The Supreme Sword

Chapter 1055: 】Change Emperor Grade Spirit Grass

[Chapter 1055] Changing the Emperor Grade Spirit Grass (2 more)

Wildfire City, Lingbao Mountain. ()

Lingbao Mountain is not a mountain, but a big sign. It is a huge shop that sells all kinds of treasures. As long as there is a price, there are emperor-level treasures.

Treasures at the emperor rank are basically worthless and can only be exchanged for things. Therefore, in Lingbao Mountain, exchange is the main thing.

Xuantian wanted an emperor-level spirit pill, so he inquired about it in Wildfire City, and Lingbaoshan was the most high-end of the merchants doing such business.

"Master and girl, do you need anything?" Xuantian and Long Ziyan walked into Lingbao Mountain, and a beautiful girl greeted them.

Lingbao Mountain is very large, occupying more than ten miles of the area, and there are many palaces.

This beautiful girl is one of the maids that Lingbaoshan is in charge of receiving. There are quite a few like her, but her cultivation is a first-class emperor.

It is only possible for the emperor to be a maid in a place like Jianzhou.

Xuantian nodded to the beautiful girl and said, "Emperor-level spirit pill."

The beautiful girl was slightly surprised, the emperor-level spirit pills were expensive, and generally only emperors would buy them, while Xuantian and Long Ziyan were just quasi-emperors.

But not all quasi emperors, like Xuantian and Long Ziyan, can use emperor-level spirit pills, and ordinary quasi emperors simply cannot bear it.

"Can the two have enough spirit stones? Or is it the same treasure exchange?" the beautiful girl asked.

This is a bit impolite to ask.

However, it was reasonable that the two quasi-emperors wanted to buy an emperor-level spirit pill, and as a maid, they led the person to the person in charge, which was a bit dereliction of duty.

Xuan Tian has a lot of high-grade spirit stones, but the purchase of emperor-level spirit pills usually refers to the best-grade spirit stones, which are considered to be the best items for emperors in addition to the emperor-level spirit pills. It can be used as currency in circulation, and high-grade spirit stones are of no use to the emperor.

Xuantian said: "I have some blood-stripe purple gold, can the girl change some emperor-level spirit pills?"

Bloodline purple gold, the material for forging the imperial level spirit sword, is considered to be an imperial level material, but the material for forging the spirit sword is very rare, and the bloodline purple gold mine is extremely rare in Jianzhou, and its value is very high.

Although compared to the emperor, the bloodline purple gold is basically useless, but it has a great effect on the emperor. Everyone knows that the imperial sword formation master can easily leapfrog the challenge.

If there are enough emperor-level spirit swords and a well-trained sword formation, the quasi-emperor will have the power of the emperor, and it is even possible to kill a one-star emperor.

Some of the descendants of the emperor’s relatives may not necessarily have high talents. They can be trained to become emperors. Perhaps the quasi-emperor is the end of their martial arts. At this time, it is very important to have a large number of emperor-level spirit swords. It is a comparable emperor.

Therefore, some emperors with a cultivation level of more than three stars don't need ordinary emperor-level spirit pills, and are very willing to use the emperor-level spirit pills to buy blood-stripe purple gold to forge the emperor-level spirit swords for their descendants.

The beautiful girl nodded immediately and said, "Of course it's enough, please come with me, both of you."

Xuantian and Long Ziyan followed the beautiful girl into the depths of Lingbao Mountain, walked through two courtyards, and came to a quiet attic. They said respectfully: "Master, there are two distinguished guests who exchanged blood pattern purple gold for an emperor spirit Dan."

"Oh...!" A slightly surprised voice came from the attic, "Hurry up and invite them in."

The beautiful girl invited Xuantian and Long Ziyan into the attic, and there was an old man in a green shirt standing inside, looking at them.

Seeing that Xuantian and Long Ziyan were just quasi emperors, his eyes were a little surprised.

