The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 753 of the Three Kingdoms

At this time, the sudden system prompt sound, called his goddess ...


"Congratulations to the host, successfully persuaded the four major families of Jiangdong, the task is completed, the current reward screening, please wait ..."

Liu Wei accelerates his footsteps, and then entered a room in the house ...

If this is to see the big general, it is too shameless ...


"Congratulations to the host, Qilin Yingcai mission, reward for the king level skills randomly extracted, collect the task reward of the four families, for the book special category king level rating summon card!"

"The current two rewards can choose to fuse, get an emperor or more skills randomly extracted, do you perform a convergence? If you do not choose to fusion, the double reward will be sent to the host storage space ..."

"?! Three countries chaos, I want to help play the world, talents who guard the world ... This king level book, pure is a chicken ribs ..."

Liu Wei pinched her eyebrows ...

"Or I will give me two rewards. At least it is an emperor's skill guarantee. In case of a big outbreak, extract the skills of the supreme gods, simmer!"

"Reward is being extracted ..."

With the system's suggestion, Liu Wei's consciousness sea shock, the void is crackled, and a huge white jade disk is suddenly emerged!

On the white jade plate, Xuan Guang is full!

Sneak, start turning ...

"The emperor is not lost, the character has burst into the sacred level, that is, the blood earned!"

Liu Wei is also a little ... ...

After all, the king rating, the diamond rating is everywhere, this emperor ratio and the reward of the supreme god level, basically the phenanthus angle, can be met!

In other words, it is to watch luck!


The rotation of the white jade disc will stand up!

Liu Wei is watching, the heart seems to be burst!

In the golden mood, it suddenly flooked a strong purple light!

The purple is steep!


Liu Hao waved his fist, couldn't help but laugh: "Haha! Developed! Developed! Supreme God, the wall is the Supreme God ..."

System rating, column of silver, gold, platinum, diamond, king, emperor, to respect the god!

Silver items are bleak, gold shines, yellow, white gold is light white ...

When the diamond is dazzling, the light is dazzling, the king rating item, the white mood, and it can be seen in the gold!

Emperor, then wrapped in a blazing red golden mood!

Only with the god-level item is the blazing golden mood!


"Congratulations to the host, extracted to the Supreme God, the book is inherited!"

Note: The book is in the word, the word is rhyme, it can be seen that it is the gas!

Tip: With the strength of the host, it is still unable to accept the full version of the books inheritance!

The inheritance of the sacred book, will be inherited to the host in segments!

After this sound system prompts 3.1, Liu Wei is waiting for half a ring, still there is no movement!

When you want to vomit, you suddenly came from the system's tone: "Books are in your body, God is idling, the pen is folded, you can kill ... with the pen of God, dance the dragon snake, gather angry To raise our students! "


Solve sound shock, in the mind of Liu Wei, suddenly rakes three times!

Liu Yizhen is condensed into a small golden person, immersed in this hole of the sky, the mystery!

At the same time, consciousness is suddenly cracking!

Liu Wei doubled, suddenly widened, unbelieving the scene ...

[Sixth is more sent, reminded to be more than the monthly ticket, is there a wood? The buns feel that the spirit is a bit relaxed, seeking books people incentives! Outbreaks can't stop! ] ......

The 644th chapter Liu Zhiwei is educated to the secretary, encountering a mason!

Liu Wei's pores, it seems that it has already opened!

It's not a moment of Tunnean!

Countless fine light spots, flying from the void crack, did not enter Liu Yizhi!

"Wanjie Bookmaster, Wang Xizhi, Yan Zhenqing, Liu Gong Qiang, Ouyang inquiry, Zhao Mengyi

Liu Yin Xin gathers, and there have been many books in the mind!

One by one of the names of the calligraphy, who is admired by hundreds of millions of calligraphy teachers, and integrates the buddies of the book, integrated into Liu Wei!

At this time, Liu Hao is like a dusty book. Everyone is clear, and there is more levels of understanding:

"There are the essence of the book, the book is exquisite, and the gathers are gathered in my body."

Don't doubt, at this time, Liu Wei is to give a book of God, just write a word, put it in the later generation, this price, you have to be fried in the sky ...


"Congratulations to the host, get the first complete inheritance, intelligence +3!"

With this sound system prompt, Liu Wei suddenly found his own mind ...

Intellectual properties, it is also floating above 3 points!

Liu Wei 109, intelligence 96 (+3), political 93, no rate 95, charm value 109!

"Intelligence attributes are also excellent to break through ..."

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