The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 701 of the Three Kingdoms

Two people came to me, and they built.

Liu Bei is ecstatic, 4.1 Face is a few degrees, finally said: "Hey! Since Mr. Yang is trying to resolute, then prepare for the fight to direct this battle ..."

This is really being charged in the crisis!

Yang Hongdao, called: "There is a mysterious public, and the big event is also a big event!"

Liu Bei was taken behind Yang Hong, and he felt that he was as if he stood in the top of life | peak ...

[The third is more delivered, hey! Congratulations to the host, trigger hidden tasks: Box today packs up the package, officially ramp from the company! Starting today, homes are codewords at home ... Task: Automatic subscription to each increase, add more! The number of rewards plus 10 people, add more! Waveward, add more! Evaluation ticket exceed 50,000, add more! I started tomorrow, crazy broke out, let everyone cool! .

The fifth hundred and ninety-eight chapters don't kill, and the thunderstorm rim is rolling up!

Liu Jiyi's air haired has taken the gods, it is awe-inspiring, saying: "Where is the general?"

After him, a burly Han, turned it out, holding a box: "At the end of!"

"You live with a thousand white ear, for the power of the backbone, the old department of Huainan, the better, the better, the better!"

"The end will, lead!"

The general is hugging, turning around.

Yang Hong looked at Chen, and his eyes were brushed through a brilliance. Dark Road: This Liu Bei, there is still this tiger! ?

This is Chen to, height is eight feet, the tiger is the bear waist, the appearance is quiz, walk between, the tiger is full of wind!

"What is the general?"

Liu Bei's movement is constant, and it will continue to wavily wavily waving the army saunarkeeper, ordered the way.

Another big waist is a madman, turned it out, I hug, and the sound: "At the end of!"

Liu Beizhen: "Now the Liu Hao Legion's left and right wings are too heavy, and you will lead the elite, look for the opportunity, insert the enemy army, slam, slamming the enemy army, Zhang Liao, for Chen to fight for a first-line machine ... ... this goes, nine dead life, can you dare? "

Niu Jin must send a steel needle, all in the past, crazy shot his chest full of thick black hair, angry: "Knife mountain fire sea, why not dare!?"

"Okay, ok, good!"

Yang Hong looked at this nine-foot miles. The big face on the big face, the hand fell, at least the giant ax, the two arms, more than ordinary people, thick, one I will know that it contains the power of the thousand.

"Sure enough, you will be unpleasant!"

Yang Hong and the Chinese soldiers, and the eyes of Niu Jin turned over the horse's majestic back, and it turned out ...

Liu Bei's command can, compared with Yang Hong, there is no knowing how to go!

The successful command passed, Huainan Jun's Nanyang army brought about Liu Bei, has begun to operate in an orderly ...

"The big wind is from the wind, the cloud is flying ... I am going to the Huainan else, why?"

Liu Bei's hard work in Nanyang County, with a total of 10,000, this time, the first command to command 30,000 military wars.

In his heart, there was a feeling of a luxury dry cloud.


Liu Weijun's right wing Taishan general, suddenly notice that it was not right.

"How ... this is about to defeat Huai Nan Legion, suddenly changed in order? Who is command!?"

Will, it is the guts of the soldiers.

Zhang Xun's death means that the courage of the Huainan Legion is completely frightened.

Now, the army suddenly became organized, it is obviously the Huainan Legion, and there are many generals that are good at command.

"Speed ​​sent people to send a letter to the Chinese army to send a letter, Huainan Legion, there is an interest, ask him to win!"

Yan Baoyou hurriedly came to the battlefield, the brocade, who took the newspaper report, and said.

This Jinyiwei also said, a roll of cloaks, and the body of the law, we went toward Zhang Liao Zhongjun.

"Oh? The enemy will want to force the Chinese army, threaten me to fight?"

Not long, Zhang Lia has received a frontline message.

For the war of the battle, he hurts the enemy's arms, and immediately felt the dark flow!

"But it is ... the fight!"

Zhang Liao went on his eyes, his hands on the pair of thunder electric knife in his waist, and smiled.


In the crush of the chaos, Niu Jin is like a beast!

His hands hit the giant ax, high raise, killing into the tiger camp, horizontally, the flesh and blood!

At the end of Zhang Liaozhong army, all of them were the most elite white ear tips.

Liu Bei's own home is all, it can be seen that he is already alone, he is gamble!

"Grass! How can I kill it ?!"

Niu Jin relies on himself, moved toward Zhang Liao's madness, but the tiger is unhappy.

As long as the front row is dead, there is a second person to follow up, fill the vacancy!

The battle of the tiger is dying, and it is still dead, holding the horseshoe of cattle, slowing down his move!

In this way, cattle gold led the department, crazy, rushing to the China army, has fallen into endless mud ...

"Nanyang will kill Zhang Liao, establish no big work!"

Liu Bei is clear, and the pupil is shrinking, and the heart is shocked!

After a series of array schedules, Zhang Liao, finally gave a golden gold!

Liu Bei's army has already fallen into the dead battle with Zhang Liao Zhongjun.

The second side soldier, leaving a large piece of air, giving the two sides will be used!

"Hey! Zhang Liao Children, I will die for Laozi!"

Niu Jin Double | Legs, a horses, follow high, huge ax, suddenly getting down!

He is the power-type route, this ax, the wind is whistling, and he will stop! ?

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