The Supreme Sword

Chapter 1084: 】Water and fire mixed wind thunder

[Chapter 1084] Water, fire, wind and thunder (2 more)

Somewhere in Jianzhou, on a peak of nearly ten thousand meters in the lofty mountains. ()

Xuantian sat quietly.

In front of him, stood an ancient tripod with flowing water, about three meters high, which was the holy tripod of water.

Xuantian has already refined the sacred cauldron of water. At this moment, he is comprehending the profound meaning of water. With the sacred cauldron of water, he is condensing the soul of water.

Not far from Xuantian, Long Ziyan sat on the grass, watching with an old map in her hand.

This is a map she obtained in the Treasure Hall of Chiyang Emperor's Mansion.

What is drawn on this map is a starry sky.

Long Ziyan keenly felt that there was a faint dragon aura on this map. Although the dragon aura was very subtle and almost non-existent despite the age, Long Ziyan had the top bloodline of the dragon family, so she felt it.

If Chiyang Sword Emperor can conceal it in the Treasure Hall, there must be something unusual somewhere in the starry sky drawn on this map.

Time passed slowly like water.

In a blink of an eye, more than three months have passed, Xuantian has condensed into the soul of water, comprehending the profound meaning of water to the limit, and reaching the peak of Tier 8 just like the power of wind, fire, chaos, thunder, and sun.

The seven profound meanings understood by Xuantian. Chaos, water, fire, wind, and thunder were realized by the five sacred cauldrons. The profound meaning of Yang was understood by the polar sun red jade. Only the profound meaning of earth was still in the early eighth stage. , Yan Huang Tu has no help for understanding the profound meaning of soil above the eighth rank.

If the profound meaning of the earth also comprehend the eighth peak, Xuantian would be able to cultivate the Seventh Rank Sword Pill.

As the strongest attacking swordsmanship, the skill of the Nine Turns Sword Pill maximizes the attacking power of the martial artist. In this regard, no god-level martial arts can match it. Perhaps, Xuantian refines the Seven Turns Sword Pill. The cultivation base of the realm still threatened an emperor who was four realms higher than his own.

Xuantian's original plan was to comprehend the profound meaning of water to the limit, and then set off to the central area of ​​Jianzhou, to see the ancient pagoda of Fengshen, to test his potential for becoming a god.

However, when Xuantian successfully condensed the primordial spirit of water and comprehended the profound meaning of water to the eighth peak, a strange feeling suddenly occurred in his heart. The four holy cauldrons of chaos, wind, thunder, and fire in his body were all slightly There was a tremor.

This shocked Xuantian's spirit.

It seems that he refined the five sacred cauldrons, and among these five sacred cauldrons, some inductions were automatically generated, which Xuantian had never encountered before.

The four sacred cauldrons in his body are distinct. Although they are not mutually exclusive, they are not related to each other.

It is easy for Xuantian to use the power of the four holy cauldrons at the same time, but it is extremely difficult to combine the power of the four holy cauldrons into one.

So far, Xuantian can only combine the power of the two holy cauldrons, such as the wind and fire sword, the thunder fire sword, the wind thunder sword... and so on.

When the Supreme Sword Art was used, although all the power of the profound meaning was used, it was only used at the same time, not as one.

All kinds of powers of uprightness are gathered together to use, although the power is amazing, but there is absolutely no powerful force that is unified.

At this moment, Xuantian sensed that the five sacred cauldrons felt each other, which made him feel happy. Perhaps, the powers of the five profound essences of chaos, water, fire, wind, and thunder hopefully merge into one.

If this is the case, then Xuantian’s combat power will have another big breakthrough. The five powers combined into one, are probably not much weaker than the power of the Seven Turns Sword Pill, killing the four-star emperor. If they are equally idle, even the five-star emperor can contend.

With a move of Xuantian's heart, he immediately took out the four sacred cauldrons of Chaos, Wind, Thunder and Fire, and controlled the sacred cauldron of water to fly. The five saints suspended around Xuantian and slowly rotated.

In Xuantian's eyebrows, the five primordial spirits of chaos, water, fire, wind, and thunder also turned, but they were centered on the chaotic primordial spirit, and the four primordial spirits of water, fire, wind and thunder were suspended around.

It seems that the sacred cauldrons have their own induction, but the power of this induction is very weak, and the more the number of holy cauldrons together, the power of this induction is superimposed on each other, and Xuantian finally noticed it.

In the case of the four sacred cauldrons, this kind of induction was almost non-existent. When the five sacred cauldrons came together, there were not weak fluctuations.

There are a total of nine saints, five of them are gathered together, the number is more than half, and it is still the number of ninety-five, and this has changed.

Xuantian felt the five sacred cauldrons, the power of the five attributes, before they knew it, they slowly merged.

"Xuantian, it seems that you have comprehended the five sacred cauldrons and have a new understanding of the saints. If you can integrate the power of the five sacred cauldrons, you can certainly sense the existence of other sacred cauldrons through this power. In this way, it will be much less difficult for you to find Jiuding." Jianzhu's voice sounded in Xuantian's mind.

After more than three months of refining and assimilation, Jian Mo had completely refined the souls that had been swallowed in the fifth stage of the eighth stage. The Demigod Spirit of the Chiyang Sword Emperor had also been refined and absorbed by Jian Mo.

Xuantian smiled with a knowing smile, and felt at ease, combining the five great powers of chaos, water, fire, wind, and thunder into one.

