The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 682 of the Three Kingdoms

Of course, this is the reform of him after winning Huainan.

"Public, Wen and ... What do you have?"

Liu Wei asked.

"When the minister lived in Danyang County Xuancheng, he had had a study on the mountain. The longevity of the mountains and the mountains and the mountains, the sluts, the army is extremely difficult ... plus them in stubborn, unanimous rows ..."

"The main public can send people to the dangerous danger of the mountain, and then the mountain is getting angry in the mountains, not fighting with them ... Now is the season of food, the main leadership, let the soldiers, rushing the ripening of the ripes ..."

"The new valley of the mountains is not received, if it is dinner, there is no sufficient strength, can only fall with the main public, can you make a move?"

Zhou Yu smiled and laughed.

"This ... is too shameless ... but I like ..."

Liu Wei heard his eyes.

This Nima, this stealing the farm of the two vine, there is a wonderful work! ?

The hill is a grain being robbed. The less the mountain is not a hundred million face! ?

After all, even if you have a stomach, you haven't eaten your stomach, you can only eat the soil in the mountains, and dare to come out to make your wind?

"Zhou Lang, the best!"

Liu Yizhen will, all wiped the cold sweat before the amount, and the heart is dark: Zhou Yu Zhou Gong Yu, it is too bad, you can't help him without any reason.

Yang Hong is full of spring breeze, walking out from Yuan Shufu, and walks back to your house.

When I arrived at the door, a family of people appeared, got out of the door, asked: "Mr. Zhuge, Mr. Zhuge has been waiting for a long time!"

"Zhuge is? I will go see!"

Yang Hong hurriedly opened his family and stepped toward his inner hall.

"Oh, what kind of wind blows Zhuge brother, blowing to a house ..."

The person did not arrive, the sound is first arrived.

In the hall, a twenty-seventh year old thorns, heard the urgency | promotion of footsteps, slowly put down his wine glass, lifted his head, smiled and smiled: "Congratulations, Mr. Yang, to give me a job in Yuan Yuzhou ! "


Yang Hong has been forced by someone ...

This Nima, so God! ?

I just met, I didn't speak, I know anything! ?

[Fifth is more! For the automatic subscription, each increase is more than one hundred, buns plus more! In response to the mountain plan, this is not a buns and a few pieces. Buns have been looked through the relevant information: Zhuge's son Zhuge, Zeng Dan Yang Taishou, Pingding Mountain is more, it is also true that people will be around the mountain, grab their food, effect Significant! .

The 583th chapter Liu Wei's strong, Qi Zhu Ge concerns!

"Oh! Zi Yu, the same happiness ... come, take the official Collection of Maotai Xianfeng!"

In the end, Yang Hongxin is still embarrassed ...

After all, he is a combination of the context, and it is also from the mouth of Zhuge ...

Not long, the in the house took the Maotai Xianmai, and the two people were so good, retired out, and hide the threshold ...

"Right, Zi Yu, how do you know that something is?"

Yang Hongmei is a little drinking, Moutham, asked.

The youth scribes known as Zi Yu, respectfully, smiled and smiled: "Yang Gong is very fast, walking with wind, somewhat, found that Yang Gong has red light, it is obviously very big, Not Japanese Lifting! "

"It is a wonderful celebrities!"

Yang Hong has a red light, laughing: "The Mongolian is a thick day, it will make Jingzhou, Jin Shang, Yan Xiang and others can not be as good as Zi Yu, Shouchun, but also more worrying (Zhuge )! "

"Ha ha!"

Zhuge said, smiled: "There is Huainan Xiaobao Sun Ce, which is certainly in Shouchun City, Spring City, is just that Sun Ce will laul, it is elite, but the number is too small, it is not enough to fight the generals, now need Expansion ... Yang Mr. Yang is the first forces under the owner's account, deeply righteous, I don't know if I can say it? "

"Zhuge is Sun Ce, originally to help Sun Ce's expansion army ..."

Yang Hong did not immediately promise, but in turmoil.

Yuan Shu's heart is narrow, and it is very strict for the control of the department.

Like Sun Ce, it is very tightly in the art of the wealth.

Sun Ce only has the three thousand old ages that have left the father, known as the disconnection soldiers, the meaning of "the war is invincible, can be touched"!

"Under the generals, all the iron blood is extremely else, the general army, it is difficult to compete with it!"

Yang Hong took a half-rang, and finally promised, said: "This matter, it is good to say! The Huainan Legion is now more than 10,000, and the will of Sun Ce will be rejuvenated from the first. I hope to disconnect the soldiers, can hard to resist the generals! "

After all, Yang Hongxin, also have a shadow.

He, starting from the departure, witnessing Liu Wei's entire rise in Liu Wei!

Liu Hao has fiercely fierce, with the age of weak crowns, and controls the power of the exquisite!

Strength, powerful to incredible!

After leaving Yang Hongfu, Zhuge was directly on a carriage.

Inside the car, it is called Sun Ce called Jianghuai Xiaofang Wang!

"Zi Yu, how? Is it not?"

Sun Ce asked eagerly.

He was originally a hurry, the speech is directly, and it is not known.

Zhuge said with a sleeve, arched: "Hehe! Congratulations, will be controlled by 10,000 to discuss the big army!"

"Haha!? Things become !?"

Sun Ce is happy, his eyes are light, saying: "It is a lot of Zhu Gezi, talented, I see what Yang Hong, Jinshang, Yan Xiang and others, more than the Zi Zi Yu, the difference!"

"Bo", cautious ... cautious ... When the heart is full of the wall ... "

Zhuge was praised by Sun Ce, and there is no ecstatic color, which is very cautious.

"Hey! Unfortunately there are only 10,000, if I have 50,000 else, I have an annoying and elite, the battle is uncomfortable, can be touched, why can't I fight with the three apes of the army?"

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