The Supreme Sword

Chapter 1040: 】Mingzi to Yunzhou

[Chapter 1040] Mingzi to Yunzhou (2 more)

After a short while, Xuantian brought righteous and powerful monsters to break through the heavy formations in the Demon Fort and rushed all the way to the deepest part of the Demon Fort. (w@[email protected]@o@m)

This is no longer a lot of palaces, but mountains.

A huge golden mask blocked the front of Xuantian and the others.

This golden mask is about ten miles in radius, which is much smaller than the blood mask of the Blood Spirit Madness Array, but, in terms of defense power, it is more than ten times stronger than the blood mask.

Vaguely, there were bursts of painful wailing, coming out from the golden mask, making the complexions of the strong men of the right way and the monster race changed.

The last time the right way and the seven quasi emperors of the demon clan broke into the magic castle, they did not go deep and were repelled by the ten quasi emperors of the magic door. Therefore, they did not come to the mountains in the center of the magic castle.

Now hearing the painful wailing and screams, the powerful people all thought of the missing kings and emperors.

Xuantian suddenly opened the eyes of Emperor Daotian and looked inside the golden mask.

The golden mask couldn't stop the eyes of Emperor Dao Tian's eyes, and everything in the mask fell into Xuantian's eyes.

At this look, Xuantian suddenly looked furious.

I saw the mountains and plains, I don’t know how many human or monster kings, one by one, were tied to the pillars, tortured by the demon king, or flogged, beaten with a stick, or stabbed with a sword... all kinds of punishments It was used on them, and the whole body was wounded.

The blood flowed down from the kings of these human races and monster races and gathered together like a stream. All the blood streams flowed into a small basin in the center of the golden mask.

There are eight blood troughs tens of meters wide, and endless blood flows along the eight blood troughs to a huge altar in the center of the basin.

Seeing them, the five quasi emperors of the demon sect, including the blood spirit dragon and Chi Yanfeng, were all around the altar.

On the altar, there are two old men, one black and one white, sitting on the left and the right. The aura is far more terrifying than any of the top ten quasi emperors of the magic door. They are two top quasi emperors.

It seemed that Tu Shaoyuan told Xuantian that the Demon Sect had two hidden top quasi-emperors, and he was right.

It's just that the magic gate is facing such a danger, and neither of these top quasi-emperors have appeared. It can be seen that they are doing important things and cannot get away. It is definitely not a practice of peerless martial arts.

At present, the five demon quasi-emperors including the blood spirit dragon, and more than 800 demon emperors, form a great formation of the heavenly demon King Kong enchantment. The biggest purpose should be to prevent Xuantian and others from disturbing the two top quasi-emperors. Thing.

Inside the golden mask, resentment raged into the sky, blood flakes, wailing, screaming again and again, no wonder Xuantian looked furious when he saw it.

Seeing that the other people only heard the wailing and couldn't see the scene inside, the Tianji stick threw the secret mirror in his hand.

Suddenly, the celestial mirror shot out a ray of light, and all the sights in the golden mask appeared in that light.

The powerhouses of the right way and the monster race had already guessed in their hearts that these people who were screaming in pain and screaming should be the king and the emperor who were missing from the right way and the monster race. Now they are even more angry.

"Evil...! You must not die!" Sima Xin slashed at the golden mask and roared.


Jian Gang slashed on the golden mask, as if slicing Jin Geng fine iron, with a crisp explosion, the golden mask did not move.

Heavenly Demon King Kong enchantment formation, as long as the number of people in the formation is large enough and the strength is strong enough, even the attack of the emperor can be blocked, and the attack of a quasi-emperor is like a tickling.

At present, there are a lot of Demon Kings in the formation, more than 800, but there are only five quasi-emperors. This great formation of Heavenly Demon King Kong enchantment should not reach the level of blocking the emperor, but it cannot stop the quasi-emperor. Destruction is more than enough.

In the era when there were emperors in the right way and the monster race, the magic gate was prepared from the very beginning, gathering all the emperors and quasi emperors to resist, the number of emperors was over a thousand, and the quasi emperors were at least ten or more. At that time, the defensive power of the Heavenly Demon King Kong enchantment formation was truly strong, and the one-star emperor could not break through the slightest attack for several days and nights.

Right now, the strength of the magic gate cloth sky demon diamond enchantment formation can't be compared with when the right way and the monster emperor appeared.

However, Xuantian’s combat power is infinitely close to the one-star emperor, plus Long Ziyan, Tianji Cudgel, Zhengdao, the seven demon emperors, and the nine emperors help to break the enchantment of the Heavenly Demon King Kong. Array, not necessarily without hope.

Xuantian waved his hand and shouted, "I will attack with all my strength and smash this tortoise shell into pieces. See what the demon door has to rely on."

Tens of thousands of kings of righteous way and demon clan, hundreds of emperors in the golden mask are being tortured by the strong of the magic door. Although Xuantian is an outsider, he can see that he is angry with his voice. Full of killing intent.

call out--

As soon as Xuantian's voice fell, the starry sky followed his gesture and dropped a sword array lightsaber, which was a dozen miles long, severely slashed on the golden mask.

