The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 699 of the Three Kingdoms

There are many people, but the basic disk is great, and it can't decide everything!

Otherwise, when the West Chu Bawang, with the eight thousand Jiangdong children, can sweep the world, almost achieve the hegemony! ?

"not good!"

Zhang Xunzheng commanded the three-year war with Yang Hong's focus of the middle army, but did not prevent the farm dust rolling, a green robe red horse general, killing!

"Chisel is wearing! It's been cut!"

"General Zhang, not well, the left wing is completely chisel ..."

With a spoke of people, Zhang Xun's pupil, it is shrinking!



This is the last idea in his heart!

The left army can't live, and then the Chinese army will be broken without suspense!


Guan Yu rides a ride, Qinglong, the moon knife dances in his hand, there is a devil!

A knife!

The knife of the treasure, sweeping, horrible!

The soldiers of Huainan Army, like the sharp straw, a row of poured down!

"The enemy will be available, a Huainan General Zhang Xun, the knife does not kill the unnamed thief!"

Zhang Xun glared at it, and the knife was pulled out.

If you don't kill the head of Guan Yu, Huainan Army's morale will drop the bottom of the valley!

Today, I can't hit it!

"With you, it is also equipped with a knife in front of it?"

Guan Yu Ya Ramon, the blade, the blade, and the moment of killing several Huainan Army prepared to sneak attack.

"Grass, actually see the general !?"

Zhang Qun has bombed the lungs, and the murder suddenly condenses!

This day, I have been in motion in Liu Haojun, and Toyima's retreat!

Two people ride, put a knife together, kill the opponent!

"General Zhang, mighty, killing red face!"

"General Guan Yu, but the unparallert of the Lord Golden Exostlet, he went to him !!"

"Catch him!"

"Catch him!"

In the brilliance of everyone, Guan Yu Danfeng, showering, a thorns!

"Remember, the head of the dog, the Long Wan Guan Guan Yu is also!"


A high arrogance, from the tail vertebrae of Guan Yu, along the meridians, extend toward the limbs!

At this way, Guan Yu's breath and knife, instantly condense to the most horrible!

Zhang Xun, who kills the horse and killing in front of him, is already a dead!


Guan Yu's low drink, double | legs, jujube red horse abdomen, the whole person seems to be stringed arrow, shot out!

Everyone on the battlefield, the next consciousness narrowed his eyes!

I saw that Guan Yu, this integration of the whole body, is already the extreme!

Zhang Xun's martial arts, for the usual general, is already strong ...

Otherwise, you will not fight a famous Huainan army.

However, in front of the Guan Gong, a big knife! ?

Look for death!

How can Zhang Xun can exceed


The cool saws are triggered, and Guan Yu's knife is instantly climbed up!

Universe will have a sharp turn, the air is solidified, the knife is stunned, and it cannot be described in words!

On the blade of Qinglong, the blade of the Qinglong, the faint knife, condensed into substance, turned a horror Qinglong, a horror of the sky!

"People in the world ... There is still so super knife!?"

Zhang Xunshou down the horse, jumped out, he was already condensed the skill of the whole body, and he cracked out this knife!

Take the knife with a knife!

Double knife faith, Zhang Xun feels the horror of Guan Yu Knife!

Qinglong kills, there is no life!

,, !

The situation is going down, and the people who will take Zhang Xun, and they have four pieces!

Zhang Xun is red and red, and it seems to have seen himself with half half of the body, and fly in the second side!

"In addition to the generals, who is the world who comments Guan Yu's knife?"

Guan Yu took the knife and kept inertia, rushed out of ten feet, and said proudly.

He frowned, like carefully recalling the skill of the knife who had just got yourself ...

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