Although the old man in the blue shirt did not release his cultivation base, Xuantian could also feel a faint emperor from him. He was a one-star emperor.

Lingbaoshan can do the business of emperor-level treasures, it is normal to have emperors, and there is definitely more than one.

The look of surprise in the principal of Lingbao Mountain was fleeting, and he pointed to the seat next to him and smiled: "The old man is the principal of Lingbao Mountain, Zhu Li, please sit down."

At this time, the beautiful girl retired.

Xuantian and Long Ziyan sat down, Zhu Li also sat down in the main seat, and said, "How many bloodstained purple gold do you have?"

Xuantian smiled faintly, didn't rush to answer, and said, "Master Zhu, blood-stripe purple gold and emperor-level spirit pills, how is the exchange method?"

Seeing that Xuantian didn't disclose, Zhu Li didn't forcefully ask, and said: "Ten Jin bloodline purple gold, exchange for an emperor-level spirit pill."

A catty of bloodline purple gold can forge an imperial-level spirit sword, which is equivalent to replacing ten imperial-level spirit swords for an emperor-level spirit pill.

The bloodline purple gold on Xuantian's body still has tens of thousands of catties, and the total amount of replacement is probably more than a thousand emperor-level spirit pills, and I don't know if it will be enough for two to become an emperor.

Xuantian asked, "If I exchange bloodline purple gold for the Emperor Grade Spirit Grass, how can I change it?"

Zhu Li gave Xuantian a weird look, then changed the spirit grass? The medicinal effect of the spirit grass is much worse than that of the spirit pill, and not everyone can refine the emperor-level spirit grass into a spirit pill. You need an emperor-level pill pharmacist, even in Jianzhou, there are very few emperor-level pharmacists. .

Zhu Li said: "If you change an emperor-level spirit grass, you will get a five-jin bloodline purple gold."

One imperial-level spirit grass can make one imperial-level spirit pill, and even if an emperor-level medicine master makes mistakes, one hundred imperial-level spirit grass can make 90 emperor-level spirit pills. That's pretty good.

It's even more worthwhile to exchange for the Emperor-class spirit grass directly.

Xuantian said: "I don't know how many emperor-level spirit grasses you have. I would like to exchange all the bloodmark purple gold on my body."

The bloodline purple gold had no effect on Xuantian, and of course he had to replace it with an emperor grade pill that could be cultivated.

Although the value of the bloodline purple gold is relatively cheap compared to the emperor-level spirit pills, tens of thousands of catties of bloodline purple gold can't be exchanged for many spirit pills, and I don't know if it is enough for two people to break through and become an emperor, but they have to change it.

Zhu Li said: "Even though the emperor-level spirit grass is very rare, we still have some in Lingbao Mountain. Blue phoenix grass, phoenix spirit grass, nine sun flower, and blood jade vine are all emperor-level spirit grasses. There are two of these four types of Lingbao Mountain. More than a thousand plants."

Xuantian was overjoyed and said, "I have 11,200 catties of purple gold with blood marks, and I have changed all of them."

Zhu Li thought that the announcement of more than two thousand emperor-level spirit grasses would make Xuantian, the quasi-emperor, shake. This could be exchanged for ten thousand catties of bloodline purple gold. In Zhu Li’s view, Xuantian might have a few thousand catties. The bloodline purple gold is terrific, but I didn't expect that Xuantian would have tens of thousands of catties. If the emperor-level spirit grass is less, it will not be replaced.

There are more than two thousand imperial-level spirit grasses, but more than two thousand imperial-level spirit pills can be refined.

It’s just that Xuantian and Long Ziyan’s Gang Yuan is too thick, much thicker than a one-star emperor, and even a two-star emperor can’t be compared, so the energy accumulation needed to become an emperor is too much, more than two thousand emperor spirits Dan may not be enough.