Now Xuantian has five sacred cauldrons in his hands, knowing that the wooden sacred cauldron and the earth sacred cauldron are on Sikongding and Qin Shiyu respectively, and the whereabouts of the yin and yang sacred cauldrons are unknown.

Looking blindly, wanting to find the two saints of Yin and Yang can only rely on luck, almost like finding a needle in a haystack.

However, if Xuantian could sense the positions of other saints, it would be much easier to find them.

The fusion of the power of these five sacred cauldrons greatly increased Xuantian's hope of collecting Jiuding.

Time flows slowly.

Xuantian is fusing the five profound powers every day, and Long Ziyan has also stepped up his time to practice. Xuantian has already refined all the emperor-level spirit grass into a million-emperor-level spirit pill, enough for two to cultivate to the three-star emperor. Both are more than enough.

As for the little tiger, he regards this mountain as its lair. In this monster beast territory, he occupies a large area of ​​territory. He often goes out and shuttles through the lofty mountains to hunt down other monster emperors for food.

Although Xiaohu was only a two-star demon emperor, he was a sacred beast. It was easy to kill the four-star demon emperor, and he was completely the overlord of this lofty mountain.

Fortunately, the little tiger does not eat much. It only preys once a day for more than four months. It has only killed more than a hundred demon emperors. If the little tiger eats ten in a day, I am afraid the demon beast emperor in this lofty mountain will fall. More than half.

It had been more than five months since Xuantian came to Jianzhou in mid-December 10011 of the ancient posterior calendar.

After about a month of fusion, Xuantian finally merged the essence of the profound meaning that he had understood from the five great saints into one.

The integration of the five profound essences of chaos, water, fire, wind, and thunder gave Xuantian a vaguely deeper understanding of the power of the profound meaning. It seems that he has begun to slowly touch the power of the holy cauldron. secret.

However, the comprehension of this matter is still very vague, just a slight sense, and there is no gain.

Xuantian merged the five profound essences into swordsmanship, and created a swordsmanship called "Water, Fire, Wind and Thunder".

Although the name was straightforward, Xuantian tested the destructive power, and it seemed that it was much stronger than the Supreme Sword Art Third Form. It was considered the strongest attack Xuantian could perform so far.

First, the sword of wind and fire, the sword of thunder and fire..., now to the "water and fire mixed with wind and thunder", Xuantian, through comprehending the holy cauldron, has created a rapid surge in the power of swordsmanship, and a set of "Supreme Martial Arts" has taken shape.

Xuantian was very sure that as long as the deeper power he had vaguely understood from the sacred cauldron lifted the veil of mystery, his set of "Supreme Martial Arts" would surely have a qualitative breakthrough.

"Holy cauldron! I need more holy cauldrons!" Xuan Tian said in his heart, "The more holy cauldron powers merged, the mysterious power will definitely be able to be understood by me. At that time, maybe it will be away from that Jiuding The secret of power is no longer far away."


Jianzhou is vast and vast, and it occupies more than half of the entire world king star, with a radius of at least tens of billions of miles. As the main star of the entire sword world, the largest life planet, the world king star is incredibly huge.

The ancient pagoda of Fengshen, located in the center of Jianzhou, is an ancient pagoda that has experienced many years. It has existed since the beginning of the cultivation civilization.

Therefore, warriors throughout the ages have believed that the Fengshen Ancient Pagoda already existed when the world first opened.

Only one star emperor can enter the Conferred God Pagoda, unlimited times.

I heard that in the ancient pagoda of Conferred Gods, if you reach the ninth floor, you will get a lot of gains, and you can quickly comprehend a kind of profound meaning, and if you go to the tenth floor, it will be a great gain, and you can quickly understand it. Three kinds of profound meanings.

Of course, everyone’s harvest is only once in the Conferred God Tower, even if they have the ability to break into the tenth floor, the harvest is only the first time, and there will be no overlap later, but only the eighth floor. No matter how many times it was, there was no gain.

Relatively speaking, the proportion of warriors who can gain something from the ancient pagoda of Chuangfeng God is very small, and there is no one in a thousand.

After all, not every emperor has the potential to cultivate to the nine-star emperor, or even to become a god.

There are no more than five emperors who can gain something from tens of thousands of towers.

However, even if the vast majority of the emperors did not gain anything from the ancient pagoda of the gods, they still couldn't do it.

The number of emperors in Jianzhou cannot be measured by numbers. Although tens of thousands of emperors can hardly be an emperor, the proportion is very small, but the number of emperors is still quite large.

Every day, a large number of one-star emperors come to the ancient pagoda to test their potential.

Some are the first time, some are the several times, and some may be the tenth, dozens of times...

Anyway, the emperor’s life is long, and some one-star emperor’s cultivation base is more than ten years, or even decades. There are more than ten times a year. After decades, it can be hundreds or thousands of times. Up.

After all, even the emperor has illusions about his future, always thinking that there will be a miracle next time.

Therefore, every day, there will be many one-star emperors in the Conferred God Tower.

On December 19, Xuantian, Long Ziyan, and Xiaohu came to the ancient tower city where the Fengshen ancient tower is located.

The ancient tower city does not belong to any empire. It has gathered three religions and nine liu from all over Jianzhou, countless emperors, and it is very lively.

The ancient tower of Fengshen is located in the center of the ancient tower city. There is a huge square with a radius of thousands of miles. The tall ancient tower of Fengshen is located in the center of the square.


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