The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 697 of the Three Kingdoms

Night black paint ink black, reach out, no five fingers ...

Inside the account, it is more chaotic, and the soldiers who are trampled, not a few!

Zhang Xun hated and said: "True Nima ... enough!"

When Zhang Xun fee has countless blood, organize a chaos, when preparing to counterattack, Liu Haojun has begun to have a new trick ...


There are countless flying air arrows, breaking into the camp, four fires, people are awkward!

If Zhang Xun is Yuan Shujun Zhongmu, the soldiers have been sold for decades ...

Maybe, this battle, the lunar war is not used, directly by Zhang Liao Yibo, and give it completely!

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Chapter 595, see someone, rushing!

"Zhang Xun General ... this, how do you play this !?"

"Yeah, General Zhang, we have not seen the enemy's shadow, and have been trampled, lost a few thousand brothers, the true mother's retreat ..."

"Grass! Simply lead the whole army, kill the camp, and you will die with Zhang Liao dog!"

The complaints of the heads of the ear of time, Zhang Xun joined the steel teeth from time to time, and Zhang Xun jeensed: "It actually uses such a despicable conspiracy, evil, oxidant ... The public will listen, speed gathering department The public, kills the camp with me, kill Zhang Liaoji! "

"The second army is fighting, not dead, conspiracy means, not the most important, can effectively achieve the final victory ..."

Guo Jia doubled his sleeve, and the mouth exposed a little smile: "Jia once listened to the Lord said a word, no matter the black cat white cat, you can catch the mouse, it is a good cat, it is this truth ..."

"Feng Xiaoli's mission, ghost and gods are unpredictable, our army does not have a soldier, just the shouting of the flag, do a suspect, the enemy has already killed thousands ..."

The general of the generals of Zhang Liao, sincerely.

Xuzhou general, also nodded: "There is a good filial brush teacher, and the end will look at the Huainan army of this road, but also when it comes to the whole army, just wait for the military to order, inevitably bonded to a 157 service , Completely swallow these tens of thousands of troops! "

At this time, a battle drum sounded.

The direction of Huainan is, and it has gradually stabilized.

"The time is already here!"

Guo Jia is gave up, for Zhang Liao Road: "Wen Yuan! One, just move your mouth, the main public will give it to Wenyuan, next, look at your command and dispatch!"

Excovery, tall the tens of thousands of battles, the knife mouth is blood, there is a big difference!

Zhang Liao is in the direction of the southern Jinling, and he worships, "said a! Will not let the main public!"

"What is Guan Yu General?"


Guan Yu sat in a jujube red, one hand, and the long must, one hand held eighty-two pounds of Qinglong, the moon knife, I shouldn't stand it.

"You led you to lead the three thousand silver lion light cavalry for the left wing, see the machine to kill the enemy!"

Guan Yu said: "This war, a must to take the enemy will lead the lead, dedicate to the general!"

Guan Yu is arrogant, but it is not issued by Liu Wei.

He has been used by Liu Wei to use the knife, and completely tumble ...

Liu Wei attaches great importance to him, sent him to the pioneer of this army, and can you let the generals disappointed?

"What is the general of Xuzhou?"

Zhang Liao fooled a long knife and continued to ordered. Yan Ba ​​also lifted his knife on the horse: "At the end of!"

"You will lead you five thousand stems, wear invasion from the right wing, with the middle army, tear the enemy!"

: "The end will lead!"

"The rest will, with a migrant army, Since Zhang Xun dares out, then it is hitting! Bihamedi is in a service!"

Zhang Lians suddenly took out the double knife between the waist, and slammed towards the front.

"Give me!"




In the cool and bright horn, a deafening killing sound, she sounds!

Feeling the mad sound of the mountain in the sea, Zhang Xun and his hand's Huainan army, his face suddenly turned!

They followed Yuan Shu, hit Huainan from Yuzhou!

All the way is cross-push, the main officers of the county, looking down, and where, I have seen this forces! ?

"This is the mother, or is it a human army? It is too horrible!"

"Yeah, how can it be a fierce army !?"

"We ... can you be their opponent?"

Looking at the iron blood cavalry shocked by the steel torrent, Zhang Xun fresh blood is countercurrent, the heart is like a drum!

The Lord will be the case, and the soldiers are not mentioned!

The soldiers of the Huainan Legion, suddenly born a kind of horror!

I triggered a champion!

"Grass! Give Laozi! Good fortune! Special anti-enemy, who dares to hear the generals of this general, decide!"

General Zhang Xueqi has a nose to smoke!

This Nima!

I haven't started playing yet, I have lost half of the gallbladder that has been shocked!

Still in the case of this, the number of people here!

"The front row of soldiers shield, long | guns, then row the bow archers, let's take a round, give the enemy to the head!"

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