The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 785 of the Three Kingdoms

Three heads of palms, swords, the three families, there is really a wonderful!

Under the high platform, in order to make the fox building, he only looked like a shock-like sound!

I hope that I can have psychological stress to Liu Wei!

However, with Liu Wei's repair, there will be pressure! ?

"First sword, first break the mountain!"

Liu Wei smiled and waited!

The body method is running to the ultimate, if the eyes can only see the empty purple figure in the air, but I can't see Liu Wei.

"There is such a law in the world!!? Zi Yan Palace is the master ... Is it a fairy !?"

Mr. Mo Da is also a sudden in his heart, with his high-funded high, and the mountain is the sword for decades!

I have already practiced the Hengshan sword law to be very happy, and the movement is unpredictable.

However, this ghostful sword is facing Liu Wei, but there is still a feeling of weakness!

The first sword, the voice falls!

Mr. Mr. Mr. is in the air, the body is ghost, but it has been interrupted by Liu Yu!

The narrow narrow sword in your hand has been heaven in Liu Hao!

Emperor, the pound is like a river, it suddenly fill!


Mr. Mr. is the long sword in his hand.

Hengshan sent the first master Mr. M., as a wing of the wings, and the sky is falling down!

Liu Wei is also like a feathers, slowly falling from the air, and spit a few words:

"Second Sword, Break Huashan!"

[The third is more sent, the flowers are almost triggered, seeking the book friends! .

The 672th chapter of the martial arts of the Maximarians, Ziyi is still honored!

The first sword, defeated Mr. Mr. Martial Arts.

Under the Zen Tain, the crowd of this battle is already Zhang Da's mouth.

"Yue Xiamen, the second sword came ..."

Liu Wei smiled.

Before and after the feet, the body is like a shrinking inch, and the distance moved directly from the air.


A fine sword, Liu Wei, like the sky, the sky, the sword!

"After all of my swordsmanship, I am quenching ... how could it be !?"

After Liu Wei, the swordsmanship of Liu Wei, Yue did not like to fall into the mud, breathing!

Then, Liu Yixian defeated, scratched the void, and has twisted the long sword under the Yue Yue.

The sword tip, stabilized between the Yue's unsatisfactory throat!

Remnant with three points, you must kill Yue Yue!

Under the Zen Tain, a piece is awkward!

Everyone, almost reluctant to believe their eyes!

A sword!

Five 13 Yue Jian Pai, the two famous fun, even Liu Wei can not pick up!

Mr. Mo Da is not a group of Yue, and it is also unbelievable in his heart. It seems to be dreaming ...


"Congratulations to the owner, defeat the Hengshan School, Mr. Mo Da, the extra reward is 900 points!"

"Congratulations to the host, defeat the Huashan sent the door, and the extra reward is 800 points!"

"Congratulations to the host, for the use of how the Taishan Shen Jianzongfu is used, deeper, please continue to work!"

To honk the sword, Liu Wei deliberately used the Tams to the enemy.

This sleeve is two swords, the number of partners, the faster, the sword, is called the best!

"Third Sword!"

Along with a light | , , Jin Zi is full of flashes!

If the body is like a feat, the sword will be smashed, and the symptoms will be smashed.

Ding Yi teacher is too, try to fight for more than ten feet for the pound of swords, only to steadily!

Not many, just three swords.

The three patriarchants, just a sword, no one, fiasco!

Under the Zen Tain, the disciple of Taishan School with the Shaishan School is relaxed, the rest of the three pauses, behind the hand, the whole cold sweat is soaked!

A dead!

Liu Wei standing on the Zendai platform, looked at the three heads of the face of the face, and smiled and said: "On the Zen Tain, the three swords have all, what else is there?"

Most of these three factions are people who are heart-fit.

If you change to the Shaishan School, a dissatisfaction, Liu Wei is full of killing!

"Taishan Road, Zi Yan Palace, Martial Arts, Yue Yue ... Will I admire, I hope to send Huashan, Into it into the Zijing Palace!"

The first, or the gentleman of Huashanpai is not a group.

" ! !"

Zuo Chan Zen snorted, two people's Liang Zi, I have long, and I can't see each other.

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