The Supreme Sword

Chapter 1031: 】kill--

[Chapter 1031] Kill——(2 more)

Regarding Xuantian's cultivation base, the Demon Sect powerhouse was still shocked. (w@[email protected]@o@m)

However, what was shocked was Xuan Tian's cultivation speed, not Xuan Tian's strength.

No matter how fast Xuantian cultivates, he is now only a sixth-level emperor, no matter how strong his combat power is, for the entire demon gate, the sixth-level emperor is as small as an ant.

Therefore, the magic sect expert looked at Xuantian with a look in his eyes.

"It's really nowhere to find a place to break through the iron boots. It takes no effort to get it. You don't want to go, you alone, go and destroy Xuantian."

A ninth-level emperor yelled. He was the sovereign of the Iron Wood Demon Sect. His son was Fan Shaoxiao, one of the Seven Demon Sects, who died at the hands of Xuantian.

Sect Master Tiemu waved his hand, and all the powerful magic gates stopped. The other ninth-level emperors knew Sect Master Tiemu's hatred for Xuantian, and wanted to end it with their own hands, so they naturally gave Sect Master Tiemu this opportunity.

"Xuantian, you kill my beloved son and let you pay for it today."

Sect Master Tiemu shouted, and his figure burst out like a sharp arrow, charging towards Xuantian.


Sect Master Tiemu slapped out a palm, and a palm print flew out in an instant, faster than he rushed over, instantly transformed into a giant of thousands of meters, and slapped Xuantian.

As a ninth-level emperor, Sect Master Tiemu didn't pay much attention to Xuantian's strength. He didn't even use Tiemu-True Demon-Kung, the most powerful of the Iron Wood Demon Sect, and attacked with pure Gang Yuan power. Xuantian.

This is to suppress Xuantian based on the difference in cultivation level.

Xuantian sneered, he stepped forward, **** together like a sword, and swiped forward.

In an instant, countless stars fell, condensing on the tip of the finger, and with the stroke of the finger sword, a lightsaber of more than a thousand feet long burst out and slashed vertically.


That thousand-zhang palm print was instantly cut in half.

Sect Master Tiemu's expression was startled, and the magic door expert who was watching the battle also took a breath.

They never thought that Xuantian's combat power would be so terrifying.

Although they know that the sword formation masters are strong, the imperial-level sword formation masters are very rare, and because of the lack of the imperial-level spirit swords, the imperial-level sword formation masters' combat power is not too abnormal. How do these powerful magic gates know? The sword formation of the sky consists entirely of the imperial sword formation, how powerful it is.

With Xuantian's strength, Sect Master Tiemu could be killed instantly, but he did not do so.

Sect Master Ironwood can only be killed by one, first show that it is weak, and it is equal to the Sect Master Ironwood, if the other ninth-level emperors slam up, then they will burst out all the combat power, kill a few more , This is the best result.

This time when he attacked the Demon Gate headquarters, the warriors on Xuantian’s side were at least the ninth-level emperor’s combat power. The opponents below the ninth-level emperor’s combat power, Xuantian did not care much, but the ninth emperor was very The war situation still has a certain impact.

Before the war broke out, kill as many as possible.

"True magic--!"

Sect Master Tiemu didn't dare to despise Xuantian any more, and immediately displayed Tiemu-True Demon-Gong, and he also displayed the most powerful true magic.

Suddenly, a ghost of the Iron Wood Devil Emperor appeared, almost condensed to the truth, reaching a height of thousands of meters, covering the Sect Master Iron Wood.

The Tiemu Devil Emperor’s phantom palm was sealed with a terrifying power, oppressing Xuantian, and there was a trace of emperor power in this power.

Once the true magic was cast, Sect Master Tiemu's combat power rose to the limit of the ninth-level emperor, and he was about to contend with the quasi emperor.

However, this kind of strength is not enough for Xuantian to face.

Xuan Tian moved at will, gestured to draw the sword, pointed the sword again, and another sword array lightsaber cut out.


This time, the power of the sword array lightsaber was much greater than before, and the sword light flashed, not only broke the seal of the true magic, but also chopped off the arm of the true magic.

What a terrifying combat power-the magic door powerhouse watching the battle, his eyes widened, his eyes almost burst out.

Sect Master Tiemu is the most powerful among the nine-level emperors who came here. Xuantian can actually break his attack easily. It's hardly possible that Xuantian is at the sixth-level emperor’s cultivation base, and his combat power reaches Can't you reach the level of the quasi emperor?

"Xuantian's combat power is evil. Let's go together. Don't underestimate the enemy. You must not only defeat him, but also kill him and break into my Demon Sacred Land. If you escape, it will make people laugh." At this time, The Demon Master Tu Shaoyuan shouted.


"Don't let him run...!"


As soon as Tu Shaoyuan spoke, the rest of the magic sect experts suddenly shouted, and with the wave of Tu Shaoyuan's arm, all the emperors above level seven, a dozen or so, all rushed up, using a killer move toward the mysterious sky. Come.

These magic sect masters, Sect Master Ironwood’s seniority is the highest, and he is the ninth-level emperor. He is the leader on the surface, but in fact, the strongest is Tu Shaoyuan, he is only the seventh-level emperor’s cultivation base. , The combat power is stronger than that of Sect Master Tiemu, and it is already the combat power of the ordinary quasi emperor.

Tu Shaoyuan was the real leader of the traveller. When he opened his mouth, the rest of the magic sect experts naturally agreed.

Seeing dozens of emperors above the seventh level rushed up, Tu Shaoyuan was among them, Xuan Tian's heart was immediately happy.

