The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 710 of the Three Kingdoms

In fact, there is a free thunder of the flying thunder, and the morale of Shouchun City is almost completely spread!

The camp attacks in Shouchun City, and it is like a broken bamboo.

So, this task is rewarded, it is a bit white to send me ...

"You don't send you white, the benefits are always happy!"

Liu Wei is beautiful in his heart.

"Congratulations to the leader!"

At this time, the military teacher Jia Yan refers to the full-eyed Shouchun City wall, laughing: "The words of the trap, there is no life, there is the generals of the Chengdu Chengdu and the Gaoshun to enter the city, the position of the main southeast" It is steadily sitting ... "

"Congratulations to the Lord, dominate the southeast!"

"Congratulations to the Lord, dominate the southeast!"

Under the lid of the Chinese army, I walked a call!

"Shouchun City ... broken! Shouchun City ... broken!"

Thousands of bad things, the news of Shouchun City, not walking in the city ...

Some people cheer, some people are amazed, naturally, some people are afraid of Liu Wei, the heart is shocked!

Shouchun City, Yuan Shu's house, who had just rushed back to Shouchun, Yang Hong, really want to cry!

"This Nima! It's too bad! Heaves defeated, and then flee back to Shouchun in the night, and was surrounded by the city ... Now he is blooming a few lines of Liu Yunjun, and all the Huainan Thresholds are all taken !!"

However, as Yuan Shu's heart, Yang Hong is still open to persuade: "Lord! At this time, Shouchun City is broken, it has become an extreme dangerous place, the gentleman does not stand under the crisis, the main public should play!"

"This is only a few days ... I was broken by Liu Wei ..."

Yuan Shu's face, shocking, angry, fear, etc., mixed together!

"If you regret it, you should not regret it to Liu Wei! This ... how is this is good ..."

Thinking of the scary result after the city, Yuan Shu is also scared to the six gods!

Yang Hong, who thought of Liu Wei, is also cold sweat, and rush to say: "After the main public, the city breaks, the generals must send people, and the leader is searched. The main guinea is too dangerous. Big chaos, hurry to exit the birthday, and then do it! "

"This refund, but the location of Huainan's hegemony, let Liu Wei ... will not come back ..."

Yuan Shu is a town princes, and for the general judgment of the situation, this ability is still there.


Yang Hong is really a speech ...

This Yuan Shu, now I am afraid, I am not willing!

He can't even live in the pursuit of the generals Liu Hao, don't know ...

"The main public, the speed!"

At this time, the Huainan Juna general Li Feng, and the tread came in.

After the rush, Li Feng hurried: "The Lord, Sun Ce will send people to tell the main public, Shouchun City is bombarded by flying thunder, the city wall is unable to stay ... Huainan Legion, is being dead Living Liu Yujun offensive, at most, Liu Haojun has to break through the city! "

"Please ask the Lord to make a plan!"

"Please ask the Lord to make a plan!"

Li Feng and Yang Hong, worship together, God is ignorant ...

"Run, you must run ... You can't help but yourself ..."

Yuan Shu forced to calm down and asked: "General Li, now the Spring City, how is the distribution of troops, are we walking water or walk?"

Li Fengli thought, said: "Lord! At the end of the city, the generals take it in the city, the big generals are the three-missing strategy, the north gate, Dongmen, the southern gate of the South Gate) The heavy soldiers are at the guard, only waiting for the city to attack, and immediately enter the city ... "

"There is only one West Gate. At present, there is no guard against soldiers ..."

Yuan Shu was interrupted and said: "West Gate ... then go to the West Gate!"

In this regard, Li Feng and Yang Hong have naturally nothing.

"The main public, quickly clean up the soft ..."

Two people have turned, it is really not to be able to have the money to accumulate in Shouchun City, hurriedly recruits his men's family, returning to the home, preparing for fine running ...

When there is not much time, Yuan Shu has come out from the government ...


Yang Hong and Li Fung, looked at the scene in front of him, shocked the chin!

Who is Nima! ?

I saw it, Yuan Shu replaced a woman's clothing ...

It is the set of Liu Wei ...

Yuan Hu Suo has been honored, and it is born in white, and it is not too violated at this time.

"Look, see what to watch !?"

Yuan Shu face is covered with lipid powder, and it is gloomy. Avoid his search! "

"Amount ... The main public is really a wisdom ... So, you will inevitably avoid the search!"

Li Feng is standing, Yang Hong is from the home, the brain speed is very fast, the situation will take a horse ass ...

In the heart, it is Qi Qi and sweat!

The princes of the town, the big man of the majestic, was actually scared by Liu Wei to wear a woman's running road! ?

[Seven, the number of rewards is 200 people! Everyone is rewarding, the buns will add more! Automatic subscription, every fifty people, Baozijiao!

One hundred months tickets, the buns plus more! Take more vote, every hundred, buns plus more! Book friends, can you want to war? ? .

The 610th chapter of the mixed world!

In Shouchun City, the lane fight is in full swing.

Shouchun City North Gate.

Enthusiastic military orders, responsible for deterring the city is gold.

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