The Supreme Sword

Chapter 1077: Emperor Xuantian Cheng

[Chapter 1077] Xuantian Chengdi (2 more, ask for monthly pass)

Swallowing spiritual will, Xuantian has seen it many times before. (w@[email protected]@o@m)

But that was the sword infatuation swallowing the spiritual will of others, and this was the first time that Xuantian's own spiritual will was swallowed by others.

Carrying an ancestor-level figure who swallowed his spiritual will, he was actually swallowed by someone else's spiritual will. This is really a laugh.

However, Xuantian couldn't be ridiculous at this moment. The mental pain was stronger than the physical body. This feeling of divine consciousness being swallowed forcibly, was like someone slowly sawing the brain open with sawtooths.

For the dead strong, the spiritual will still remains immortal. It is not the first time that Xuantian has encountered the existence of secret methods, but he has encountered small king-level characters before. The Scarlet Sun Sword Emperor is a demigod. .

The spirit will of the demigod is about to be compared with the gods, although it is not the whole soul, it is also very powerful, far from the soul of the early stage and peak of the eighth stage.

Xuantian's will was firm, and even though he was in pain, he could still control the movement of his divine thoughts. Those divine thoughts that had not been swallowed up were recovered from the polar sun red jade like an electric shock.

"Haha...! Where do you go, boy, not only your divine mind, but your soul is the nourishment of this seat, you can't escape the palm of this seat."

The joyful laughter came from the polar sun red jade, and in an instant, a red figure rushed out of it, and immediately after Xuantian's retracted spirit, he rushed toward Xuantian's eyebrows.

The speed of this red figure was a bit faster than the speed at which Xuantian could withdraw his spiritual thoughts, and saw one after another of his spiritual thoughts being caught by the red figure, every thought was a tiny Xuantian, directly After being mouthed by the red figure, he swallowed it.


Most of Xuantian's spiritual thoughts retracted his eyebrows, and when the scarlet figure touched Xuantian's skin, a strange voice sounded from behind Xuantian.

Jianzhu shot, turned into a pitch black whirlpool, floating above Xuantian's head, floating quickly.

A powerful swallowing force radiated from the pitch-black whirlpool.

The sound of the word "B" has an extraordinary effect on the soul, and the scarlet figure was shocked when he heard the sound.

However, even at the beginning of the eighth stage, the souls heard the sound of the word'Bai' that would be sucked into the pitch black whirlpool, but it only shocked the red figure, and then was not affected anymore, and continued to rush to Xuantian's eyebrows. go with.

This is a demigod's divine mind, although it is only a divine mind, but the essence is very powerful, far incomparable to the soul of the eighth stage early stage.

However, the red figure finally shook, and in that instant, Xuantian had already exploded back ten meters.


There was a burst of lightning, and a three-legged small tripod with lightning flashes suddenly rushed out from the center of Xuantian's eyebrows, and hit the red figure that came into the center of the eyebrows.

The thunder and lightning had a restraining effect on the ghost, but the red figure was not afraid at all, and went straight forward and collided with the holy cauldron of thunder.

With a clang, the Sacred Cauldron of Thunder was knocked into flight in an instant, but the red figure only paused and continued to rush towards Xuantian.

"It's really unreasonable for a little divine mind to dare to swallow the soul of others in front of the great sword idiot...!"

The sword idiot's voice sounded, full of anger. He is a divine mind in the godhead of the main god. Its essence is much stronger than the spiritual will of any mortal martial artist. The will of the demigod is not worth mentioning in front of him. After the injury, it was difficult to swallow this demigod spirit in the weak period.

If the Chiyang Sword Emperor’s divine mind swallowed Xuantian’s primordial spirit, and seized her to occupy Xuantian’s body, then Jianzhu felt that he could buy a piece of tofu and killed him. This would be a great insult to him. .


The pitch-black vortex suddenly turned into a gust of wind blowing, and before the red figure caught up with Xuantian, the former was involved.

"What is this?" Chiyang Sword Emperor's slightly surprised voice sounded, and then turned into a surprise: "It turned out to be the idea of ​​a god? Haha..., a damaged idea of ​​the god, the gods help, swallowed this The thoughts of Taoism, this seat can condense the godhead, and become a **** in the future."

"Bastard, little ant, I want to devour the great sword madness...!" Jian mad's rage sounded. It can be imagined that he is indeed very angry at this moment. He has devoured the spiritual will of others for a lifetime, but today There is a demigod spirit that wants to swallow him.

In the gusty wind, the two silhouettes revolved rapidly and seemed to be fighting. Although the essence of the sword idiot was strong, it was in a damaged state, and it was impossible to suppress the red silhouette for a while.

The two silhouettes are fast like lightning, flying around in the Chiyang Palace. Xuantian wants to attack, but it is difficult to attack. It is too dangerous to escape from the original soul. His eighth-stage early soul is in the scarlet silhouette. Not enough in front of you.

Therefore, Xuan Tian and Long Ziyan could only stare dryly at the battle between Jian Chi and Chiyang Sword Emperor's spirit.

In the battle, the scarlet figure seemed to have the upper hand, and the momentum was surging. The sword idiot was injured. Although the essential strength was strong, it was completely unable to show it. Under the attack of the scarlet figure, it appeared to be like a lone boat in the huge waves.

However, Jianzhi is a figure in the gods after all. Even if his spiritual consciousness is damaged, there are many methods. Although it is like a lonely boat, no matter how fierce the waves come, they cannot sink it.

