The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 679 of the Three Kingdoms


Shouchun Huai South Army, all people, 10,000 grass mud horses in the heart, it is difficult to accept this fact!

This Nima, the last time I got the news, I have only a few days! ?

Qijiang County, there are tens of thousands of soldiers to fight!

Is Liu Hao is God, the ministerial leader is the Tianbingtian! ?

So fast, I was attacked in the county! ?

"The general military division three roads, the petitioners raided the Qijiang County, the local national luxury, the national rebellion, opened the city gate, and the generals of the generals and horses into Shuxian ... Liu Xun Daban Festival defeated, suspected to die In the chaos! "

After listening to the news, Yuan Shu face is black, and I asked very much: "Liu Xun ... this idiot! The general of the Ji Ling, I am not sending the Ji Ling leader leading the 30,000 troops, before the support of the county?! "

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The 580th chapter, please soup!

"General Ji Ling, good at bringing the soldiers, will not suffer!"

"Maybe, you can also give the big general to the head, stabilize the river!"

"The general! The Ji Ling is the Huainan Army Mission, inevitably slammed Liu Yunjun, let the generals Liu Wei, and also know the power of our army!"

, talking about it.

But only listening, then the probe continued: "The Lord ... The Ji Ling did not rush to the Qijiang County, and the Qijiang County has been directly sweeping. Lukang, the owner of the Lukang, and has given the Lujia Dai Dai Female Warriors. When Xiao Yan, I will rely on the position of the Weijiang County ... "

Sigui Jin still heard, said: "The Lord, Lukang old, is an old fox, taken up in Jiangdong, very prestigious, there is he asked, Jiangdong County county, must be a look!"

"Lukang old children, mistaken me, I hate ..."

Yuan Shu is a taking a table, saying: "If there is a chance, it is necessary to kill the Lu family!"

"However, the general of Ji Ling did not go to this water ..."

Yuan Shu brows wrinkled, said: "If the Ji Ling will return to Hefei, holding Hefei with Yuan Yu, only lost a Qijiang County, there is nothing big!"

Now Yuan Shu, not only just the original Nanyang County.

Now he is in the middle of Henan Province, and there is Jiujiang, Qijiang Second Country, Woyan, only lost a Qijiang County, not very painful ...

"Not bad! As long as Hefei has stable, Shouchun's grain is full of strategic resources, there is a sufficient guarantee!"

"Yuan Yu General, is the Lord's brother, there is a big leader to be big, and the town is holding Hefei, it can be described as solid gold soup!"

Yuan Shu listened to the nodded, said: "Yes! As long as the Hefei can gather twelve thousands of army, we will have a positive match with Liu Wei, let him know the greatness of our Huainan Army!"

"Hefei urgency ..."

It's a good discussion, it's a scream, rang outside the door ...

In the hearts of everyone, it is shocked, and there is no peek that has a homogeneous premonition ...

"The main public, Jiujiang County Hefei Hefei, lost on the previous day ... General Yuan Wei, has been killed in the pleasant!"

The probing war is reported to the war of Hefei. It is dead by the eyes of everyone in the hall, and feels that he is full of cold hair.

In the hall, it's too quiet!

There is no one half of the sound at all, even breathing sound, it is condensed!

Quiet terrible!

"Hefei has lost, I am ... I will not be buried!"

Yuan Shu sat on the seat, double eyes red, shocked to highlight the eyes, it has been completely cold sweating ...

At this time, an ice-cold sound came from outside the door:

"Fengda General, specially sent a gift, give Yuzhou thorn history, Yuan Shu, everyone!"

I saw a young man wearing a flying fish clothing, waist and embroidered spring knife, the first court chest, long | drive | straight | into the talker!

Yuan Shujun guarded, Qiqi knife sword out of sheath, stopped him on the front door square!

"What gift is sent here!?"

Yuan Shu wiped his wiping cold sweat, said: "The second army is fighting, not to make it, bring him in and talk!"

Zheng He is a big wooden scorpion, proudly, regardless of the arms around the soldiers, and directly enter the hall!

"What gifts are sent to the generals?"

Yuan Shu, the general asked Li Feng's face.

"Please, Yuan people, know!"

Zheng He also did not follow Yuan Yuxin, in the proud independent hall.

"Grass! It's head!"

Yuan Shu saw it, the soul fly outside!

Liu Xun and Yuan Wei's two fights, laying on lime, is a big eyes, face up!

The eyes before the death must be horrified to the extreme!

Yuan Shu did not sit stable, fell from the seat!

boom! boom! boom!

In the Huainan Legion, there is a kind of gallbladder, and it is also soft after the feet, and the body is behind ...

Mainly in a quiet and quiet atmosphere, everyone did not think of seeing such a horrible side!

"Lord, okay!"

Sun Ce, who is called Huai's small overlord, the first, supporting the pizza, the same, the same, the same, Yuan Shu.

Yuan Shu cold sweat, strong calm, said: "Nothing, the Bo is not worried ..."

"Oh, this person, also equipped with my master's public bags and arguments ..."

Zheng He in the hall suddenly took a knife in his waist, throwing it on the ground, looking up, arrogant: "Gift is sent, somewhere, please soup!"

The meaning of this is to let Yuan Shu quickly killed him!

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