The Supreme Sword

Chapter 1029: 】Kill to the Demon Gate

[Chapter 1029] Kill the Demon Gate (5 more, make up)

The encounter between Xuantian and Sima Zhi took place in the sky outside the Sima clan, and countless Sima clan warriors had witnessed this scene with their own eyes. ()

At this moment, all the warriors of the Si family family were stunned.

Sima Zhi, this is the contemporary legend of the Sima family, one of the three great righteous Taoists, and the only quasi emperor of the Sima family.

However, the quasi-emperor Sima Zhi was defeated by a sixth-level emperor, and he was defeated with just one move.


This is how the warriors of the Si family family can accept it!

How could a sixth-level emperor have such a perverted combat power? This is not normal! It's abnormal!

Everyone looked at Xuantian's gaze as if they were looking at evildoers and freaks.

As a quasi-emperor, Sima Zhi's mood was stronger than the others after all. After a brief astonishment, he quickly reacted.

Looking at Xuantian, Sima Zhi no longer despised, his eyes revealed solemnity, he did not feel that his face was lost because of his defeat, and it was difficult to see people. On the contrary, there was a kind of excitement and excitement in his eyes.

Yes, it is excitement and excitement.

As a quasi-emperor, Sima Zhi is one of the three giants of the right way. Of course, he wants to eliminate the threat of the magic door, but unfortunately he has no strength.

But this time, he saw hope in Xuantian.

He defeated him with one move, Xuantian’s combat power, among the quasi emperors, is definitely the top of the top, almost comparable to the one-star emperor, one person can top multiple quasi emperors, plus Right way and the seven quasi emperors of the demon clan help each other, and indeed they have the ability to fight the demon door.

Sima Zhi walked quickly towards Xuantian, with a respectful look, and clasped his fists, saying: "It is true that there are talents from generation to generation, and new generations win over the old. Xuantian, the old man is convinced that you have such a fighting power, no wonder I have the ambition to challenge the magic gate. In the past three years, the magic gate has deceived me too much. It is a pity that we do not have the strength to contend with the magic gate. From you, I finally see the hope of the right way. If you want to deal with the magic gate, Sima Zhi must Let your life go."

Speaking of the back, Sima Zhi patted his chest vigorously.

Xuantian's view of Sima Zhi suddenly changed. It seemed that this person was a sweetheart, and his previous arrogance was just because Xuantian's cultivation base was so low that it was impossible for any Zhun emperor to believe his words.

The warriors of the Sima clan also reacted. Listening to Sima Zhi's words, they showed expressions of worship one by one, and being able to bend and stretch is the performance of a big man.

Moreover, with Sima Zhi's strength, even if the demon door destroys the right way, he can travel the world alone and live very well.

As a quasi emperor, he patted his chest and said that he was willing to sacrifice his life and fight against the demon. Naturally, he did not do it for himself, but for the righteous martial artist. The most important thing was for the Sima family.

Xuantian smiled slightly, and said: "I am alone and weak. It is like a tiger with Mr. Sima's help. However, Mr. Sima, it is still difficult for the two of us to compete with the magic door. The emperor should unite, and then we rushed to Huanglong, attacked the headquarters of the Demon Sect, and smashed all the conspiracies of the Demon Sect with absolute strength."

Sima Zhi nodded heavily, and said, "Okay, just so fast, Xuantian, you will live in our Sima family for a while. The old man will go and find Han Mengchen, Su Ruohong and the four quasi emperors of the Yaozu."

Xuantian nodded: "Okay, trouble Mr. Sima."

At Xuantian's speed, if Sima Zhi went to find other quasi emperors, the speed would be much faster.

However, the Tianji Cudgel said that it will take a while to break through the cultivation base to the eighth-level emperor. With his cultivation base breakthrough, Xuantian is equal to one more quasi emperor. Therefore, there is no rush to attack the magic gate for a while. Let's talk about it when the cultivation base of the secret stick breaks through.

Xuantian also continued to comprehend the profound meaning in the Sima family. The deeper his understanding of the profound meaning, the stronger the power of the Great Zhoutian Star Sword Formation. Therefore, to find other quasi emperors, Sima Zhi did it himself.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, one month has passed.

After more than half a month, the Tianji Cudgel’s cultivation base really made a qualitative breakthrough, becoming an eighth-level emperor, and his combat power exploded.

The profound meaning of Xuantian, after a month of comprehension, has also progressed. Originally, only the profound meaning of Yang and the profound meaning of Chaos reached the seventh-order peak. Now, the profound meaning of thunder and the profound meaning of fire have also broken through. The six profound meanings he has understood In, only the profound meaning of earth and the profound meaning of wind are missing.

The understanding of the profound meaning of the earth is slower, mainly because Xuantian's soil attribute aptitude is worse than that of fire, and the profound meaning of the wind, although the holy cauldron is in hand, the starting point is too low, so it is still catching up.

One month passed, Sima Zhi finally found the other six Zhun emperors, and came to the Sima family together.

There are seven quasi emperors in total. The right way of the human race is Sima Zhi, Han Mengchen, and Su Ruohong, and the demon race has Niu Lihong, Shark Must Swim, Lu Songyan, and He Qingfeng.

Of these seven quasi-emperors, the oldest is Lu Songyan, who is more than 440 years old. Compared to the life span of 500 years, after 400 years old, he is considered to be in his old age, but the vitality of the quasi-emperor is basically to reach his life. The vitality will only decay in the next few years, so the seven quasi emperors seem to be very energetic.

