The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 764

Xiao Guizi said: "Trun, Tung Cheng, is for the sake of the main public, is there in front of the sky, the emperor is coming to the Queen ..."


Liu Wei is also a big fall eye mirror ...

It seems that this old Dong is a little about the forgiving group to think about this.

"I know, it's hard to wait for so long ..."

Liu Wei took the shoulder of the little Guiji, it was obviously the station for a long time, and there were some dew marks on his clothes ...

Little Guizi is favored and sobs. "The minister, the broken body, but also knows the hometown of the Lord, this life must set the grass ring!"

"Oh, small Gui, you are also the people who follow this general, now the status, there have been it more than in the middle of the year, as a small children's posture, being seen, thoroughly, laughter?"

Liu Hao's sleeves, Xiao Guizi cryed immediately, and she recently took out the pearl, said: "The Lord, Dong Cheng came to bribe the minister, and there is a thing ..."

"Dong Chengjia, there is a daughter, called Dong Hun, and Fu Shi female and famous Jinling ethnic ladies first ... Chen Lian Dong Chengyi, it is necessary to marry the daughter to the generals of the generals ..."

Liu Wei: "" "

Say the good clothing! ?

This, can be fully chaotic!

According to the previous memory, Dong Cheng's woman is Dong Gui!

And the film woman, Liu Wei has a small Loli, a small lobody!

It is the Queen in the Three Kingdoms!

Now Dong Cheng's meaning, it is to marry the daughter, marry Liu Wei!

What is Donggui people in the future?

Liu Wei is also drunk ...

Half sound words, Xiao Guizi thought that Liu Wei was worried about Dong Hun, Zong Zong: "The Lord, Donghuang and Fu, Jin Ling is famous, one person" is called Yan Baihua, and the other is being become The wind is peerless ... the main public, or you should see the Dong Human first ... "

"This matter, you should first take it ... Location, wait for this general to be empty, know you will be in you ..."

Liu Wei is slightly thinking, and the bottom has a care.

Taking the status of his power, there is always a marriage to strengthen the link between the family members.

Since there are conditions, Liu Wei naturally chooses a beautiful woman married!

Heart of beauty in everyone.

Liu Wei, except for the power, is also a normal man.

[Eighth is more sent! The number of people is 210 plus more, continue to ask for more vote, monthly tickets, flowers, evaluation tickets! .

The 653th chapter is lonely, intoxicating the beauty knees, wake up the world! [First of the morning, seek full order]

Time flies, it is the past.

The emperor is ordinant, the general will be Liu Hao, enter the Kusong!

I don't know where the wind came out, I suddenly became the most sensational big event in Jinling City!

Not only the Han Room Wenwu Baiguan, and even the people of Jinling City are also happy, playing crown!

The princes of the world have received the wind, even more vibration, and they have sent messengers, with gifts, starry night to Jinling Emperor!

This day is the Huangdaoji Day.

The big house is small Guizi, bathing clothes, after the incense, led the angel of the palace, came to the generals.

He is excited, read the voice of the sacred decree, is inexplicably improved, sharply called: "The Son of the Songer, the generals, the generals, the conclusion, truly princes, and the people, there is today's Han Room Rehabilitation ... ... The merits of the general, Zhao Yiyi ... "

"... Nowadays, the general is Chu Gong, please Temple, add Jiu Tin ... Qin this!"

With this sound!

Dust settlement!


Everyone on the field, I have pumped a cold!

Liu Wei, with the generals of the general, carry Chu Gong, Jia Jiu Tin!

This is the glory that has not been seen since the Eastern Han Dynasty!

Little Guizi shook excitedly, said: "Congratulations to the general! Car horse, clothes, music, Zhu, Nash, Tiger, ax, bow, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. The emperor has been in Tai Temple, please sacrifice Tai Temple, it will be officially called the general! "

"I, congratulate Chu Gong! The Lord Sheng Wen is Wuwu, the Qianqiu is not happy!"

"Congratulations to Chu Gong, the Lord Holy Wen, the Qianqiu is not happy!"

"Congratulations to Chu Gong, the Lord Holy Wen, the Qianqiu is not happy!"

Inner group of the temple, head with Liu Bowen, squatted to pour a large piece!

Nothing is worship, take the head to grab the ground, I wish you all the best!

"Thank you for your gift, Zhu Jun, please come up!"

Liu Wei was calm, stood up and greeted the son of the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred to raise his hand, and he stood up.

Essence Chu Chuong, Jia Jiu Tin!

This is the matter that I have finally finalized, and I've learned that I didn't feel much excited in Liu Yuxin.

His eyes are there! ?


At the time of the ministers agreed, there was a brownier guard outside the door, and it turned into the temple.

This Jinyiwei, a roll behind the cloak, fell down, hold boxing: "Mr. Zong, Xuzhou, Mr. Yan, there is a flying eagle, passing to the leader!"

"Take it!"

Liu Wei pupil is slightly shrinkage!

The two are too far away!

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