The Supreme Sword

Chapter 1071: 】Girl, get some real skills

[Chapter 1071] Girl, get some real skills (2 more)

Xuantian walked in the sea of ​​fire following Jianzhu's instructions. ()

Although there were many dangerous areas in the fierce fire of the Nine Palaces, they were all avoided by Xuantian.

As for the fire dragon attacks that appeared from time to time in the formation, it did not affect Xuantian.

On the stone pillar, Duanmuying, Qin Fei, Zhao Yan, and Qi Jin were all observing the surrounding fire, frowning slightly, observing the battle.

They are all geniuses of the world. Although they are not too old, they have learned a lot. With the ups and downs of the stone pillars, they have entered the sea of ​​fire for several times.

After a short while, the roar sounded again, and all the stone pillars sank down again.

Duanmuying, Qin Fei, Zhao Yan and Qi Jin sank into the fire again.

But at this time, Xuantian had already traveled a dozen miles in the sea of ​​flames, walking in constantly changing directions under the instructions of Jianzhu, and finally came to the exit of the formation.

The fire there was extremely fierce, and the flames felt even hotter than elsewhere. If you don't know the basis of the formation, anyone would be farther away.

Xuantian stepped forward boldly, only to discover that in this fierce flame, it was not as hot as he imagined. Instead, the temperature instantly dropped, and the surrounding flames retreated in all directions and disappeared.

Xuantian felt that he had passed through a thin layer of void barrier, completely left the formation space, and appeared in an empty hall, which was in the Chiyang Hall.

There is no main hall in this Chiyang Hall, but a separate main hall, very empty, about twenty feet long and ten feet wide.

In front of Xuantian, deep in the hall, there was a nine-step high platform with a large seat on it, and an old man with white hair in a red robe sat on it.

The red-robed old man closed his eyes tightly, and there was no breath surging, but he was a dead man.

Presumably, it was the master of this Chiyang Emperor's Mansion-Chiyang Sword Emperor.

Sword Emperor Chiyang failed to ascend into a **** more than 3,000 years ago, and finally became a demigod in the mortal world. He was a top figure in that era. His strength was so powerful that he could be said to be a god.

Dead for more than three thousand years, for the body of a demigod, it is obviously not yet ready to rot. Therefore, the Red Sun Sword Emperor on the seat looks like he died yesterday, although there is a dead silence. Breath, but not dry.

Xuantian took a quick look at Sword Emperor Chiyang, and then moved up. About ten meters above the high platform, there was a fist-sized ball floating.

This round bead is dazzling white as jade, and its light is blooming. Xuantian looked away from it, very dazzling.

"What a heavy Yang breath." Xuan Tian exclaimed in his heart.

That dazzling white jade bead is more yang energy than the extreme sun bead that Xuantian once obtained.

"This is the polar sun red jade that the four people talked about outside the imperial mansion? How do you feel a bit like the polar sun bead?" Xuantian said, "could it be that this is the extremely sun in the Great Red Flame Desert. The resulting Extreme Sun Pearl? It’s just a different name?"

Jian Chi sensed Xuantian’s heart, and said, “This is not a simple polar sun bead. It has been used by people. It should be the Chiyang Sword Emperor who obtained this polar sun bead more than 3,000 years ago. After being sacrificed by him for a lifetime, some changes have occurred, but this is a good change. Now that the Red Sun Sword Emperor is dead, I am afraid that his life's understanding of the profound meaning of Yang lies in this pearl. If you get this pearl, In the future, the understanding of the profound meaning of Yang will become extremely smooth."

Xuantian smiled slightly and said in his heart: "That is no different from the Extreme Sun Pearl, and now the four of them are still trapped in the formation, this Extreme Sun Red Jade belongs to me."

As he spoke, Xuantian stretched out his palm, and a big Gang Yuan hand suddenly rose into the sky and grabbed the Chi-yang Chiyu above the high platform.


Gang Yuan's big hand was about ten feet away from the polar sun red jade, and suddenly there was an explosion, and a red light curtain suddenly appeared, stopping in front of Gang Yuan's big hand.

Gang Yuan's big hand hit the red light curtain, and it was shattered, but the red light curtain was only a small wave.

The red light curtain wrapped the entire high platform, from the ground to the top of the hall, there was no gap.

This is another seal. If you want to obtain the polar sun red jade, you must first break this seal.

"Sword crazy, wish me a helping hand." Xuantian said in a voice transmission.

After a second thought, countless sword lights flew out of Xuantian's body, turning into a starry sky in the sky, forming the Great Zhoutian Star Sword Formation.

Xuantian immediately controlled the power of the sword formation, condensed into a huge lightsaber, and slashed towards the seal ahead.

The sword idiot also condensed and formed in an instant, and appeared beside Xuan Tian, ​​with **** together, cutting out a silky sword light.


The huge explosion sound, shaking the earth.

The red light curtain vibrated violently, but did not directly collapse.

This seal was much stronger than the seal that Xuantian had attacked in the Soul Forbidden Hall and the Pill Medicine Hall.

The seal in the Pill Palace can be broken by his two sword array attacks, and the sword idiot can break it with a single finger sword, but now the two have joined forces, the seal has been resisted.

In particular, it seems that this polar sun red jade is indeed very precious.


A huge explosion sounded again, and Xuantian and Jianchi then launched a second attack.





