monarch!"

"The main public, this Ji Ling, too mad, do you want to do it !?"

The side of the side Cai Wei and Xu Wei Shuanghu Wei's voice will return Liu Yu to the reality.

"Oh, don't have you, if you can kill the middle army, you will follow him!"

Liu Wei smashed his eyes, faintly glanced at the battlefield, said.

Among the target, the soldiers are stacked, and they will count!

Ji Ling is the first-class fierce, and it is not the unparallert of Lu Bu!

Don't break your own limits, I am very difficult to see Liu Wei!

Sure enough, after the departure of the Liu Yunjun, the Ji Ling was killed, and he was already eye-catching by the generals of Liu Hao.

"The Lord is trieracted, but this is not a good, seeing him for the leader!"

The eagle helmet silver armor is too Shi Shi, will deliver the commandment to Huoxi, and the horse will kill the Ji Ling, "Huainan Ji Ling, you can dare to fight Jiang Dong Tai Sizi !?"

[First, free flowers, evaluation tickets! .

The 571th chapter does not accept people, you can kill!

"If you, I also dare to shock the main public?"

Taisi's kindness has grown inner, this sound, like a lion, even in killing, it is also transmitted to Ji Ling ...

"This, good fortune!"

The Ji Ling has a shock, looking up, responded: "Tai Shi Ci Arrows, the Yangdong, a big reputation, some will be ..."

However, he did not finish this sentence!

Outside a hundred steps, an arrow is like a meteor, flying fast | came over, put the murder of the Jiali helmet |

Such a god!

"Hold the grass! This arrow, if you shoot my throat, isn't it a dead !?"

Ji Ling is a cold!

"Use arrow to kill you, don't show me!"

After the Tempi Miyi Arrow, he didn't stop, and the horse was flying toward the Ji Ling!

"It's good!"

The war is in the middle of the war, the two suddenly sent a mad!

Long | gun and three pointed two-blade knife, collide in the air, shocking air, seems to have wiped Mars!

Just a 13, the Jiling Tiger's crisp | Ma, my heart is more vibrating!


"The generals of the generals, in addition to the invincible Yu Wen Chengdu with the gallbladder, Zhao Yun, there is still such a tiger !?"

I don't want to think more, the Bright silver gun of Tai Shi is again!


The two people made a dead fight in the battlefield, and the mud is four, and there is no light in the sun and the moon!

After the fifty round, the Ji Ling has fallen in the wind and supports!

Tai Shi Chaucan is on him, with the braveness of blood, it has been supported for so long, it is very difficult!

Liu Hao took the global global in the hillside, and the mouth exposed a little smile, smiled in the sword: "Within ten strokes, the spirit will defeat!"

as expected!

I have been even a few tricks, the more beautiful, the longer, long | gun dance, such as tumble!

The completed Ji Ling only has the room, no power!

Not many, just the tenth move!

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