Although the defensive power of the Heavenly Demon King Kong Formation Array is extremely strong, Xuantian’s attack power is infinitely close to that of the One-Star Emperor. It is extremely terrifying. The golden light shield is lightly cut by the sword array lightsaber. Shook.

Although he didn't cut it with a sword, Xuantian's eyes showed some joy, as long as he didn't react like Sima Xin's attack on the golden mask just now.

As long as there is a reaction, there is hope of breaking the golden mask.

Boom boom boom boom...

In an instant, a series of explosions sounded, and Long Ziyan, the powerhouse of the right way and the monster race, all launched an attack on the golden mask.

Although their single attack power was not as good as Xuantian's, but at the same time, the power was stronger than Xuantian's attack, and the golden mask was shaken.

Because there are tens of thousands of powerful people in the right way and the monster race, they are being tortured and destroyed by the powerful people in the right way. The quasi-emperor of the right way, the monster race, and the ninth-level emperor are all excited, and they have almost played twelve points. Strength, strength is exceptionally strong.

Xuan Tian waved his hand and everyone's attacks stopped. He said, "The golden mask is shaking and shaking. It can be seen that our attack power is stronger than the defense power of this formation. Now, we need to attack the effect. Play to the maximum, everyone focus on attacking a little, don't attack indiscriminately, wherever my sword array lightsaber slash, you will attack wherever."

"Okay--!" All the strong shouted together.

Xuantian merged his hands on the top of his head, and a huge lightsaber that was a few miles long was suddenly produced and plunged straight into the sky.


With the huge sword array lightsaber in both arms, Xuantian slashed down the golden mask in front of him.

At the same time, Long Ziyan, Heavenly Secret Cudgel, Righteous Dao, Yaozu powerhouse, all of their attacks followed that sword formation and lightsaber, attacking the same position.


With a sound, the earth moved and the mountains shook, and the sky shattered.

The golden mask shook violently, and there was a crack on it. Although the crack was only a flash and disappeared, it was enough to see that the attacks of Xuantian and others far exceeded the defensive power of the golden mask. The attack caused great damage to the golden mask.

Puff puff puff puff puff--

In the golden mask, there are more than a dozen Demon Kings, vomiting blood at the same time.

Although the golden light shield blocked the attack of Xuantian and the others, the huge force returned in a shock. Several people were always the first to bear the brunt and were seriously injured by the force of the shock.


After only a blink of an eye, there was another shock, and Xuantian and the others launched a second wave of terrifying attacks.

The golden mask shook violently again, cracks reappeared, and dozens of magic gate emperors vomited blood.


Boom boom boom -

Boom boom boom boom boom--


Xuantian and the others furiously attacked again and again, with continuous explosions, and the sky was shattered again and again.

The demon kings received more counter shocks every time, because more and more demon kings were injured, and the weaker the defenses of the formations they deployed.


It was another shock. This was already more than one hundred attacks. Finally, several Demon Kings could no longer withstand it. They were directly shocked by the force of the counter shock and died. The flesh and blood exploded and became one. Pile of blood fog mud.

More than 800 emperors of the magic gate were all injured, and the five quasi emperors of the magic gate also vomited blood.

The attack power of Xuantian and the others was too terrifying. The great formation of the Heavenly Demon King Kong was broken every day. Under the fierce attack of the golden mask, cracks appeared one after another, and the speed of recovery could not keep up with the speed of rupture.

Not to mention the five demon quasi-emperors including Xue Linglong, their expressions are anxious, even Tu Wancheng and Gong Gusheng can't help but frown.

If the great formation of the Heavenly Demon King Kong was broken, and the Mingzi Bharatanatyam could not be summoned, then the Demon Gate would be really dangerous and might be destroyed.

I remember that the Demon Sect has lived through the emperor era of the Righteous Way and the Demon Race, and it is still standing, but today it is likely to fall under the righteous way and the Demon Race powerhouse led by Xuantian. Willingly.


The sound of the tremor remained the same, the Demon King, one by one, was shaken to death, and his body exploded.

Moreover, every time Xuantian and the others attacked, more and more Demon Emperors died. The five Demon quasi-emperors were also getting more and more injured, with blood flowing from the corners of their mouths directly spraying blood.

Suddenly, the huge altar gave off a misty light.

On the altar, Tu Wancheng and Gong Lonely Sage, the expressions of the two suddenly turned sorrow into joy.

There was a response and finally there was a response, indicating that the altar has established a connection with the Mingzi Bharatanatyam.

Tu Wancheng exclaimed with excitement, "Stand up...! No matter what the cost, you must resist. Mingzi is coming, coming soon...!"

The five demon quasi-emperors including the blood spirit dragon and many demon emperors, although all of them were injured, looked overjoyed when they heard the words, and each of them was in high spirits.


There was another bang, and in an instant, more than twenty demon kings turned into blood fog, and died.

The emotions of the emperor of the vertical and horizontal demon gate were high, and that could not stop the attack of Xuantian and others.

Seeing that the golden mask is about to be completely broken, suddenly, a loud laughter came from the endless depths: "Hahahaha, hahahaha..., I have come to the sword world! "

As soon as the voice fell, a young man in a black robe appeared in the center of the altar. His gaze swept away, and in an instant he settled on Xuantian outside the golden mask.


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