The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 741 of the Three Kingdoms

Liu Hao said: "After this, you can sit in Jinling, you can rest assured!"

"Please enjoy the soldiers of the three armies!"


Han Di is a pleasure, show off: "Huangshu Shiguo, these rewards, please ask the emperor to do it ... I heard that the Emperor Ban Shi Jinling, excited, did not sleep well, my life is tired I have to go back to rest ... "

Liu Wei: "" "

Look at the Han Di, it's really dark circles, tired of your eyes ...

"Your appearance, the general army, the palm of the appointment ..."

Little Guizi looked down on Liu Yugi, and then he said: "Your Majesty ...

"Let's drive ... Go back to palace!"

The Huangmen Xiaolan, who served on the side, had a gift with Liu Yu, surrounded by the emperor, returned to the rush, and went toward the door of the palace ...

"Lord ... This is not the image, why not ... replaced!"

Looking at the rush, Guan Guo Jia, the hand is lightly said.

Liu Yu face calm, Ancient wells do not wave, faint: "Feng Xiao, the time is not too much, don't say more ..."

For Guo Jia's proposal, I only don't hear it!

Guo Jiaxin gods God, said: "Chen, obeying!"

"The generals of this general, the generals are stationed outside Jinling City ..."

Liu Wei put his hand and said: "The monketement of the sky, the soldiers of all the people will be completed, and they will be on the market, and they will be rewarded tomorrow!"

100,000 people, there are tens of thousands of knocks, bringing into the city, inevitably, what kind of mess ...

Liu Yulijiu has been in the sand field, of course, will not commit such a mistake!

After hard work, I finally arrived again, Liu Wei's heads were in my heart, and they went crash in my mouth:

"Thank you Jianzi, thank you general grace!"

"Thank you Jianzi, thank you general grace!"

When I shouted, the emperor didn't see it, and became: "Thank you general grace ..."

Tens of thousands of tiger wolves are already only known Liu Wei's Sheng Wei, and I don't know the emperor!


Not far away, Zhan Zhao wears a flying fish, and the disease is in the crowd, come to Liu Hao, hold the boxing, and say: "The minister will be in the lives of the Lord, and dozens of flying eagle dozens. Do not insult, have been trained! "

I only heard the exhibition of a whistle, and the air of the air sounded a sound!

Liu Wei is slightly happy, then lifting the first look, and only dozens of black spots, the eagle is long!


Congratulations to the host, Tianzi looks at the moment, the use is successful!

Zhan Zhao, force 92 (natural progress), intelligence 70 (natural progress, + 3), political 45 (natural progress), limit rate 72 (natural progress)

Stunt 1, Royal Cat: There is a chance to inspect the weaknesses of the enemy and make a thunder.

Stunt 2, training birds: learning the law of god training training, Zhan Zhao became the first to control the secret of this secret, intelligence +3!

"Okay, ok, good!"

Looking at the attributes of Zhao Zhao, Liu Hao said three good words!

Today, Liu Hao's mood is obviously very good, lifting his hand, said: "Thank you, the second state military order, evening, invisible, our army is already a first machine!"

"Thanks to the talents of the main public day, the implied gods ... give the secrets of the minister, otherwise the minister can not know, there is such a statement in the world, but you can impermine the birds."

Zhao Yixin, for Liu Wei, it is more admire!

"Right, this 100,000 contemporary wooker is the older Haidongqing, is it coming?"

Liu Wei is in his heart, asked.

Carved the Liaodong, the handsome person said the sea Dongqing!

The king of the carving, mostly growing in the Northern Field, the environment, the south is rare ...

"The Lord, this gods are extraordinary Haidong Qing, is indeed the king of the carving ... it is not the result of the minister ..."

"It is the girl of Youzhou Gongshu Bao Moon, I heard that the main public and Yuan Shu Wars Huainan. It is not far away. This is not far away, and the trustee will send it to Jinling City to come to Jinling City."

[The third is more sent, free flowers, evaluation tickets! ! .

The 633th chapter bold little Loli, Fu Shou!

"This god carving is rare, Bao Moon girl is worried ..."

Zhao Zhao Hao said: "The god carving is spiritual, only I recognize the second owner, a Bao Moon girl, the second is the main public ..."

"It turned out to be Bao Moon, the gift sent ... Have a vision!"

Liu Wei suddenly realized, touched the Tianshi Shenchain, the top of the Nioni | The brain of the past, there was a happy and pleasant beauty smile ...

The long wind, Haidong Qingjin is rushing down, shocking group eagle, falling on Liu Hao's shoulder, deceased relatives .........

"Walk, side and say ........."

Liu Wei nodded, and the distant minister of Jinling Liu Bowen, Lu Su, Zhang Zhao and others together, , arched: "Chen, etc., see the main public!"

"Mr. you, free of charge ..."

Liu Wei died, smiled, said: "This general is in the country, this Jiangdong situation, all he rely on the sir!"

"The general army is in the country, the flowers, the benefits of the people, the work of the Yong Shi, the merits of the gold ... Chen, etc., they follow the Lord, the liver and brains, and they will die." "

Several Liu Hao's heavy ministers have a big gift.

Body, the former military division Liu Bowen slowly, said: "When the main public, Huainan Wars, just encounter the disaster disaster, Jiangdong people, unbearable, fortunately, there is a subsidy, generous, open the warehouse The difficulties under the moment ... "

Zhang Zhao, who is proficient in the internal affairs, also said: "If there is no ruling, there will be no stable Jiangdong, Lu Ziqi is more strategy, knowing, learning, like Zhou Wen Wang, Zhang Liang! Just ask the main bureau! "

The rest of the ministers, but also in front of Lu Su.

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