The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 815 of the Three Kingdoms

It is completely included in the history of the army to the army, especially the fire attack.

Even Zhang Zhao, Jiangdong, Zhang Zhao, is also spent, and it is obviously a mood.

Zhang Zhao said: "It's still Chu Gong Hui's eye, when Zhou Yu is still Wu Zhongshi, it has already attracted him, this is the talents of these soldiers, and the people will make a fairy!"

"He Qi, Lu Yi, etc. used by the Lord, all in the war, there is a great effort in this time, it is very useful!"

Guo Jia is also sincerely praised.

For Liu Wei, it is more than a demon, Guo Fengxiao, is also from the heart!

"Yes, no one is wrong!"

Liu Wei smiled and said: "He Qi, Lu Dai, all will be only!"

For the mountains and the battle, Liu Yuxin secretly thought that the mountains were flat, follow-up, should be implemented, the more imperblating the hills.

Just, I don't know how Liu Hao will make a branch of the bid of the bid of the horse, how to make paper and printing skills!

Between, Cao Shaoqin, who is soaked, suddenly in the hall, said: "The main public will make a general man who will make a general man, don't drive Mr. Liu Wei, seek seek outside the hall!"

"The horse is coming! Is it a success !?"

Liu Yunzhuang shouted, put his hand, said: "Please ask two, there is something to ask!"

"Chen, etc., see the main public, the main bus is not happy!"

Liu Wei and the horseco two people, she worshiped, and he loudly with his head.

"Mr. Lord, Xianshen and Ziyang, I spent these hours of work, finally put the papermaking and printing of the main public to the research and development!"

"Here is the sample, please the Lord!"


Liu Wei is slightly happy ...

This is really sleepy and encountered a pillow!

The strategy to develop is this. After the mountains are smashed, they will prepare for education.

The interrogation of the mountain, give a thoroughness and search for 290 common people, let them really become the people of Liu Wei!

"Not bad!"

Liu Wei flashed and asked: "What do you have to make paper and printing?"

The Wenchen in the hall, a "grandson's art of war" printed in the printed print!

I'm looked there to taste!

The counsels sitting in the hall are all those who have a spectacle!

But I have never seen such a magical typography in their blog post!

Even even this paper has not seen it!

"If you really don't expect, you will print the books. Since this, no matter whether the Hanmen or not, there are books to see ... This is the fortune of the world's cold martial arts!"

Guo Jia is born in the cold door, which is deeper in this!

He in the hall, she worshiped, and he grabbed the ground, Ziguo: "The main public is really a saint, it is better than the !"

The ratio of , but it is compared with the Emperor Liu Hao!

[The first is more sent, the day is in the morning, the automatic subscription is a few book friends to reach more, ask for the evaluation ticket, the reminder, the flowers, rewards, buns are stable and updated, seeking various support! .

Chapter 666 Hidden Kings Draw!

Put Liu Wei, more than the holy monarchy.

In this way, it is a little overhead!

However, in the hall, it can be the core of Liu Wei, the heart of the people, in the heart, but in turn to Guo Jia this, deeply agreed ...

"Feng Xiao, get up ..."

Liu Wei waved the purple sleeves, and she escaped a soft emperor!

It seems that there is an invisible big hand, and he will help Guo Jia.

Liu Bowen said: "The Lord, since this miracle general paper technology is successful, then the incident of teaching, as long as the book content is finalized, then for the opening of the people, it is the help!"

Liu Wei finger a rhythm tap desktop, saying: "Yes, next, the key is to discuss this ..."

The end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, in the end of the year, the book is expensive, the popularity of this education is too bad!

"The first thing to be determined is to target civilians, the content does not have to be deep, as long as it is easy to understand, can teach the people, let them know the meaning of the monarch, what is the benefits of the lonely, ready!"

"Second, basic counting, also popularize ..."

Liu Wei combined 300 post-primary school textbooks, summed up several points.

As a result, the top of Liu Bowen, Guo Jia, Jia Wei, and Yi, etc., went to the ground, and said:

"The master's wisdom looks like the sea, the eyes are high, if this book is successful, Ze is being born, the benefit of the world is also ... Chen, the gods, the fans, the five-body glory!"


Liu Wei is slightly sweating.

In fact, this first batch of books, the primary school students in the later generations are understand!

Probably the ancient version of nine-year obligation education, that is, the basic content of language and mathematics ...

However, it can be called his hand to admire these thousands of wisdoms, Liu Yao is still secretly dripping!

"Lonely ... but it is a holistic ideology, concrete content, or use it to rely on ..."

Liu Wei's heart moved slightly, tricks: "Sambo, go to send people to the old, please come, participate in the first batch of books."

"Followed, Lord!"

Zheng He lowered his body, holding boxing.

"This group of old age is the Confucianism. For the thinking of loyalty patriotism, there is still a drop!"

Liu Hao will inevitably praise your own machine!

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