The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 778 of the Three Kingdoms

"Mr. Jin, how do you say this?"

Yuan Shu is wondering ...

"Today's Jiangdong, no longer the original Jiangdong, Liu Wei, 150,000 yuan, after Jiangdong, all over the riots have already said that they have suited!" Jinshang continued to open:

"If Liu Tang is moving with Chu Gong, it will inevitably be defeated, what military divisions, can you better get the four major milms of Chu Chujiao!? Our strength is weak, then mixed in, isn't it too fast to die! ? "

If you listen to the words, everyone is shocked, but think about it, it is true.

"The main public, the four families, all of the golden hugs in Jinling, the legs, still donate the family, help him to rectify the Jinling, rebuild the palace!"

"As long as the four families bring this head, Jiang Dongshi's soft bones must be descended, and there will be no more than Chu Gong!"

"The main public, Jiang Dong firm, we are right with Liu Yu, what to play with the head ?!"

Yuan Shu's literary, but the teaching of Liu Hao ...

Almost everyone, the awe of Liu Wei is like the gods, paying attention to Liu Yu as ...


Yuan Yu's taking the table, squatting: "There is no useful opinion, just know fear, fool, and fool!"

At this time, Liu Bei was arched, and smiled. A extremely powerful master, called the sword king ?! "

"Jian Wang !?"

Yuan Shu has also been interested, said: "When it comes to here, I think of a sword whose called Wang Yue. When Yuan's ancestors, he had a great set of he ... Now he is in Weinan!"

"What, the Emperor Wang Yue !?"

"In the past, there was a King of the sword king in Luoyang !?"

"There is swordwin, big things!"

Liu Beiwei, smirked: "Highway, as long as you order this person, go to Jiangdong to force, Liu Wei ask Xiang Ruo, will inevitably reuse the king, the time, it is a time to do!"

"At that year, special thorn king, laid the Base of Hegemony for Wu Wang, now this sword, there is such a thing, as long as he assassinated success, Liu Hao will immediately be unresserved ... When it comes, the road can be immediately The waves returned to Huainan, attacking Jinling, and in the way, all of Xuzhou is all! "

Yuan Shu heard the words, greatly, said: "This ... is not lost as a wonderful policy, just Liu Weiwu ... can you rely on the trick?"

Liu Bei mysterious smile: "Highway, you still have a little looked at Wang Yue! This is a big master of the swords of the world, this person is sword, you can kill one step ... Moreover, there are other preparations ...... "

Jin Shang also said: "This person's sword is accomplishing. It is indeed the first in the world. Some people call him on the rivers and lakes. If he is within ten steps, it is 5%!"

At this time, as long as I can kill Liu Wei, don't say it is 50%.

It is a result, Yuan Shu also wants to go out, do it again!

Yuan Yu Long out of the air, said: "Somet, you will look at this sword king!"

Wang Yue, Liaodong Yanshan people.

When the emperor was in place, he took a long sword in his hand, and he was in Luoyang.

This person is keen on the way, but it is not easy to transport, mix it, never enter the stream.

I don't know how, I rely on Yuan Feng, I'm giving Yuan Shu!

"Assassination Chu Gong !?"

When Wang Yue received the Yuan Shu command, the pupil was contracted!

"Here is a thousand gold, after the event, there is still five hundred gold, Mr.'s talents, if it can succeed, thank you!"

Liu Beiwen smiled, and let the gold put down the gold and wanted to pull the relationship.

Dance knife, the sword, the sword can be used to play Jiangshan, especially Wang Yue, which is more than half of the old swordsman, more worthless, more worthy ...

"Oh, I want to buy me if I want money ... I don't know how I am proud of the pride!?"

However, answer Liu Bei, but Wang Yue's sword!

A sword tone, condensed.

The long crown used by the bunch of Liu Bei's head was blown by the wind, directly dropped to the ground ...

"With you, dare to compete with Chu Gong!? Yuan Gong's kindness, a self ..."

Wang Yue's contemptuous glanced glance, the waist hangs the long sword, floating!

"This ... What is going on?"

Liu Bei is shocked, I feel that my forehead is cool, reached out, my hair is cut, but I don't hurt the scalp ...

"This ... a terrible sword ..."

This sword, if it is biased, take your first level, such as the probe!

I have to go now, Liu Ji Ming is white!

This is what Wang Due!

The sword king is so horrible

A peerless sword must have yourself!

The sword of the sword, the proud king!


"The sword king is born, Jianfeng refers to Jiangdong, congratulates the host, triggered the Judi exclusive task!"

Task Description: In March, at least five diamond rating swords, with no swords, defeat the sword!

Mission reward: mysterious reward!

Liu Yuer, suddenly came out of this sound system, and his heart moved slightly!

"Keyway exclusive mission?"

At this time, Liu Wei is sitting in the study room, secretly:

Five diamond levels of swords! ?

This is your sister!

Where to find it! ?

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