The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 781 of the Three Kingdoms

Liu Wei looked at this completion of this Bishi, and there were thirty differences. He was very funny, and he said: "Reward, you go to the Sword Law of this door, you will move to Sanqing Hall, this seat It is necessary to complete the priest method of Taishan. "


"Congratulations to the host, successfully enlighten the Platinum Level Sword" Taishan 18 ", deepening to Kendao Remote!"

"Congratulations to the host, successfully enlighten the Platinum Level Sword" Five Doctor Sword ", and deepened to Kendao Remote!"

Reward, did not dare to delay, put the swords of Taishan School, one-handed, sent to Liu Wei's three Qing Dynasty.

Liu Wei is reading the book, such as drinking water. If you don't look at it up and down, you will use the sword skills, completely eaten, but also a kind of conservation: this Taishan party's swordsman, that is, Platinum level !

However, if he got a reward of the majestic five-school mission, it can be used in this essence, integrate the majesty of Wuyue Taishan, and create a further Taishan sword method!

Thinking of this, Liu Yuxin saw the clouds in the heart of the clouds, suddenly clear ...

"Alliance, or we don't want to kill the Taishan party directly, take a cheat !?"

"Yeah, alliance, forgive him this Tianmen old road, there is nothing to resist!"

"We are thirteen too insurance, cross the five-school, as long as the alliance is orders, immediately sweep the Taishan School!"

At the foot of Taishan, a jungle.

Thirteen Toors in Lushan, is surrounded by the left cold.

Recently, the rivers and lakes have to turn over, the legend of Taishan is "evil spirits", so that it is about to be invincible to the world!

As a five-year-old sword, the county is the left cold, of course, I can't sit.

"Hengshan School, Huashan School, Hengshan Party, all sent people, not easy to do ..."

Left cold zero looks and looks closely, or decided to give up.

"Still the first gift, hey! Evil sword spectrum, this seat is important ..."


A small Taoist, the heart of the heart, said to Liu Yu, said: "The uncle ancestors, come ... Wuyue swords, other roads, they are going to the mountain, the left head of the Shaoshan, the fastest ... already Go to the temple! "

Listening to him in a hurry, I heard a footsteps in Liu Yu's ear offered | promoting ...

"It's going to be faster ..."

Liu Hao planetfully put his hand, and waited for the Taishan School's small Taoist, and at this time, the gate of the three Qing Dynasty, "" is a great sound, and it is pushed by people ...

The left and cold Zen treated, with his hand, one thirty-three Taibao, squeezed the Taishan Taoist, the arrogant arrogant entered the three Qing Dynasty.

On the side, I laughed while laughing, I said: "Tianmen, old friends come, why can't you come up!?"

Liu Wei said: "You are Zhenzen?"

A pair of tigers on the left, in the bones, search for the trail of Tianmen Road.

As a result, he saw the Qingyan in the temple.

Liu Wei is honored, sitting on the futon in front of the three clear, dusty.

There is between the left and cold zen, flashing , laughing: "His Excellency ... What is it? This seat is in charge of the five-school years, do not remember the rivers and lakes, there is a chairman !?"

"Zi Yan Palace Main ..."

Liu Wei took the brown eyebrow, and smiled and said: "It is you, the people who are about to be!"

[Fifth is more sent, evaluation ticket is more! The book friends are calm, they have recovered! To automatically subscribe, the buns will have disappeared all over the table ... There is also a better in the evening, seeking the book friends! .

Chapter 669, such as butcher! [First of the morning, seek full order!

Bold! "

"I dare to donate the five Yue Yue Dynasty!"

"Where is the nose of Tianmen Road? Where is the nose? The disciple under the door is not very small !?"

Liu Wei is clear, but it is a thirteen pointed to the G point, and the moment is high.

"You, the mouth is mad, I don't know the origin of this seat !?"

The face of the left cold, is also very ugly, and a few people in the thirteen Taranty!

The Hutang Five Inspector is sent to the heels, and he is so embarrassing, he is not a good temper!

"Hey! A big big male hand!"

Daxie Yang Hand Faibin This loyal dog, a big drink, immediately puff it out!

This big emerald, fierce, he at least decades for decades!


Liu Hao smiled, his eyes were horizontal, there was no righteousness, as if it was condensed into the substance, and there was between Fei Bin's buddies!


Daxiangyang Hand Bin, can't prevent it, it seems that the spirit of this stock is crowded!

If a person fir is a bird, suddenly falling!

"My grass!? Old fee ... What happened to him !?"

"Okay, I am rolling up on the ground ..."

Lushan sent everyone, but also!

The left cold Zen is also a changing, hurried up, find this big emerald, it is already liver and gentle, and death can no longer die!

"What Zijing Palace, who was seen, looked directly, just died!?"

Left cold is pouring a breath, and the heart is weak: this world, there is so martial arts! ?

A few near God!


"Congratulations to the host, with the righteousness, killing Fei Bin, extra award value of 500 points!"

Listening to the tone of the system, Liu Yao is slightly happy ...

I kill a Fei Bin, reward five hundred worships!

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