He played with Sect Master Tiemu for two rounds, just to draw the powerhouse of the magic door in front of him, and it was a great deal. The current situation is exactly what Xuantian thought.

As for those magic gate powerhouses below the seventh-level emperor, Xuantian didn't put them in his eyes at all, and it didn't matter if he could get up.

Xuantian led the sword with his hand and swept forward, and suddenly thousands of sword formations and lightsabers flew out, swept in front of him, blocking all the imperial attacks.

At the same time, his body exploded, withdrawing ten miles instantly.

The thousands of sword array lightsabers quickly turned into nothingness, but the opponent's attack power was greatly reduced, and they could no longer pose a threat to Xuantian ten miles away.

Seeing that Xuantian was weak, all the emperors chased after Xuantian and launched another terrifying attack.

A dozen emperors teamed up to attack, all of whom were at level seven or above. Among them, there were four emperors at level nine, and there was also Tu Shaoyuan, whose combat power was comparable to that of the quasi emperor. Even if the opponent was a powerful quasi emperor like Su Ruohong, he faced this Can't resist the attack.

However, Xuantian's combat power was far beyond what Su Ruohong could compare.

Seeing the emperors chasing after him, Xuan Tian's panic expression suddenly turned into a smile, and his aura soared in an instant, almost more than tenfold.

In an instant, there was an invisible sword energy rushing in all directions, and a billowing air was set off in the air, and everyone who attacked Xuantian felt a chill.

At that moment, another cloud of sword light rushed into the sky. Xuan Tian did not use the overlapping sword formations of the nine sword formations before, but only the overlapping of the eight sword formations, which can exert the power of the quasi emperor.

But now, it is the overlapping sword formation of the nine sword formations. The strength of the battle is so strong that it would be equally idle to kill the quasi emperor.


Xuantian shouted loudly.

He pointed with both hands, opened his ten fingers, swept forward, and in an instant, the sword light in front of him was vertical and horizontal.

Suddenly there were ten sword array lightsabers of more than a thousand feet, bursting out, like Xuantian's ten fingers, sweeping a dozen miles forward in the blink of an eye.

Xuantian raised his combat power to the limit, ten sword array lightsabers, four of which were directed at four ninth-level emperors, five of them all directed at Tu Shaoyuan alone, and the other directed at the rest. Seventh and eighth emperor.

Half of the attacks were directed at Tu Shaoyuan. Xuantian's meaning was obvious. Killing Tu Shaoyuan was the top priority. He concluded that the saint cauldron was on Tu Shaoyuan's body, and the saint cauldron had to be captured first.

However, Xuantian failed to do so.

The Heavenly Demon barrier issued by Tu Shaoyuan was instantly cut off by the five sword array lightsabers, and then three fire dragons rushed out of Tu Shaoyuan's body, guarding his side, and was once again cut off by the five sword array lightsabers.

When the sword array lightsaber slashed on Tu Shaoyuan's body, there were only two of the Five Dao, but they were still terrifying, and the attack power of each Dao was a fatal threat to the ninth-level emperor.

Tu Shaoyuan's clothes instantly shattered under the sword array lightsaber.

clang--! clang--!

Two metal crashing sounds suddenly sounded, and Tu Shaoyuan's body instantly turned into a golden light, shooting thousands of meters to the rear.

How sharp Xuan Tian's eyes were, he could see clearly that Tu Shaoyuan's arms, legs, and front body were all pure gold, exactly the same as him.

Tu Shaoyuan cultivated the Immortal Golden Body, and cultivated to the fourth level just like Xuantian.

The defensive power of the Immortal Golden Body is too strong. If all of Xuantian’s attacks are concentrated to one point, there is still a little hope of defeating Tu Shaoyuan's Immortal Golden Body, but only two sword array lightsabers, It's not working.

But the powerful offensive power was still very terrifying. Tu Shaoyuan lost all his defenses, and was naturally smashed thousands of meters away, causing his internal organs to shatter.

Other people, without Tu Shaoyuan's immortal golden body, could not stop the sword array lightsaber's attack.

At the moment Tu Shaoyuan was smashed into the air, the screams sounded almost at the same time.

There were a total of eight emperors of the seventh and eighth levels. Five of them were instantly split into pieces by the sword array and lightsaber. They died, and there were three who escaped the dismemberment, but were also seriously injured.

As for the four ninth-level emperors, only the weakest one was killed by the sword array lightsaber, and the other three were also injured to varying degrees and quickly retreated.

It was a pity that Xu Shaoyuan could not kill Tu Shaoyuan. How could he let other emperors escape.

Shoo, hoo, hoo--

Xuantian hand led the sword formation In an instant, another ten thousand-foot sword formation lightsaber were cut out.

Tu Shaoyuan was instantly split thousands of meters away, but was a blessing in disguise. His body almost rushed into the depths of the magic castle like a golden light, avoiding Xuantian's second wave of attacks.

As for the other emperors, whether they were seventh-level, eighth, or ninth-level emperors, they were all killed by the sword array and lightsaber during their flight.

The battle ended quickly, only Tu Shaoyuan escaped, and Xuantian beheaded twelve emperors, four of whom were ninth-level emperors.

The strength of Xuantian's combat power made the demon experts who watched the battle frightened, and one by one retreated to the depths of the demon castle.


At this time, several vigorous voices came from the depths of the magic castle.

In an instant, several terrifying powers rushed out from the depths of the demon castle, condensed into a giant palm, covering a radius of tens of miles, covering the sky and the earth, pressing towards Xuantian.


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