The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 703 of the Three Kingdoms

Chen arrived, the martial arts is high, and it is also a rare general!

Let Liu Bei feel comforted, there is a bullish to rush out to stir, and now he is centered on the center.

However, Chen to himself, but also the threat of Guan Yu.

"Well !? The thief is, there is such a tiger?"

Guan Yu took the knife, one hand, self-proliferation: "You will go for a while!"

With the courage of Wu Sheng, the shuttle battlefield is free to kill the director of the Chen!

"No! It's not good!"

"The red face of Zhang Xun's generals and killed it!"

"Grass! Slow down ... this is only afraid, no one is his opponent!"


Chen to look at the battle that is not easy to get gathering, faintly crashing, the face is black into charcoal.

I can't help but a sentence: "Grass! Huainan Legion, a pile of rotten mud, one is not in the wall!"

Huainan Legion, most of the farmers who are temporarily recruited, have not been in a long-term strict military training ...

In this way, the whole army is qualified, not to mention the throne of Liu Wei, is the white ear tuning in Liu Bei's hand, there is a small gap!

Slightly fight the wind, I started to flee.

It's good to be a white ear tuning under the hand, it is still to be prohibited.



Guan Yu led the silver lion light cavalry, just like a sharp knife, | Enter the chest of Huainan Army!

After the snoring, Guan Yu Qinglong is under the month, and there are hundreds of deaths and have been straight.

The eyes of the two, sharp as a knife, hit it together, have been locked in the opponent!

It is also the general of using the knife, Guan Yu is again compliant with the knife!

When Guan Yu is angry with the two people, Liu Bei is almost vomiting blood!

"Yun Chang ... actually voted Liu Wei !?"

I still don't know, I will be Guan Yu, and now I know, I have it!

Liu Bei's heart is all blood!

Say the good three brothers, shoulders walk side by side, together ... , achieve great business!

Now ... you vote Liu Wei!

In Liu Bei, when it is really acid and painful, Nima wants to cry!

Chen arrived as the chief of Liu Bei's hand, although the martial arts first-class, but it is natural to naturally be better than Guan Yu.

He bittered his steel teeth, and his life has supported thirty rounds, it is already the strength!

"Can pick me up 30 tricks, count your own business, give someone here!"

Guan Yu snorted, Qinglong ,,,,

The tow is cut out, and the shoulders are shocked to the shoulders, and the whole people will sweep away!

"Haha! Grab a big fish, Guan Yu will stand up!"

The battlefield is unprofinated on the battlefield, I have long ready to kill the dead!

"The big thing is going ... is going to go!"

No one is more clear than Liu Bei, clever!

Nowadays, now, fight against the battle, there is no significance, time loss, is a wise choice.

"Leave the military command, the white ear, the former army, gathered in the middle army, ready to retreat first!"

Liu Bei took a sigh of breath and decisive!

Yang Hong was stunned, and he was very ridiculous: "Xuandeng ... Walk, this walk, the front of the front, will collapse all, Shouchun City will be completely turned into a lonely city ... this city, what is going to stick!?"

He has to give him a foreign prince, in fact, other roads, the princes, don't dare to provoke Liu Wei!

As soon as Liu Bei is a head iron, come to confession ...

At the moment of such a crisis, Liu Bei is not recognized, wherever you all the allies, of course, is the most important thing to run!

"Now, it is no longer ... Shouchun City is unable to stay, and there is no relationship with the followup ..."

Liu Bei's heart is like a knife, and firmly said: "Left and right, passing our military order, all ministers will be withdrawn ... Yang Mr. Yang, you still ask for a lot of blessings, hurry to make the way, ready to go ..."

After finishing, he will take a horship, command the residual army, move toward the southwest direction, crazy run!

"This Nima!? There is still a shameless person such as Liu Bei !?"

Yang Hongping fell out of the poison, and it was stunned!

"Dog Day Liu Bei, what is the dog allies!? It's really uncomfortable ... If you block this attack, after a certain day, you must let you look better ..."

Yang Hong was embarrassed, with his own left and right, guarded, and went to the direction of Shouchun City ...

The brothers of the mouth sound alliance, jointly retreat, fight against Liu Wei.

As a result, he was defeated by Liu Yunqiang, defeating!

Shit 's qi!

Dachel, but it is flying away ...

"Three Army is listed!"

The Chinese military general Zhang Liao, his eyes, stars, slightly.

He is worthy of the name, and he will inspect the subtle changes in the situation in the battlefield.

"Things are now, I still want to go !?"

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