The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 913

"A ... but the will be unresolved!"

Huo Jun was stunned, and he lowered: "In front of Chu Gong, what is the prosperity?"

"Ha ha!"

Liu Wei smiled: "Today, Jingzhou Qi County is already in the lonely. Huo will be a time Junjie, why not take the room for Han room, after the future, the wife is full, I have a long to follow Liu Tuo to reverse the road to black , Misfortunes, is not the big husband !? "

This is a strong trick, let Huo Jun listen in my heart.

Liu Wei, which is a means of gathering people, and it is getting more and more pure.

As soon as I see him, I know that there is a play.

The ghosts on the side, got out, continue to throw olive branches, said: "Huo will, today my business, break Jingzhou water village, then attack Fancheng ... Xiangfan's trend, the lips, the lips, the lips, Fan City have been broken, Fan City has been broken, Fan City has been broken, How long can I have to support Fuyang? "

"Early falling and falling, it is always surrendering ... What is going to stay in Fancheng today, the bigen of the state animal husband has already reported ..."

Under the rain, Huo Ji sweats, and the ghost is said, hurriedly worshiped down, saying: "Sin will hue, see Chuong, the sin will be embarrassing, do not know how to make good, please Chu Gong's crime!"

[Third is more sent! Stable update, can not be less! Ask a whole order, ask for a reminder, seek flowers, ask for a variety of support! Flowers are only because they reach more qualified! The buns are always remembered, seeking all kinds of support, must return everyone with outbreak! .

The seventh hundred and nine-nine chapters attack the heart, and the opportunity to break the Yangcheng!


"Congratulations to the host, successfully took the Jingzhou general Huo Jun, the current loyalty of Huo Jun is 85 points, the extra reward is 600 points, please continue to work hard!"

Listening to the tone of the system, Liu Xinli is slightly happy ...

"Let's get up, you have a flat world in the future, and the solitary will rely on Huo Jun's help!"

Waving sleeves, she will escape the soft emperor, so that there is an invisible big hand, helping Huo Jun.

"With the virtual enthusiasm!? Chu Gong, there is such a means ..."

Huo Jun's heart, he is also a person who is martial arts, how can I not know what this means?

"Walk, the Chamber of Deputies."

After receiving Huo Jun, Liu Yu did not stop, put a hand, and showed that everyone followed him to the Chamber of Commend.

Not long, removed in the big camp to defend Zhang Liao, the rest of the civil and military, has been divided into two columns.

"The ministers will be like rain, it will be like a cloud, cool!"

Liu Wei got some nodded, saying: "Now there are ten eight | nine, it has fallen into the solitary hand, Liu Watch is stuck in Xiangyang ... Xiangyang City is solid, not under the tiger, what can be made, Break Fuyang City? "

In the face of Liu Wei's question, it is still the first to come out, saying: "The Lord, Chen believes that Xiangyang City is now a lonely city, the main public can slow down the footsteps of Fuyang, will live, see Look around the vassal of the town, dare to help the Yangyang, directly put the princes ... "

Chen Qingzhi made a posture of a hand knife, and Liu Yuxin understood.

"The attack is under, attacking the heart ... The plan of celebration, not bad!"

Liu Zhen nodded and expressed his recognition to Chen Qingzhi.

Yang Zi Xing is a hot sex, and the big bustic said: "The Lord! This Fancheng is being hit by us, as long as I use the fly-thunder car, she bombards the Yangcheng in the rain, and the walls are rumored, and they will be able to take a battle. Fuyang! "

Zhang Fei is also excited, calling "The main public, hit Yangcheng, Yan Yan Zhang Fei, is willing to be the striker!"

Zhou Tai also followed: "If the end will not break the city, please the Lord to dispose of the military law ..."


Seeing that it is necessary to be brought by these people, Liu Wei's mouth slightly smoked ...

He reached out and pressed, and he said: "General Huo Jun, you know the deep understanding of Jingzhou, you have to break the sun, do you have the least amount of casualties?"

"Casualty ... minimum ..."

Huo Jun was got to the name, and Huo Jun was out of his name. It was a half-rang, and he said: "The main public, Xiangyang City is difficult to attack, if you want to take ordinary siege methods, you will definitely break a lot of people ... The soldiers have clouds, Attacks, the attacking is under ... "

"The main public can use the army, will send Jingzhou to three missions, then send secretille, communicate the luxury valuar in Xiangyang City, if the luxury can help, break the Yangcheng, Yi Ri!"

| |!

Liu Hao took the head to take the head, praise: "Yes, I will have Hao Jun, why Ye Yanyang is not over?"

With this experience, Huo Jun is a rare talent!

There are thousands of years of historical accumulation of Liu Wei, of course clear:

The most robust barriers are starting from the inside!

Three countries, it is the three countries of the luxury!

As long as you open a gap in the Jingzhou luxury valve, Liu Wei can shake a whole Jingzhou!


At this time, Cao Shaoqin rolled the hairdry and walked from outside the door!

"The main public! Jin Yiwei brothers, in a group of Fuyang City people, found an unusual person ... Will it bring it to see?"


Liu Wei came to a bit of interest, putting a hand, said: "Bring up, give a look, what is unusual method?"


Cao Shaoqin lowered his body, holding his fist.

Not long after, a few Joint Ward, who wearing a flying fish, took a person into the Chamber of Deputies.

"be honest!"

"See Chu Gong, and dare not!?"

"Not yet!"

In the face of the anger of the East Factory Jinyiwei, this civilian dressed, the body is trembled, the double knees are soft, and the knees are soft, and it is fell down ...

what! ?

Liu Wei is watching, and it is time to stand the temper, and the golden purple man is full of fleet!

This Nima! ?

Not the Jingzhou Navy General, Cai Wei! ?

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