If it were replaced by someone else, so many emperor-level spirit pills, almost enough for a two-star emperor to cultivate to the realm of a three-star emperor, this is a huge sum of money.

Surprised to surprise, Xuantian has so many bloodmarks and purple gold, which still makes Zhu Li very happy. Lingbaoshan directly exchanged the emperor-level spirit grass, so there is no need to ask the emperor-level medicine master to refine the pill, otherwise the emperor-level medicine master will have to divide it. For half of the income, if Lingbaoshan were exchanged for the pill and Xuantian, it would be better to directly exchange for the spirit grass with Xuantian, and the benefit would be even greater.

Xuantian took out all the bloodmarked purple gold, Zhu Li also took out enough of the emperor-level spirit grass, the two exchanged, Xuantian's bloodmarked purple gold was gone, but a total of two thousand two hundred and one Seventeen imperial spirit grasses.

The chaotic sacred cauldron can automatically refine the pill. Xuantian does not need to find an emperor-level pill master. Moreover, the chaotic saints cauldron can usually produce double the pill, that is to say, more than two thousand emperor-level spiritual grasses. The tripod can make more than four thousand emperor-level spirit pills.

Xuantian can only exchange more than a thousand emperor-level spirit pills directly, while the emperor-level spirit grass can be refined with the chaos holy cauldron, and the harvest is four times higher.

"If I use the Primordial Sacred Cauldron to refine alchemy and buy Lingcao Lingdan, I will definitely make a fortune." Xuantian couldn't help thinking.

After the transaction was completed, Zhu Li happily sent Xuantian and Long Ziyan out of the attic, with more than 10,000 catties of blood-stripe purple gold. This was a huge business. Although Xuantian made huge profits, it was not a big profit for Lingbaoshan. Selling bloodmark purple gold to those emperors with four or more stars, at least more than 3,000 emperor-level spirit grasses can be exchanged for a full 50% profit.

Xuantian returned to the lobby from the backyard. Two level 7 and level 8 emperors walked past him. Soon the beautiful girl walked over and said with a smile: "My son, girl, do you have any other needs?"

The two shook their heads.

The beautiful girl led Xuantian and Long Ziyan to the door, and bowed respectfully: "Welcome you two to come again next time."

When Xuantian and Long Ziyan left Lingbao Mountain, somewhere in the corner of the lobby, the two men in black who had just walked by Xuantian and Long Ziyan sat together. They looked back from the door with their faces sneer.

"Brother, is it done?" The black-clothed humanity of the seventh-level emperor said.

The black-clothed man of the eighth-level emperor nodded and said: "Zhang Mingfan, how can Feng Mengde make a move? When I look at these two people, I know that they are not from Jianzhou, either from other areas or from Coming from an alien planet, hum, this kind of female doesn't understand anything, it's the easiest to clean up."

"Hehehe..." Zhang Mingfan laughed comfortably, "They came out of the backyard, and inside was the place where the Emperor-class treasures were traded. It seems that the two of them have valuable treasures."

Feng Mengde nodded, and said, "Well! Maybe today we will have a big gain in the cloudy sky."

Zhang Mingfan said: " They should be out of town soon, we will catch up."


The two quickly left Lingbao Mountain, looking at Xuantian and Long Ziyan in the distance, chasing and flying out of Wildfire City.

However, when they flew out of Wildfire City, Xuantian and Long Ziyan were already gone.

"How are these two people so fast?" Zhang Mingfan frowned.

Feng Mengde said: "I cast a shadowless curse. When I reach the ends of the world, I can't escape my palm. When they stop, hum, come with me——!"

When the voice fell, Feng Mengde and Zhang Mingfan's cultivation base suddenly exploded, exuding the silk of imperial prestige, stepping out in one step, and the two teleported forward for more than a million miles at the same time.

"Hey...! Their speed is indeed not slow, they have ran three million miles away, but they stopped, we go to clean them up." Feng Mengde grinned sinfully.


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