The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 841 of the Three Kingdoms

Sima Yi looked at the look of Liu Liu, solemnly asked: "Liu Jingzhou, now the situation, how is it?"

Liu Tsu said, "" Chu Guardi, one white robe, she danced, leading the 50,000 army, from the Jingzhou ... White Robe Arms Attacks the 300 city pools, the white robe coach ordered, the guerrilla, invading killing ... "

"Finally, several guerrillas, successfully burned the scholar grain, one place, the killing is in front of Jinlongt!"

Sima Hui shakes and asked: "This ... this white robe scholar ... What is the name?"

Liu Tu feel dizzy, trembling: "Chen Qingzhi, famous teacher general, Mo Zi, thousands of horses, white robe!"

"Thousands of military warfare white robe!"

The Waste General Zhang Yun, said in the battle: "The Lord, Huang Zu General killed the messenger of Liu Yunjun, if Chu Cong was transferred to the soldiers, to play our Jingzhou, what should I do !?"


I heard Zhang Junjiu, Liu Tujia's leather hair, can't stand these strong stimuli, dizzy!

"Lord, okay!"

"Khan! Is it frightened? Pass the physician, the doctor!"

"Grass! The mountain is the attack of more than 30 million troops, and it is tathed when talking !?"

"I can't believe this is true !!"

"Yeah ... Qianjun Wan Ma Waitano! Chu Gong's hand, there is such a command!"

In the Jingzhou Chamber of Commerce, everyone is in love!

Wat around Liu, bombing!

Noise, like fans!

"This game is a lost! Your thorough!"

Sima Yi, the army of Jingzhou Group, is bored and irritated, muttered: "Good Chen Qingzhi, a Liu Zixuan!"


Sima Yi face is like gold paper, and you will spit out a red blood!

Blood fog!


"The host is unfair, and it is unhappy. It was killed by Jingzhou Jiang Xiahou Huang Zu, the host triggered the revenge mission: the hate!"

Harcy of mall: Blood hatred! Please let the host hand down the head of Huang Zu, reward the diamond level special legendary character card!


When receiving the death of the squat, Liu Hao is using the meal.

The beautiful kitchen show, gave Liu Wei, was burned to the meat, the beauty of taste, got the thirty-two praises given by Liu Wei!

"This, sacrifice the sea, but also in exchange for the opportunity of attacking Jingzhou!"

Liu Wei is dark: I also sent a revenge mission!

Diamond level special legendary characters, is also a good reward!

"Three treasures!"

Liu Wei put down the tableware, resiting a few women in his family, went out, and suddenly he said.

Zheng He rolled the hairdressing, from the darkness, now, go to Liu Wei to follow the front, single knee, hold the box: "Lord, what is command?"

"Ha ha!"

Liu Hao played an emperor's true gas, helping the Zheng He, smiled and said: "Sambo, you follow the lonely, have a lot of time?"

Zheng He is immersed, and the first worship, hold the boxing: "Lower minister, want to work for the main public forever, please don't rush three treasures ..."


Liu Wei is also helpless, sigh, said: "With you, accompany you around the loneliness, always a small material ... Now the watermaster is about to form, let you, add the water teacher, for the sky, you merely how is it?"

Watermaster! ?

As a waiter of Liu Wei, Zheng He will not know, Liu Hao is now paying attention to Jiang Dongshi.

Zheng He is heard: "Just after the lower minister, only a small person around the Lord, I am afraid that it is not enough to use ..."

"Ok, deal!"

Liu Hao was asked to waved, and he decided to him: "You are proficient in water, and it is the people around you, you can help Gan Ning, suppress military discipline, and later do it!"

It is also like the leaders of the later generations, and Liu Wei took the shoulder of Zhenghe.

Zheng He moved the tears, said: "Lower minister, willing to follow the main road, under the oil pan, liver and brain, Wan Dynasty!"

"Beginning tomorrow, go to Huanglong Water Master Camp, Life Guangling County will make a fortune, supervise the Huanglong war ship, practice water war, not Japanese Raiders Jingzhou, you can take the watermaster!"

Liu Wei put his hand, said: "Now I am still in the forever, I will go to the last one, and I will call the Chinese and Wuzhong of the filial piety. I will prepare for the court in the morning, discuss the Those who use the soldiers in Jingzhou!"

"Lower minister, obey!"

Zheng He was tears, arched, and retired.

"Or on the bigger stage, let you show your own skills!"

Liu Wei looked at Zheng and the back of the departure, he was so embarrassed ...

[Third is more sent! Stable update, can not be less! Ask a whole order, ask for a reminder, seek flowers, ask for a variety of support! Buns broke out to everyone! .

In the seventh hundred and eighth chapter, Qiankun Palace, Liu Wei, the governor!

Heaven and earth, but the vastness of Qiankun!

This Jinling Emperor, the Qiankun in the Qiankun Palace in the Qiankun Palace is also from Liu Hao's mouth.

The next day, in the Queen Palace.

Han Room Wenwu Baiguan, gathered in the hall.

The civil servant made Liu Bowen, then Wang Yun and other three jiolings, Zhang Zhao and other bodies, Jiangdong Laozi, then Guo Jia, Jia Wei, ,,,,,,,,.

The military commander, the invincible general, Yu Wen Chengdu, the feminism is high, the waist is surrounded, the taste is in the first place, then it is Changshan Zhao Zilong ...

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