After the explosion sounded more than ten times in a row, this time the red light curtain was finally broken amidst the explosion sound, and quickly retreated from both sides, turning into nothingness in the blink of an eye.

The red light curtain was finally broken, the polar sun red jade was in front of him, and a smile appeared on Xuantian's face. What about the royal families of the four empires? Still trapped in the formation now.

The gazes of Qin Fei, Zhao Yan, and Qi Jin, Xuantian can remember very clearly, presumably the three of them thought he was dead. If they had broken through the Jiugong Fierce Fire Array, they found that the polar sun red jade was gone and they were extremely despised. The Zhun emperor took it, presumably his expression will become extremely exciting.

When the gesture was closed, the stars in the sky turned into sword light and retracted into the body.

The sword idiot also turned into a black light and flew into the Xuanyuan sword fragments behind Xuantian's back.

"How is it possible...? You actually passed the formation one step earlier and got here?"

At this moment, suddenly a surprised voice sounded behind Xuantian.

It was a female voice, whose voice made Xuantian a little familiar, and it was Duanmuying.

She was the first of the four young emperors to pass through the formation and come to the Red Sun Palace.

However, what she didn't expect was that the young quasi emperor who disappeared shortly after entering the Nine Palaces Fierce Fire Array, came here even earlier than her.

She was so determined that she couldn't help being shocked at this moment. She had never expressed any interest in this young quasi-emperor, and she hadn't put it in her eyes. Now it seems that she despised him too much.

Xuantian turned his head, looked at Duanmuying with a smile, and said, "The girl is late, this polar sun red jade belongs to me."

After saying this, Xuantian stretched out his arm, and a big hand from Gang Yuan grabbed Jiyang Chiyu.

"Hey--!" Duanmuying suddenly pointed a finger, and her fingers turned into a cyan leaf, which flew out in an instant, splitting Xuantian's big hand of Gang Yuan into two halves, "In this imperial palace space The items of, are all things without a master, the extremely sun red jade has not fallen into your hands, it means that it is not in your hands, this young man, at the same time, see the treasure, the stronger one will get it, if you want this Jiyang Chiyu, you must first win over the little girl."

The implication is that if Xuantian can't defeat her, this polar sun red jade will belong to her.

The Chiyang Red Jade contains the Chiyang Sword Emperor’s lifelong comprehension of the profound meaning of Yang. It has reached the extreme. Any emperor can obtain it. It will have a great effect. The understanding of the profound meaning of Yang will become smooth sailing, and the strength will be improved a lot.

Although the red light curtain was broken open by Xuantian and Xuantian red jade was also seen by Xuantian first, the treasures in the Chiyang Emperor’s mansion have always been the one who saw it first. Xuantian has not yet removed this extremely sun. Chi Yu received it, and it was still nothing.

Moreover, even if Xuantian had already got the polar sun red jade in his hands, other people could still grab it, but the meaning was a little different.

Before the treasure is determined, it is a struggle to grab the treasure, but if it has an ownership, it is a grab to grab it again.

Fighting and grabbing have two different meanings.

At this moment, Duanmuying was about to compete with Xuantian for this polar sun red jade.

That day, I glanced at the Chiyang Chiyu above the high platform, and instead of trying to catch it, he turned and looked at Duanmu Ying.

Endless sword light flew out from Xuan Tian's body and turned into a large Zhoutian star sword formation that hung above the sky. Xuan Tian looked directly at the woman with a veil mask in front of him, and said: "Then Xuanmou is here to teach the girl's brilliant tricks. "

Duanmuying's body shook slightly when she heard the words, her eyes suddenly revealed an inexplicable look, staring at Xuantian's face.

However, immediately his gaze became normal, and Duanmu Ying said, "My son, I'm taking a shot...!"

Xuantian is only a quasi-district cultivation base. Although Duanmuying knows that the former can definitely leapfrog to challenge, Duanmuying herself can also leapfrog to challenge.

Even though the young quasi emperor in front of her has a combat power comparable to that of the **** child, the quasi emperor's cultivation can reach the limit of the two-star emperor, that is not her opponent.

Although she has the cultivation base of the two-star emperor, her combat power is already the limit of the three-star emperor.

Therefore, Duanmuying reminded her before she made her move, lest Xuantian would be caught off guard and lose too badly under her.

She had never met the young Zhundi in front of her. There was no hatred. She was just fighting for the extreme sun and red jade. With her way of being a person, she did not want the latter to be too embarrassing.

After she finished speaking, Duanmuying began to make A fierce breath emanated from her body. With every change in her gestures, every cyan sword light burst out and gathered in her body. , Turned into a huge green leaf.

Top imperial martial arts-Qingye Jianjue.

call out--

With a wave of Duanmu Ying's hand, that huge green leaf sword light broke through the void in an instant, slashing towards Xuantian.

Xuantian raised his hand and slashed forward randomly, and suddenly a bright lightsaber burst out of the sword formation, slashing with the green leaf sword light.


With a loud explosion, the green leaf sword light and the sword array lightsaber slashed together, and after only a breath, the green leaf sword light shattered.

"Girl, if you want to win Xuanmou, you have to show some real skills." Xuan Tian curled his mouth and smiled slightly.

(The headache is very serious today, the update is a bit late, ask for a recommendation ticket to cure the headache!)


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