The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 734 of the Three Kingdoms

Usually, if it is a fifty pole, I have already killed the past ...

Cheng Jin Jin, the natural skin is thick, and practice it, it is quite horizontal, but the upper skin is blooming ...

Looking very bad, in fact, the military commanders were clear, did not hurt the bones, just a flesh injury ...

Liu Wei is aesthetic, take off the cloak of his own clothes (not the overflowing cloak), put on the bite gold, solemnly:

"There is a penalty, active, naturally appreciation! Bite gold, you have won the money, and the day of the class teacher Jinling, the military will definitely pay you two first-class contributions, report holy, heavy reward!"

[Fourth is more delivered! The number of people is worse than five people, ask for book friends to assisted! Buns crazy code words, start adding! .

Chapter 626 shocked the mid, military division!

"Lord ... this ... What is this ?!"

Cheng bite the golden body, and the pet is frightened. If you want to worship, he is held by Liu Hao hands and said:

"The general is the first to discuss Dong Zhuo, stand down, and the emperor will be invited to the army, and the sword is going to the hall. Now you have a great effort. Now you will see this general in the future, but you don't have to give gifts!"

Everyone is awkward!

The general of the generals, control the world's murderous road!

Cheng Jin meets him not to give gifts, it is a great honor!

In fact, how can I be arrested in a Yuan Shu with Liu Wei's gaze, and the criminal is biting?

Let go, let's run away ...

Single is a soft money that Yuan Shu and Huainan Zhongchen, it is worth tens of millions of money. For Jiangdong that has just started, it can be solved the urgent need.

This is the behavior of this first, is the priest of the Huainan Legion, knocked the alarm!

Cheng Jiejin pushed the mountain, and the pillar of the jade column fell, said: "The leader of the righteousness, the five-body investment in the end, in the future, there must be a liver and brain to report!"

"The generals, Ensi is heavy, it is the main!"

Huainan Wenwu's god of the consecutiveness is also a bit excited.

Especially the scorpion of the wisdom, the buddies of the wisdom, revealing a bronious color, secret road: the general, Enshi, is the world!


"Congratulations to the host, Huainan Mr. Zhuge, the loyalty +10 of the host, the current loyalty is 90 points, and the payment is 666 points!"

"Congratulations to the host, Huainan Mason Yang Hong, the loyalty of the host +10, the current loyalty is 85 points, and the payment is 300 points!"

"Congratulations to the host, Huainan minus the boy, the loyalty +10 of the host, the current loyalty is 88 points, and the payment is 400 points!"

A series of system prompts are like a sound.

In the case of unpredictive skills, Enwei, the next worship is harvested ...

Liu Wei's heart is slightly, inquiry system: "What is the current worship balance?"

"The current worship balance of the host is 39990 points, please know the host!"

I am leaving, so huge sum! ?

Liu Hao Xi Zi Ji Tong Tong, swaying the hand: "Cheng bite gold general, Tigers will also!"

"Well, Shaqin, you take the gold general back to the injury ..."

Liu Yincheng added a sentence, saying: "Don't forget to use dragon Tihu Tianyang Dan!"

"Chen, leading!"

Cao Shaoqin, a rolling, with his own Jinyiwei, carrying a journey to the door ...

I took a half, my Cheng Jin was on the stretcher, suddenly laughed: "Hey! Lao Cao, thank you for your hand ... Otherwise, you can not hurt this ..."

Where is Cao Shazin?

If you want to punish, you can't make a few sticks, you can kill!


For this tempted relationship of this seam pin, Cao Shaoqin is also helpless, the mouth is slightly smoked | move, say: "Hey, that is the main public, don't want to kill you!"

Cheng Jin lie half a ring, suddenly thought about, he said: "Lao Cao, you will take the main public to Shouchun City West, there is an Yatongyuan ... In short, don't blame brother, I have no mention. Click you, arrange this matter, it is also a big job! "

Cao Shaoqin heard, it was shocked!

He looked at the junction, the heart secretly said: this time, seems to be rude, actually doing an urgency, deeply master the heart, it seems that he wants him!

There are more people who bite gold, the banquet, the whole Huainan Legion surrendered, the people in the hearts of the people in their hearts.

They also understand that in Yuan Shu's hand, it is very different in front of Liu Wei!

First of all, Liu Wei's rules must be observed!

Of course, this conversion requires a certain amount of time to buffer ...

After the banquet is scattered, the civil and military sects have also speaking, only the back military division Guo Jia, was left behind by Liu Yu.

After all of the people, Liu Wei is alone with Guo Jia, Guo Jia second, said, say: "The Lord today, the Ens also put, the generals, but the heart of the Huainan Legion So, the hero is peerless, the ruins have the way, and the ministers are very admired! "

"I know my person, Feng Xiao is also!"

Liu Yulong was step forward, and he helped Guo Jia and smiled: "Feng Xiao, now Shouchun City has completely watched, see you, think the next game, how to go?"

Guo Jia stood up, sinking half a ring, said: "Zhang Zijun, one of the two sides of Jiangdong, once designated the dragon, Chu waist, Wu-tai, the Lord now has two choices to do ... "


Liu Hao came to you, holding Guo Jia sitting down, asking: "See which two options in the filial piety?"

The two are relatively, Guo Jiamu is flashing over wisdom light, said: "The main public, only this Huainan hegemony battle, our army is completely popular, next, first, take a while, you can westward , I have taken Jingzhou Qi County, and I will win Liu, laying the foundation for the way ... "

Liu Wei heard, nodded, this is equivalent to the development of the road to the smart, and put it down in the Three Kingdoms, all the best.

Guo Jia continued: "The second road, more dangerous, the main public can contact Cao Cao at the same time, the main public can contact Cao Cao, let the soldiers, and then order the leadership of the army, from Xuzhou, to attack Qingzhou, occupied Qi, Beihai , Dong'an and other places, Pulling Central Plains, the first step in the Dragon Pavilion ... "

"This is not the double-line fight ..."

Liu Wei fingers a rhythm tap desktop, saying: "Soon, for our army to support support, it is a big test ... Will not know?"

"This, the minister knows ..."

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