Among the seven quasi emperors, the youngest is Su Ruohong, who is only 280 years old. He became a quasi emperor at the age of 170. He has been a quasi emperor for hundreds of years. Although he is young, he has been a quasi emperor for many years. In terms of strength, he was also the most powerful of the seven quasi-emperors, and Sima Zhi and Han Mengchen could not beat him together.

Although the other six quasi emperors Sima Zhi had all invited, they all reported doubts about Xuantian's strength.

They didn't believe that Xuantian, who was only a sixth-level emperor, would defeat Sima Zhi with one move. Even if Sima Zhi said that, they thought it was too incredible and unbelievable.

Xuantian knew that these great quasi emperors had to believe it, unless they had seen it with their own eyes.

Therefore, Xuantian had to make a high profile, and found another quasi emperor to compete.

It was Su Ruohong who was the strongest among the seven quasi emperors.

Because Su Ruohong was the strongest, he was most unbelievable about Xuantian's ability to defeat Sima Zhi. If that was the case, it meant that Xuantian's combat power was much higher than that of Su Ruohong.

A sixth-level emperor, the combat power is much higher than him?

Unless he saw it with his own eyes, he wouldn't believe it even if others said it was broken.

However, Su Ruohong and Xuantian played a trick, but the facts were shocking.

Xuantian split out a sword array lightsaber, and shook Su Ruohong flying for more than a thousand meters.

All the Zhun emperors present were shocked by it.

A move that shook Su Ruohong a kilometer, even the most powerful quasi emperor of the Demon Gate, was impossible.

The most shocked was Su Ruohong. His expression was like hell. It was really unexpected that one day, he would be defeated by a sixth-level emperor who was only about 30 years old.

"Able to take my full blow without any damage, Mr. Su's strength is indeed outstanding among the quasi emperors." Xuantian received the sword formation and smiled slightly.

Facing Xuantian's praise, Su Ruohong looked strange, not knowing whether he should be happy or ashamed.

In any case, when Xuantian made a move, he really suppressed all the quasi emperors.

They no longer had any objections to Xuantian, and at the same time, one by one was full of passion, like Sima Zhi, from Xuantian, they saw the hope of dealing with the magic door.

"The headquarters of the Demon Sect is located in the Tianmo Continent in the center of Yunzhou. This is the largest continent in Yunzhou. The Heavenly Demon Sect, one of the Seven Demon Sects, is also located on this continent."

"The magic gate is very mysterious. Although there are many powerful people walking around the world, there are also many strong people who live in seclusion for the first time. Therefore, there is no exact number of the right way and the monster race."

"For now, there are at least ten quasi emperors in the demon sect. We have all played against each other. These ten quasi emperors are Fan Yunshuang of the Iron Wood Demon Sect; the blood evil heart and the blood spirit dragon of the Blood Fire Demon Sect; Heishui Chi Yanfeng and Chi Yuchen of Demon Sect; Yan Elai and Yan Dingyi of Underworld Demon Sect; Tu Zexiong of Sky Demon Sect; Yin Lanting and Yin Jiankun of Yin Demon Sect."

"Among these ten quasi emperors, the Iron Wood Demon Sect, the Blood Fire Demon Sect, the Black Water Demon Sect, the Underworld Demon Sect, the Sky Demon Sect, and the Yin Demon Sect all have quasi emperors appearing, but none of the Corpse Demon Sects have appeared. "

"As one of the seven demon sects, it is unlikely that there is no quasi emperor. Therefore, it is conservatively estimated that there should be eleven quasi emperors in the demon sect. There should be one corpse demon sect, and the corpse demon sect is famous for refining corpses. , At least there will be a corpse puppet that is one level lower than his own cultivation level, and some corpse puppets are even at the same level as their own."

"It seems that the quasi emperor of the corpse demon sect, his corpse puppets are at least ninth-level emperors, and may even be quasi emperors, then the number of quasi emperors of the magic door may reach twelve at most.


Sima Zhi told Xuantian about the situation of the Demon Sect.

After hearing this, Xuantian made some guesses, and said: "You seven quasi emperors can deal with seven of them, and Mr. Shenji’s current combat power is also the best among quasi emperors, and can deal with one, even if the opponent has twelve. A quasi emperor, there are four remaining, I can deal with it, the quasi emperor of the magic door is not difficult to deal with, the key is the ninth-level emperor of the magic door, although Long Ziyan can deal with a few, but also can not deal with a dozen So we need to dispatch some ninth-level emperors. Otherwise, if ten ninth-level emperors join forces, the quasi emperor will suffer a big loss."

Several quasi emperors nodded one after another.

"In this we are the right way, sending five ninth-level emperors, and your demon clan dispatching seven ninth-level demon emperors, how about?" Sima said.

The three powers of the Right Path each send a ninth-level emperor. There are several other powers. Although there is no quasi-emperor, there are ninth-level emperors. You can also draw two. Now, the ninth-level emperor cannot take time out all of a sudden.

Taking out five is the limit. There are more monsters, but seven are not a lot.

The four quasi emperors of the Yaozu looked at each other, and then nodded.

"Okay, just do it. I, your seven quasi-emperors, Mr. Zi Yanhe, and the twelve ninth-level emperors of Zhengdao and Yaozu will participate in this operation, a total of 22 people."

Xuantian immediately made a decision, decided, and said: "You all have entered my sacred cauldron. I will pick up the other ninth-level emperors and ninth-level demon emperors, and then kill to the demon gate!"

ek chocolate says

The fifth update today. . . Supplement the second update on September 15. . .


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