The supreme supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Unpredictable Extreme Chapter 993 of the Three Kingdoms

I rushed to Yuan Shu room, calling: "The Lord, let's go ... Li Tongtou is a Chu army, now the city gate has been opened, it is late, I am afraid it is to be captured by Chu army!"

This news is that Yuan Shu is, it is simply five thunders.

"Li Tongli, Li Tongmao, ..."

Yuan Shu only feels that he is cold, and the head is numb!

"Lord, run, don't stay!"

When I arrived at the escape, I would also care about what the monarch.

The two people did not clean up their homes, Yuan Shu took Yuan Yao, and a few people gave birth to the West City Gate.

Behind the next Cai City, in the knife of Liu Yucheng, blood dyed city!

Shouting the sound, resounding the night.

Yuan Shu is cold, with the number of , Yuan Yao, etc.

"Tired! It's too tired!"

So running for dozens of miles, Yuan Shu, which is excellent, and the face is defeated, wow, spit out a red blood!

Even the flesh on the side of the leg is blurred by the flesh and blood grinded by the saddle.

"The main public, it's okay !? Stop taking a break?"

See Yuan Shu face is not very good, busy sending him to help the Malay.

Just, this place is the boundaries of Nanyang County, there is a village.

I found a wife who lived in a wife, let Yuan Shu lie down.

"I am three gods of my past, I have been 300,000, and I will be like a cloud, and I will be like a rain. When I am in Huai, the princes ... What is this ... Why is it today ..."

Yuan Shu is already in a sense of awareness, and he can read it in his mouth.

The child, Yuan Yao, also tears, said: "Please ask your father to be wrapping, as long as you get to Nanyang County, with Liu Xuande, Liu Shu, he will be willing to be the father, reorganize the army!"

Unexpectedly, Yuan Shu suddenly sat up, and the eyes were filled with blood, and they walked round. Drinking: "Mad, there is no pear! Liu Xuande this person, laughing,

: ""

Yuan Yao: "" "

Everyone has a heart, but I don't dare to let Yuan Ju.

Liu Ji was helped by Yuan Shu, and Yuan Shu is still very nice.

It is now on the road in Nanyang running.

Yuan Shu leaned on the bed, muttered: "Liu Wei's strength is too terrible, I used to be self-respecting, the brain is not entering the water, I have been looking for it with him !?"

In the last moment of life, Yuan Shu's heart, I can't hate Liu Wei.

Only boundless fear and remorse!

Speaking of the end, it is also a sense of superiority, let Yuan Shu feel that he is a natural high person.

Now that Liu Yizhen is taking care of, it is too late.

Thirty-thousand troops, put into the east stream, the last foundation of the land was broken by Chen Qing.

When I saw Yuan Shu, I quickly called the hand, and I got a bowl of water, said: "The main public, still drink the water first ..."

Wherever I know, Yuan Shu saw it, I frown: "There is a horticultural, this is a clear water, I am hard to swear ..."

He usually is usually used to enjoy, never drink light wine.

People drink clear water, Yuan Shu is drinking honeymine.

People drink cheap and light wine, Yuan Shu will drink Maotai Xianfeng ...

Just this time, where to give Yuan Shu to find honeymine?

helpless sent people to the village search, I want to find some food, get hurt the porridge, give Yuanjia into the energetic.

As a result, the skinny old woman came directly into the house, worshiping the Yuan Shu, the miserse: "The old woman, the generations live in Weinan, the original home has five sons, seven grandson, the three generations, cultivation for a living ... "

"I don't know, this world, what happened ... I have been in the middle of the year, even the smallest grandson, only 13 years old, and was forced to enter Huainan Army ... The whole village, a man is not seen, wasteland No one has cultivated, no food, only clear water can be sat, why is it to drink it! "


Yuan Shu heard the words, the heart was frustrated, his eyes were convex, the ear was awkward!

Suddenly, I also sprayed a sigh of red and red, called: "Wu Yuan Road, he has also a sense of hero, Xiongzhengjiang Huai, why here !?"

Yuan Shu shouted a few times, then fell to the couch, no breath!


"Congratulations to the host, the white robe God of War Chen Qingzhi, the soldiers broke the ganyan counties, Yuan Shu forces, have lost, and the extra reward is 1000 points!"

Listening to the system prompts in the ear, Liu Hao is in the spirit.

Gently released the Feng Mei, who was sleeping in Yaoyi, Liu Wei quietly got up, and then entered his book room in the room.

"Chen Qingzhi's god property is really not covered, hanging sky!"

Liu Wei's heart is slightly, and suddenly remembers a joke:

In the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Yuan Shu is the father of all the princes of the world!

[First of the morning, free flowers, evaluation tickets! ! .

The eighth hundred and forty-eight chapters of small non-gentlemen, non-toxic, no husband!

In the Three Kingdoms, Sun Ce put on Yuan Shu, which is equal to his son.

Then Sun Shangxiang, that is, Yuan Shu daughter, Liu Bei married Sun Shangxiang, and Yuan Shu's son ...

Liu Bei is Yuan Shu Son, that Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, according to the generation, is also Yuan Shu son ...

Liu Tang, Liu Wei with Liu Bei Zong Brothers, is also the son of Yuan Shu!

Zhou Yu with Sun Ce Brothers, that is also Yuan Shu, Xiao Joe is also!

Cao Ah Hao wife, I want to take Dong Wu Xiaoqiao, is it too Yuan Shu? !

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