The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 755 of the Three Kingdoms

Yu Heng, this Nima, really is the first large spray in the Three Kingdoms!

Yu Heng shook his head: "Some, respect the general of the general, but believe that the generals, the civil and military group, no big Cair!"


In Liu Hao, the blink of a deep killing machine, stunned: "You, what is it?"

Dare to mad in front of him!

Liu Yuxin, only four words!

Mad, mental space!

[Seventh is sent more! The number of automatic subscriptions is added! There are also hundreds of flowers, add more, the old iron is awesome, the buns are then codeword, and there is also new in the morning! .

The 645th chapter of the four major military divisions ghosts, district malls, what is the way! ? [First of the morning, seek full order]

"This special ... is not a sickness of snakes, what is it !?"

Liu Yuxin, there is no doubt that it has been moved!

However, he quickly pressed the murder, pressing himself!

Now, on the side of the army, the more the people are getting more!

At this time, I killed the balance, but I sacrificed my own reputation and became the name of his mason ...

Loss sales, Liu Wei will not do it.

"Ha ha!"

For the arrogance of Yu Heng, Liu Wei did not set up, just a faint smile: "The general is going to go to the Pavilion, today's four military divisions are also in, Yu Heng, do you want to watch?"

Such raising the effort, the crowd, and there are ride:

"Great General is valley, can tolerate such a arrogant guy!"

"The generals ask for the sage! I heard that the city of Zijin Mountain in the suburbs is the general!"

"This guy is too arrogant!? The general of the generals, the killing fruit, is it a small mason, qualified comment!?"

"It's ... too mad ... Dictionary is not to put the generals in your eyes!"

Liu Hao is taking place to the mall. It originally earned the balance of the eye, but it was pointed out of the way, but it fell to the end ...

Yu Heng is really the first big spray in the world, and a contemptuous glanced glanced, the nostrils have been going to the sky, saying: "" There is a wild village husband, how to know the matter! "

He is standing very chest, saying: "The general is please, some, dare not to live!"

Ciwi and Xi Hui Tiger Shuangwei, looked at the swearing of Liu Yu's mouth, I couldn't help but play a cold ...

Two people use silent eyes to see this blaming.

"The last person who makes the main public, it has been killed by the Lord's pit ..."

The big military car is driving, this Jinling City street, pedestrian vendors, have spontaneously avoided.

Liu Wei came to the Zijinshan, just met Guo Jia, Liu Bowen, got off the car ...

Guo Jiazheng is negotiating with a young man, saying something.

"Feng Xiao ..."

Liu Wei smiled slightly, and he said: "It is a clever touch ..."

"Chen, etc., see the main public, the main bus is not happy!"

Guo Jia and Liu Bowen were two people, arched, and said.

Seeing Liu Yuxi, Zikinshan down a trial of the monsters of the list, Shen Yu!

Don't organize it at all, some people have worshiped, and the mouth is in the mouth: "Meet the generals, the generals are not happy!"

"Meet the generals, the generals of the generals are not happy!"

The people in the mountains, suddenly fell!

From the carriage, a head is a black pressure ocean, which is on Liu Wei!

Originally talking to Guo Jia talking to a young scripture, it is also unhappy, I worshiped, and I greeted the ground. "Student Yang Xiu, met the generals, the generals of the general!"

Yang Xiu! ?

Liu Wei heard, slightly, the world is smarter, Yang Xiu, play! ?


Congratulations to the host, Tianzi looks at the moment, the use is successful!

The top of the top wspus, Yang Xiu-force 73, intelligence 93, political 82, the rate is 72!

Stunt 1, more wisdom: Yang Xiu has lived, and the intelligence is far more common!

Each year is 10 years old, intelligence +1, the highest increase in 5 points!

Stunt 2, madness: Yang Xiu Wen is flying, , eager to express yourself, if you encounter your intelligence than your own, arrogance, intelligence +2, political -2!

"This Yang Xiu smart is smart, known as Sima Yi's enemy ... Yang Xiu's intelligence is indeed a enchanting level, the development space is very large."

Liu Wei searched for the memory of the mind, the impression of Yang Xiu, but not very good.

Yang Xiu, this smart person, many self-motivated, guess Cao Cao's mind, and give him a repeated guess, Yangyang is proud!

So Cao Cao moved to him!

In other words, only compete for the interests of your eyes, the overall view is too bad!

"Let's get up!"

Liu Wei stands on the car, he is high, just raised his hand, Yang Xiu is stunned and stands, facing Liu Hao, and he lows his body ...

"Dezu (Yang Xiu's expression), you also come to the ?"

The mason is balanced, standing in the side of Liu Wei, the surprise is called ...

Liu Wei got bluntly, smiled and asked: "Yang Dezu, Mr. He Wei, is the old acquaintance?"

Yang Xiu has not yet been answered. At this time, the back military division Guo Jia, and I asked: "Who is it?"

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