The Supreme Sword

Chapter 1033: 】Blood Spirit Madness

【Chapter 1033】Blood spirit madness array (2 more)

The magic door was strong and attacked first. ()

"Kill--! Kill everyone--!" The magic gate quasi-emperor Yan E yelled, and with a wave of his arm, he was the first to attack Xuantian.

Yan Elai comes from the Demon Sect of the Underworld, and his martial arts is the power of the underworld.

His arms flew, his fingers flicked, and the dark qi condensed into pieces of land, flying towards Xuantian.

With Yan Elai's gestures flying, the Netherworld Jin Jin joined together like a cage, covering Xiang Xuantian.

The most important thing about Netherworld Hellland's strength is the word'prison', which is the essence of the whole martial arts.

The earth is heavy and bears all things, so the Nether Earth Jin is extraordinarily heavy, forming a strong cage.

If it were shrouded in that prison, it would be like a mortal in prison, with almost no day to turn over, even if the Emperor Zhun came in, he would peel off his skin if he didn't die.

With Yan Elai's hand, the three demon quasi-emperors, Yin Jiankun, Chi Yanfeng, and Xuelinglong, did not lag behind. Almost at the same time, they all performed killing moves against Xuantian.

Mystic Shadow Swordsmanship...

Yin Jiankun came from the Yin Demon Sect and was a well-known sword master. When the top imperial sword in his hand was moved, the bright sword light slashed out.

This sword shines like a moon, making people feel cold.

In addition, the sword light that cleaved out was a little strange, and it disappeared suddenly after it appeared.

In the blink of an eye, Yin Jiankun made hundreds of swords, but the dazzling sword light was gone.

In a few blinks, the continuous bright sword light slashed out thousands of swords, without exception, instantly disappeared.

The most important thing in the profound shadow swordsmanship is the word ‘shadow’. It is cultivated to the extreme and unfolded without a trace, making it hard to see with the naked eye.

Facing the attack of mysterious shadow swordsmanship, it is like blinding one's eyes. You can only judge where the shadowless sword gangs are based on the sound of breaking through the air in the air, the change of airflow, or the cracks and ripples in the void. .

It's just that it's quite good to be able to detect dozens or hundreds of sword gangs by various means, from seeing, hearing, or feeling. It is extremely difficult to detect thousands of shadowless sword gangs clearly.

Flame Blood Dragon Hand——

The blood spirit dragon comes from the blood fire demon sect, and the **** is the hand of the flame blood dragon, and it is one of the supreme **** of the blood fire demon sect.

I saw the blood spirit dragon stepping out in one step, and in an instant it was bloody, it seemed that there was a mountain of corpses in front, and a sea of ​​blood moved over.

It’s not 10,000 people cut. It’s absolutely impossible to have this kind of corpse mountain blood sea gas. It can be seen that the blood spirit dragon cultivates the flame blood dragon hand, but with real effort, he seeks the way by killing, and completed the death of the 10,000 people early. The vitality of human beings, like endless waves, is constantly surging in all directions.

When the blood spirit dragon stretched out his hands, it turned into two blood dragons that were more than a thousand meters long.

Compared with Yan Elai's Netherworld Strength, Yin Jian Xuan Shadow Swordsmanship, and the Flame Blood Dragon Hand of the Blood Spirit Dragon, Chi Yanfeng's methods were much more ordinary than the powerful attacks of the three major magic gate quasi-emperors.

Chi Yanfeng comes from the Blackwater Demon Sect, and he is good at water martial arts, and he uses a set of swordsmanship-Blackwater Swordsmanship.

When the swordsmanship was exhibited, there was not the mighty momentum of the'flaming blood dragon hand', nor the weirdness of the'mysterious shadow swordsmanship', nor the power of the'nether hellland power'. Some were just a sword, a black sword. Air is like water.

Black silk sword qi with the thickness of hair flew in the air, criss-crossing, and at first glance, it looked like a black spider web flying over.

However, don't underestimate this black silk sword aura, every sword aura is very condensed, extremely strong, a black silk sword aura, the attack power is even more terrifying than a hundred feet long sword gang.

In an instant, Xuantian faced a joint attack from the four quasi-emperors, Nether Hellland Power, Mystic Shadow Swordsmanship, Flame Blood Dragon Hand, and Blackwater Swordsmanship, each of which was a first-class martial art. At the highest level of attributes in the imperial martial arts, reaching the realm of the quasi emperor, the profound comprehension has reached the emperor level, and even these martial arts have been thoroughly practiced and incorporated into their own perception.

In other words, these four sets of martial arts were displayed in the hands of the four great demon quasi-emperors, which had exceeded the limit of imperial martial arts and was about to reach the point of imperial martial arts.

Yan Elai, Yin Jiankun, Xuelinglong, and Chi Yanfeng, these four demon quasi-emperors, are the best among the quasi-emperors. The strongest can be one enemy and two against other quasi-emperors, and the weaker one. , It can also be two enemies and three. These four people join forces to strike a blow, and the power is really terrifying.

Even the quasi-emperor who possesses the top combat power in the same realm, has to retreat in the face of the attacks of Yan Elai and the four major quasi-emperors.

However, Xuantian did not retreat.

His expression was calm, a vertical eye suddenly opened between his brows, the khaki light swept away, and the shadowless profound shadow swordsmanship was instantly captured by Xuantian.

Seeing these shadowless sword-gang attacks, Xuantian raised the corner of his mouth and immediately had a countermeasure.

Suddenly, a sword array lightsaber appeared at his feet.

