The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpaid Supreme Chapter 794 of the Three Kingdoms

Liu Hao sleeves, the emperor, the emperor, the sword, sprinkled, directly jumped into Liu Wei's palm!


A shocking sword light, suddenly bloomed!

The magic teaching public around Liu Wei, I was killed when I was killed!

This floor is quite a man who is inserted into the bus, come to the feeling of arbitrary!

"Come again!"

Let me be angry and angry, I am struggling to fight with Liu Wei!

This hierarchy master is dedicated, where is the common people inserted! ?


The magic of the magic, and I don't dare to intervene. I am afraid that I have hurt my own guides ...

Let me have never met such a situation, and I caught the stars. I can't help but half of the man in front of it! !

The sword palm is connected, I don't know how much tricks!

I saw Liu Hao's appearance, and there was no smoke, the long sword was unlimited, but the killing is unlimited!

I have been full of sweat early, and the skill is running to the extreme, the head is on the white air!

Due to the difficult inarti, let the pupil of our line, and shrink!

I seem to have seen something difficult to call him!

[Fourth more sent, Bao Si four is more sent! There is also a better evening! Ask for a reminder, ask for reward, seek flowers, ask for a variety of support! ] ......

The 675th chapter crashed the Queen Eastern!

I saw Liu Wei, a sword, and a perfect sword arc, killing the magic masters that were eager to try around, the body suddenly calm!

There is between it, and it is extremely quiet, it is turned to the extreme!

Liu Wei, floating, like the Tiandi of the wind, Shen Wei;

"Take this vivid mountain, the gods and swords!"

The voice is falling, and the sword sounds like a dragon, suddenly resounded to the black wood cliff!

On the field, all the magic education people were shocked!

Everyone is pouring 'a sigh of breath, I can't believe my eyes!

what's the situation?

The air seems to solidify at this moment!

Liu Hao's figure is like a condensed air!

Huashan is sloppy sword, Jian Mang has dropped like a rain!

The sword is rushing!

"Hey! These swordsmanship, whoever makes you right ?!"

Let me have a stupid eye!

Dare to confuse, I can't believe my eyes!

This is shocked | The swordsman of Yan Shi will make it in such a young man!

Shangguan Haibang is also beautiful, and Tan Zhangcheng has "O" shape!

What big brother is paragraph Tianya, swordsman genius, compare with Liu Wei, it is a slag!

Look at Liu Hao, it is very shocked as a man, and I feel the same!

The sword of Huashan's lonely decision, Jian Mang is like a rain, after killing dozens of people, the sword will have not stopped, and I will go to me!

The lonely of the Wuyue Shenjian Huashan, turned into the hegemony of Lushan!

"I am going!"

One change, I stimulated the cold hair of my life, all of which fooled!

The whole body has been running to the ultimate, still being retired for more than a dozen meters by Liu Wei!


Let me have a heavy body, hit a pavilion!

That pavilion, slap, crash!

"The teacher, I was flying by a sword!"

"The master, you are fine !?"

The magic teaching public on the side is scared.

I hurriedly surrounded up, rushed into the dust!

"Hey ..."

Ren Yingying's beautiful turns, but also worrying about pleading!

On the side of Liu Yaojian, I am worried about my father's injury!

"Reassured, the main inside and outside the maintenance, the top of the five internal organs, such as steel castings ..."

Ren Yingying, suddenly sounded a beautiful sound, "at many, some internal injuries!"

"Oriental Sister!"

Ren Yingying is unlimited to watch the beauty of the body ...

Next moment, she feels the beautiful people's sleeves, and the fingers are moving together, such as the spring breeze ...

I have resumed it.

"Who, actually dare to peak me in the gas machine?"

Liu Wei is a sense of knowledge, extraordinary into the Saint, the soul has a feeling.

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