The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

The Unpredictable Supreme Chapter 959 of the Three Kingdoms

"! This wave ... can make big!"

Liu Wei is dark closure, and the mouth is suspended with satisfactory radians.

Usually qualified people, if you want to know this Qimen armor, it is also difficult to get the door in a lifetime! !

Even if it is the talents, there is no hard study for decades, and it is impossible to be!

Liu Wei has a system assistance, but it is a short-term shortcut, which is equivalent to standing in the study experience of the east evil for decades, and successfully understands the beauty!

In other words, now Liu Hao, facing the five elements of the phoenix, there is a way to crack!

"Who is the person !?"

"Stand !!"

Liu Wei arrived in the mountains, did not expect that the mountains of Yingmen were in the foot of the enemy.

"Hey! Don't follow the nose of the Nanshan's cow nose !!"

Huang Rong, behind Luo, was a tight, and concerned about Liu Wei.

"Hey !? Today, this is a bit of a situation."

Liu Hao went to stand up, and Liu Wei was too lazy to talk to the two of the two majors.

He stepped on the steps step by step, and the whole person went up with the fairy crane, the top of the tree on the mountain, and gently, floating and going more than ten feet!

Body law, is extreme!

"Sanqing ancestors are on, this ... this is a light power ..."

"Human ... How can there be such a light power ... It's hard to do, is that someone invited a powerful hand to help ?!"

These two people are stunned!

They can't believe their eyes!

This, what is this! ?

After the two stayed, the face did once, and suddenly, there was a surprise sound: "Not good! There is a strong enemy !! !!"

"There is an enemy to go to the mountain !! !!"

The Taoist Taoists of the whole education, there is no other characteristics, that is, there are more people, and I have a hometown.

"Wow! If you have a law, you may be on the top!"

Looking at Liu Wei, a black shirt, and the back of the empty, Huang Rong is also bright.

Her elf is very, at the foot of the end of the Nanshan, I have dicked a Taoist, replaced the robe of the full Taoist, and the big model is rushing to the mountains.

At the top of the south, Wei Wei Zhong loud, such as the enemy.

This is the bell, only in the face of a strong enemy, I don't know how many years have not been around. Today, it has a long speech.

"Today, this heavy Yang palace is really lively!"

Liu Hao flew, both eyes were only in the top of the southern mountain, and there were counts immediately.

It's all true to find it.

There is a homewhere of the rivers and lakes, at least hundreds of people, gathered on the square before the Chongyang Temple.

The Taoist Taoist Taoist Mountain is like the enemy.

The second is far away.

Liu Hao's arrival, it is broken the calm of the second side.

It attracts everyone's gaze.

It must be sent to the Changchun real people, and they fall in Liu Yili, and I am in my heart. "Who is this person?"

"I am ... I don't recognize this person!"

Standing in his side, the whole seven sons, the heart is shocked!

They are also almost half of the old rivers and lakes in the past, and the eyes are only spicy, and they only think:

"This propan is coming !? Not only is yourself, not only, there is such a light power, is it ... Is it a great helper?"

However, their opponents, it is also a face.

A Fang Bang, who is in the yellow robes, stands out of the column, all the hands of ten, one face alert, said: "Xiaoyu Mongolia secretly teaches the Jin Gang Jin Jinhe, dare to ask which children are so martial arts? "

"Golden Wheel ... isn't it a gold wheel?"

Liu Wei heard, his heart is slightly happy ...

Yuan, wonderful! !

Your own "Dragon Elephant is like a power", it is the beginning of the beginning of the way, now still incomplete!

This is good, the timeline is confused, and it hits the golden wheel of the ulcery!

It can be described as a broken iron shoe, it has to come to the family!


Congratulations to the host, Tianzi looks at the moment, the use is successful!

Mongolian national teacher Gold Wheel King - Wuli 98, Intelligence 67, Politics 62, Conduct 71!

Stunt 1, Dragon Elephant: Jin Wheel King practice dragon icon like God, the power is gradually, transferred to the ninth floor!

Every time I upgrade the dragon icon, I will be a layer of power, force +1! (Before the basic force is 100!)

Stunt 2, flywheel: Golden wheel is famous, when it uses a single gold wheel as a weapon, force +2!

"It's amazing! The old monk is not bad!"

In Liu Hao, Jin Zi is flashing, and the strength of Jin Wheel is reviewed ...

Just one step, he can break the body's limit.

"Not good! This kid looked at me, it seems to be a weird !?"

King of Jinhe Wheel, is also a bleak in the heart 4.8, feeling everything, is you wear by Liu Wei? !

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