Xuantian stepped on the sword array and walked with the lightsaber, at a speed like light, and in an instant he avoided the attack of the Nether Hell Earth Jin. The Nether Hell Earth Jin ruled the roost with its weight and strength, and once it was shrouded in a cage, it was difficult to get out. At the same time, facing the attacks of the four great magic gates, quasi-emperors, those who should dodge should dodge, those who should defend should be defensive, and those who should attack should attack. You can’t block all the attacks at once, so Xuantian wouldn’t do it. No, but it is absolutely difficult to please any benefit.

Now, Xuantian has avoided the powerful Netherworld Hellland Jin, and it is time to fight back. With his gesture, there are a large number of swords and lightsabers flying around him. Among them are two swords and lightsabers. It was huge, flying in front of Xuantian's arms, like two huge sword blades more than a thousand feet long.

The sword formations and lightsabers flying around, and Yin Jiankun’s shadowless swords slashed together. Every sword is accurate. Although the mysterious shadow swordsmanship is weird, it is not powerful. Once seen, it loses the weirdness. The effect of the sneak attack was naturally greatly reduced, and Xuantian easily broke all the mysterious shadow swordsmanship.

There were even many sword array lightsabers that quickly slashed towards the black water sword aura that was like a silk screen.

The black silk sword qi is much stronger than the shadowless sword gun, but it can't stop the sword array lightsaber's attack. Sparks splashed, and the black silk sword qi was cut off one after another.

The main attack is to deal with the blood spirit dragon.

That blazing blood dragon hand is the most flexible and powerful, and has its own merits from the strength of the nether prison soil, and is the most threatening to Xuantian.

The two strongest sword formation lightsabers controlled by Xuan Tian's arms slashed at the two fiery blood dragons.

boom--! boom--!

With two blasts, the sword array lightsaber and the two blazing blood dragons slashed together, and in an instant, the two blood dragons screamed sternly and retracted like an electric shock.

The arms of the Blood Spirit Dragon turned into their original form, but there was a scar on each of the arms, blood was flowing, and they were already injured.

Yan Elai, Yin Jiankun, Blood Spirit Dragon, and Chi Yanfeng were all shocked. They knew the strength of the four of them together, even the two hidden quasi-emperors of the Demon Gate possess the top quasi-emperor. Their combat power is not the enemy of the four of them.

However, this was just a round and a few breaths. Xuantian unexpectedly dodges or evades, or blocks or attacks, dissolving their attacks one by one, and also injures the Blood Spirit Dragon!

This level of combat power is really terrifying.

Yan Elai was not the only four who suffered, and the other six demon quasi emperors and Tu Shaoyuan joined forces to attack Zhengdao and the seven demon quasi emperors, and they did not get any benefit.

Among the seven quasi emperors of the right way and the demon clan, Su Ruohong’s combat power is relatively strong, and it is on the same level as Yan Elai, Yin Jiankun, Blood Spirit Dragon, and Chi Chifeng. The other six magic gate quasi emperors are not Su Ruohong’s opponents. .

In addition, Xuantian also had a secret secret stick on his side. Although there was only an eighth-level emperor's cultivation base, it was as powerful as Su Ruohong.

The Tianji Cudgel did not join in the fun with the ninth-level emperor, and joined the quasi-emperor's battle group. Naturally, Xuantian won a big victory. In the first round of the match, he repelled the six quasi-emperors and Tu Shaoyuan of the magic door. Both of them were injured under Su Ruohong and Tianji Gun.

The ten great quasi emperors of the magic gate made the move, and Tu Shaoyuan also had the power of quasi emperor, which was equivalent to eleven quasi emperors.

The strength of Xuantian's side exceeded the expectations of the magic door.

There are also two hidden quasi emperors in the magic gate, both of which are the top combat power of the quasi emperors, but they are now doing extremely important things.

They have no other helpers.

"Formation-blood spirit madness formation!"

Suddenly, the blood spirit dragon shouted and made a decision instantly.

The other nine emperors, as well as Tu Shaoyuan, leaned towards the Blood Spirit Dragon upon hearing this.

The strength of Xuantian's side was beyond their expectations, and if they continued to fight hard, they were not opponents. Only by improving their strength through the formation could they hope to win.

The crowd had just gathered together, and suddenly, the ten great magic gate quasi-emperors shot out a large amount of blood, which seemed to be self-harm.

The blood blasted out suddenly shattered into pieces and formed a huge blood mist. Suddenly, a **** mask was produced from the blood mist, and it expanded in an instant, covering a radius of tens of miles. Xuantian, Tianji Cudgel, and the seven quasi emperors of Zhengdao and Yaozu were all shrouded in it.

Xuantian's Emperor Daotian saw that this scarlet mask was extremely defensive, and with his strength, it was even difficult to break open.

Moreover, this scarlet mask is different from the ordinary formation gas mask, it is not formed by the base, but by people.

This blood spirit mad demon formation is the formation base. Therefore, if you want to destroy the formation base, you have to kill the demon quasi emperor. This is more difficult than breaking the formation base of the dead formation. Many, even if Xuantian has the emperor's heavenly eyes, it doesn't have much effect. It depends on true strength.

The blood spirit mad demon formation is a very powerful formation of the demon gate. At the cost of self-consumption of blood, it reaches a state of madness and its strength explodes.

Right now, the ten major demon sect quasi emperors, all crazy demons, have exploded in strength, plus the strength of Tu Shaoyuan, who is comparable to the quasi emperor, and Xuantian's strength, it is really difficult to judge.

ek chocolate says

I'm getting married, I'm a bit busy, and updates are a bit late these days.

Tomorrow, my wife and I will go to get the red book. There is no time during the day, and the code will not be updated until night. Please forgive me.

It is said that marriage is the tomb of love, huh,,, why don’t I think it’s not, I’m still very excited to receive a marriage certificate tomorrow, I love my wife, and I want to treat her well, let me come and enjoy my life. Let her go, hehe...Try to make money, the elderly woman, have a baby next year...


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