A group of lights and shadows flew around in the Chiyang Palace. After half an hour, Jian Mo and Chiyang Sword Emperor could not tell the outcome. The two seemed to be in a deadlock. Chiyang Sword Emperor changed his arrogance. In his tone, the more he frightened the more he fought, the damaged divine mind turned out to be extremely tough, and he couldn't help it.

Instead, fighting back and forth, he became tired, but the other party became more and more courageous, his disadvantages gradually changed, and now he had the upper hand.

Looking at the light and shadow, the scarlet figure was getting dim. Xuantian knew that in this battle, the sword idiot had finally won. Although he was damaged and his strength was greatly reduced, the secret methods were endless, which is the demigod of Sword Emperor Chiyang Comparable.

Finally, after fighting for about an hour, Jianchi turned into a pitch-black whirlpool, completely enveloped the red figure, the sound of the fierce fighting ceased, and the whirlpool dissipated, leaving Jianchi alone, flying into the Xuanyuan sword fragments. .

"Xuantian, the power of this little ant's divine consciousness is not small. I have only suppressed him now. I can't refining and absorb it. I have to absorb some eighth rank souls before I have the power to completely swallow this divine consciousness. For a while, I want to suppress this little ant’s spiritual thoughts, but I can’t help you anymore. The polar sun red jade is no longer dangerous. You can refine it directly. There are many little ants’ remaining power to nourish the seal. The divine mind is immortal, you can refine the polar sun red jade, you can absorb the power inside, maybe you can directly help you become an emperor."

After the sword idiot entered the Xuanyuan sword fragment, his voice came into Xuantian's mind.

Xuantian nodded, once again released his divine consciousness, entered the polar sun red jade, and refined.

This time, there was no block anymore, and the polar sun red jade was completely refined within a short period of time.

Sure enough, Xuantian noticed that there was a powerful energy in the polar sun red jade, which was not a power of profound meaning, but a heaven and earth spiritual liquid that was nourishing to the flesh and divine mind.

When Xuantian thought, all the heaven and earth spirits in the polar sun red jade flew out and was swallowed by him.

As long as you can become an emperor, you can go anywhere. This time Xuantian is going to experience the emperor's robbery. Don't worry about anyone coming to disturb him. Judging from the power of the emperor's robbery, I am afraid that even a true demigod will come in Xuantian. Under the robbery of Emperor Chengdi, retreat.

The spirit of heaven and earth enters the body and instantly turns into pure energy, which spreads throughout the body along the meridians.

Xuantian himself had already reached the peak of the quasi-emperor, and his spiritual body was only one line away from breaking through the seventh rank. At this moment, when these surging and pure energy entered the body, Xuantian immediately took that step, and the spiritual body quickly strengthened.

With just a hundred breaths or so, Xuantian's spiritual body has undergone a completely reborn change, from the sixth-order limit to the initial stage of the seventh-order.

When the spirit body breaks through to the early stage of the seventh stage, he is the emperor, but to become a true emperor, he has to go through the test of calamity.


In the center of the Red Flame Desert, at this moment, the wind and clouds changed color, and the sky and the earth were shaken.

Above the sky, dark clouds gathered together, thunder roared, and lightning appeared, converging into a whirlpool, and there were winds roaring in the void, and water and fire dragons churned.

"The calamity has come down!" Xuan Tian felt a movement in his heart.

Looking at the Scarlet Sun Palace, Xuantian knew that if his Chengdi Tribulation were to be smashed, the Scarlet Sun Emperor Mansion would have to be shattered under the Tribulation.

With Xuantian's thoughts moving, the Chiyang Emperor's Mansion disappeared in an instant, turning into a small palace, falling into his palm, and his figure appeared on the top of the intersection of the nine mountain ranges where Chiyang Emperor's Mansion was previously located.

At the moment when Xuantian put away the Chiyang Emperor's Mansion, all the emperors in the Emperor's Mansion space also felt the surrounding world change, appearing on the Jiutiao Mountain Range.

"what happened?"

"Where is the Chiyang Emperor's Mansion? Where is the Emperor's Mansion?"

"We have been attacking the seal of that treasure house for half an hour, and it may be about to break open. Why is Chiyang Emperor Mansion missing?"


Suddenly, the depressed voices of many emperors sounded.


However, at this moment, a thunder in the sky surprised all the emperors, and when they looked up, their expressions changed.

Above the sky, a huge thunder sea vortex is spinning rapidly, inside thunder and lightning dragons and snakes shuttle, thunder palace pagodas stand, a personal thunder and lightning can stand or or walk or fly.

And in the sky, there are winds and winds that are dozens of miles long, one after another, fire dragons and water dragons, fire birds and ice phoenix densely flying in the sky.

The vision in the sky almost shrouded a range of thousands of miles, and the terrifying power made any emperor fearful.

Seeing that, it seems that there is a heavenly calamity coming, but the emperors present have not seen such a terrifying heavenly calamity. This kind of momentum, even if they become the emperor's robbery, is more than tenfold.

(The second is more.

Xuantian has finally become an emperor, brothers and sisters come to a monthly pass to congratulate you.

The monthly ticket is still in the 20th in the fantasy, let alone the top ten, it is not a small distance from the 15th, such a ranking is very shocking, please give me some motivation.

Continue to code words at night, today, there must be five shifts!

Ask for a monthly pass! ! ! )


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